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Everything posted by RiverSnake

  1. The Path of the Confused

    Being confused can be quite frustrating but its also a state of mind with immense potential. So many people come to conclusions about themselves or god saying "i'm this" and "gods that" yet we limit ourselves by boxing in reality with words. Its often better to just admit we don't know because we have yet to experience it for ourselves. "Confusion is a much better state than conclusion because conclusion means death. Confusion means your looking... all conclusions are stupid because it has nothing to do with reality. Reality can only be know by perceiving not by concluding." Sadghuru My 2 cents, peace
  2. Taoist Relationships

    The better women you are the better man you will attract (practice cultivation). Also i agree that sex and relationships can be very spiritual...after all it is simply a lesser expression of our subconscious higher desire for UNION. However i think there is a very important distinction to make in relationships...it is important to realize that relationships are better and more joyful if they are an expression of your love and joy rather than a means for attaining joy and happiness. Otherwise the relationship becomes parasitic. Also it is important to acknowledge that you can no more hold on and keep a partner than you can hold on to the air in your lungs, if you try to do so and keep a man in your pocket only suffering awaits. -My 2 cents and now a video!!!!
  3. Moderation at the Tao bums

    Maybe its just me... but your sounding like a big panzy Stig. I rather have a philosopher king than democratic (not the same as a republic) rule in which all the citizens have input...shit doesn't get done when you wait on every single persons whim and opinion nor is it practical for an internet forum. My 2 cents peace
  4. Indeed, i understand...that's often how these things are...beyond words.
  5. Marijuana syndromes

    Guru Sadhguru speaks on Marijuana
  6. Difficult People

    It can be difficult to help others directly. I second steves sentiment you help those whom are ready. A less direct way of assisting others is through prayer. Create a prayer that you say daily for your friend. "May my friend find peace and clarity"...etc My 2 cents, Peace
  7. The Eye Never Sleeps

    The Eye Never Sleeps: Striking to the Heart of Zen -I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I have read only a couple of books on Zen and this by far conveyed what it intrinsically means to study and understand zen and what it actually means to be a Buddha. Whats cool is that the book is written by a westerner so he better understands our perspective and therefore how we intellectually digest information. The only thing that may get on peoples nerves is that there is a lot of repetition throughout the book, though i thought it was used to good effect it may bother others. I really enjoyed this book and it gave me a deeper understanding and appreciation for Zen. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0877735697
  8. The point of no return comes back !

    When your transmuting sexual energy remember to bring it back to the dantien or else bad things happen
  9. how would one explain tao to a methodist?

    Indeed i have had this problem many times. The best way i have come to explain Daoism is that it is a philosophy of following the rules and tempo of nature both externally and internally (being true to the self). There is a cycle to everything be it the seasons, the stars and the body. The Daoists recognizes these features of nature and find balance in them and therefore lives an easier and more flowing life. The three virtues of Daoism are: Love, Wisdom and Power. Each require each other and must be kept in balance. Or you can read say "go read the Tao Te Ching" My 2 cents, Peace http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=seMgEls_slw
  10. Advice

    Generally speaking: NO -However, there is a difference between advising others and encouraging introspection. The Buddha used this technique a lot in that he would ask people questions or create stories that encouraged people to look within. So instead of putting yourself on a pedestal by giving advice, you help others find there own inner teacher. Most people have the answers to there own problems. It is never helpful to talk AT someone, especially when they don't ask for your advice. My 2 cents, Peace
  11. Did i discover easy way to meditate ?

    This technique of forced concentration is nothing new. In Tibetan traditions it is called Forceful Zhine and it is considered a precursor or preparatory stage for actual meditation. -You can focus on objects, some other similar practices are candle gazing. http://www.plotinus.com/zhine_tibetan_dream_yoga_copy.htm
  12. What's the first obstacle for a beginner in meditation?

    Indeed, people will tell you a thousand different ways to meditate...but it all comes down to just BEING.
  13. void

    Been practicing Nei Kung for about a year now and have to agree. Its the best thing i have ever done for myself.
  14. Gloabalist Agenda

    Hey been listening to a lot of internet non mainstream news and have been read and hearing a lot about the GLOBALIST AGENDA. The theory is that a small group of perhaps a couple hundred people which run the mega banks of the world are conspiring to take over, globalize, and run human society through a planned and institutionalized economic, agricultural and moral depressions via Keynesian Economics, GMO crops, mass propaganda...etc To be honest i find myself concerned for the future of human society. I myself am just beginning to dip my hand into the amount of information available on this topic and would like others who are more educated on this topic to perhaps weigh in. Found this video online by Alex Jones and its about 2 hours long and talks about the loss of human genetic diversity, eugenics and a thoroughly designed state take over of the U.S. and the world through behind the scenes manipulation of world policy. I would really like to get other peoples input on this topic. Thanks
  15. Gloabalist Agenda

    I just talked with my dad whom is quite politically savy and told him about my concerns and that we should be prepares. He agreed with me and shares my concern with the growing power of the executive branch of the country and our liberties being eroded. My dad whom is a lawyer was actually born in Cuba and saw the revolution go down. He says that he sees the same thing that happened in Cuba is happening here and that the political system has been eroding since the days of Roosevelt. He told me that he never talked to me about these issues before because he knew that i had to formulate my own ideas about politics myself. We had a chat and we both agreed that we should buy a small patch of land in another country for a cheap price. Perhaps in Costa Rica or some other country. My sister is an environmental science and biochemistry major cam help us irrigate. The wheels in my mind are beginning to turn and scheme. Peace
  16. What do you normally do?

    Listen first....speak later
  17. General discussion is not Off Topic

  18. Gloabalist Agenda

    Indeed i have often contemplated just leaving society alone and simply cultivating the Tao, which is the one thing that can never be given or taken. It is my understanding that in the Taoist Tradition (as read in the Water Method by Bruce Frantzis) has 3 different types of Taoists: 1. Right Wing Taoists: those who simply abandon society and live in the country 2. Left Wing Taoists: those who are completely engaged at all levels of society 3. Middle Ground Taoists: those whom live peace in society completely anonymous I cannot say which path is better, i think every individual may have there own unique disposition. Life and ones inner wisdom is the best guide. As for the political situation and global and national conspiracy i think that were slowly losing more and more of our freedoms and the executive branch continues to take more and more authority that is not designated in the constitution. I think this next election will be critical and it is only lack of awareness of the current political ongoings that gives humanity and the governments ego so much power. I do not believe in pushing for change in society through violence or by raising arms (accept in self-defense), but by raising the public awareness on critical issues and supporting candidates that embody a sturdy moral constitution as well as human internal cultivation. When we meditate on issues and raise the awareness or vibration level of society we all can come into greater harmony with the Tao.
  19. Gloabalist Agenda

    -The banks were slammed quite harshly but then were bailed by our own government. -Also to your second statement i tend to agree. There is a dynamic between the people and the government because it is often lack of interest in politics by the people that leads to governments believing they can get away with outright corruption. But i think that the idea that the more government control there is the less personal liberty we have...is a very important paradigm to keep in mind. Whether it is the Globalist Agenda or a multitude of organizations and combination of ignorance of the populace...i think it is quite obvious that government corruption and the erosion of our personal liberties is of the charts. Interesting video below. PS...i know fox news is a right leaning network. I know for a fact that GMOs and there effect on crop genetic diversity is real...i did a research paper on it for a class in spring semester. However, the idea that we are losing human genetic diversity due to eating malnutritious and literally sickening food is a new idea to me which was presented in the video. The first 40 min is an interview with a guy from naturalnews.com Its something i am gonna put some more research into.
  20. Information Wars

    Where do you get your information from on worldly events? I have not watched the news or tv in general for a long time and don't order any kind of printed press simply because i see most official forms of media are in the pocket of organizations and politicians. Yet i would like to be more informed about the politics of our era. I think a lot is at stake in the next election and i would like to be more aware of whats going on in our nation and abroad. I know there are many astute individuals on the tao bums and probably a lot of old 70s hippster dudes on this site whom are quite politically aware. Your input on reliable sources would be much appreciated.
  21. Information Wars

    Been listening to Infowars the last couple days and the perspectives presented seems pretty interesting. Alex Jones talks about Globalists and there infiltration of the government and how their trying to turn the U.S. into a police state. He's also a big Ron Paul advocate. Anyone ever listen to his stuff?
  22. Information Wars

    Thanks everyone for the input. Any more sources you'd like to give are welcome.
  23. Is ken cohen legit? I am studying his work.

    I think its a matter of loving what you do
  24. I do not think that cultivation is as simple as 1 + 1 = 2. It is : 1 + you + karma + 1 = ? Trust in your inner teacher and life will guide you. The path is not a formula.