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Everything posted by RiverSnake

  1. Sense of identity

    To quote a fellow bum: "In order to gain true power one must be willing to become nothing...The irony of that is as you work towards becoming nothing you realize how much something you really are."
  2. Magus of Strovolos

    I found this book browsing amazon and yes i am that big of a book worm. At first i thought it was a book by the same guy who did Magus of Java but it is a different author. Its about a christian mystic living in Strovolos whom is a healer similar to that other esoteric traditions such as Buddhism and Taoism. Its gotten really good reviews and i love reading books about other people's journeys. Has anyone reads this book, i'd like to get a bums opinion and also if it is a good book make more people aware of it.
  3. Exercises for cultivating the Tao

    Perhaps looking into some Spontaneous or natural practices may benefit you. Also i agree with steve about awareness being one of the best practices.
  4. A section for Buddhist Discussion

    We have a section for the Tao de Ching, don't see why we couldn't have a section maybe dedicate to the Pali cannon and Buddhist debate. -Though that doesn't mean that Buddhists can't present there thoughts in comparison to Daoist philosophy in the Taoist Discussion section. -More than anything perhaps we could use it as a formality so that there can always be a place for Buddhist banter, kind of like a foreign embassy
  5. Engaged Buddhism

    When pursuing or finding ones life purpose it is important to start with things you enjoy doing. I enjoy healing and helping others it makes me happy, i get gratification from doing it. Is this selfish? I think there is a difference. -One can give and receive from the ego -Or one can give and receive from the heart -There is no AUTONOMOUS giving and receiving. Though the intent can come from different places. Some peoples rewards are higher than those of the purely physical, rewards can be spiritual. -I suppose one can call it giving from Yin or Yang...Heaven or Earth.
  6. Engaged Buddhism

    I was reading in Core Teachings of the Buddha that there are three primary teachings: 1. Morality 2. Concentration 3. Wisdom It is said that Morality is the First and Last teaching. No matter how cultivated you are you can learn more on morality. -Knowing how to balance ones own needs with the needs of others? -Knowing when to let go of people whom you can't help? -Knowing how to have the best and most positive impact on society?..etc My 2 cents, Peace
  7. Increasing reading speed

    Practicing meditation has increased my ability to concentrate so i can read for hours without getting tired. As for reading faster, i don't know any techniques
  8. Everything you need to know about "Buddhism"

    Just started reading this book and am enjoying its no nonsense straight to the grit steak and eggs style.
  9. Master Yang

  10. Master Yang

    http://www.thetaobums.com/index.php?/topic/19114-master-yang-an-unexpected-encounter/ http://www.thetaobums.com/index.php?/topic/19112-master-yang-an-unexpected-encounter/
  11. A Poem on Emptiness

    Not much of a poet, but i was doing laying s-m this morning and somehow created this? A vortex spins A river flows All returns to one
  12. How to determine someone's level of enlightenment?

    Don't be fooled by the phonies http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_Hm0J847Gk&feature=related
  13. Perseverance and knowing that "even this too shall pass"
  14. Question about Healing Sounds

    http://www.amazon.com/Tibetan-Sound-Healing-Practices-Obstacles/dp/1604070951/ref=sr_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1308809675&sr=1-3 I have read many books by this author and he always gives top quality material, his book on healing sounds may interest you. Enjoy.
  15. request for comments/advice on a practice

    His book the water method gives more detail on the practice your doing. Confronting negativity is part of the cleansing process, there are members of this forum whom have had amazing results with this method. IMO it is a very good practice. -Good shit. http://www.amazon.com/Relaxing-into-Your-Being-Meditation/dp/1556434073/ref=pd_sim_b_3
  16. Young Body Old Soul

    I was in Missouri at the Stillness-Movement seminar and happened to meet up with a member of the TaoBums (who will remain nameless). We were talking and she asked me why my screen-name was OldGreen. I told her that i like nature and admired hermits and that also since a very young age i have always felt old on the inside. She immediately agreed and said that she'd always felt very old since she was young at attributed it to so many past lives and reincarnations. I was wondering has anyone else felt this way of being an oldsoul? -Peace
  17. Young Body Old Soul

    When i was young i felt like a simple observer, separate from others...always on another wavelength than the norm of society, in a way very much alone in my experience of life. -Within i often feel as if there is a door creeking and weary from over-use. I'm very young, energetic and a happy person...but inside i often feel weary.
  18. Obsession with old, dead guys...

    In the martial arts it is easier if you begin with the basics and master them under a teacher. When you know the basics you can expand into spontaneity. This comparison also works for when following and learning from others. I think all great leaders or teachers can see the potential in people and encourage their followers to harness it and make it their own, so that one day they may also guide others. It is IMO ideally a relationship much like that of father and son. -My 2 cents, Peace.
  19. Master Yang

    Deleted post
  20. Master Yang

    There are ofcourse a lot of fakes out there. But i don't think it is smart to jump the gun and call a supposed teacher a liar and a fake when you have no experience of his system or his character. -Keeping an open mind is best IMO. My 2 cents, Peace
  21. Motivation vs Concentration/Focus

    Meditate on this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FY50vvMjX_o -Otis gave good advice: As within it is without.
  22. Master Yang

    Sounds cool, I looked at his site, it has alot of information about the benefits of Neigong but i did not see any info about him as a practitioner. I would like to know more. -Overall sounds like a genuine cat, his pictures give off a nice vibe as well.
  23. How to keep/enhance energy?

    From an energetic perspective you can look at ones thoughts as a form of energy. -For example when were thinking about our best friend were giving our energy to him. Where your awareness goes energy follows. -Much of meditation is keeping our awareness centered on the self. So in a way through meditation we are reclaiming all of the energy that we would usually be wasting on mulling over fears, thinking about chores, work...etc -Also it is important to recognize in any practice that the "Higher the Highs the Lower the Lows". -It is often more productive in the long run to make small and moderate steps towards are goals. Giant leaps in progress are often accompanied by giant smacks in the face. Better to inch our way forward and stay in the realm of moderation. -Hope this helps, Peace
  24. I love to make jokes and fool around, however, i find this one rather distasteful. The Tao of Making Jokes by Old Green in stores 06/12/2012.