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Everything posted by RiverSnake

  1. Hi from WuLiuPai !

    Glad to have your experience on the forum. I am sure there are many people who would be interested in your practices.
  2. Qi and charisma

    Everything is energy. People generally enjoy being around positive and energetic people because it makes them feel good. -When i began my Chi-Gung practice i noticed within a short time that my popularity with others increased. I have noticed a definite correlation in my own life.
  3. Body armour, trauma, David Berceli

    -Had the book for about a month and just cracked it open today. Skipped to the back and read the last two chapters. -Practiced exercise 1 and got some minor tremors. -I tried exercise 2 found it annoying and put too much strain on my knee. -Then i tried the wall sits. I did 5 minute wall sitts and there was a lot of shaking. Then i dis 3 minutes of the foreword bend and man there was a LOT of SHAKING. -Felt a bit tired but at the same time relaxed after the exercises. Lot of shaking in my legs.
  4. Dwai, BK Fratzis book the water method talks about this very topic: dissolving blockages and inner demons.
  5. qigong+resistance training

    Qigong systems with static standing postures put plenty of stress on the muscles. Holding certain positions for over 20 minutes can be quite difficult.
  6. Wanted: Mentor & Enlightenment

    Indeed there are a lot of systems, so shop around a bit. Go with what you are drawn to and "feels" best for you. -I wish you the best of luck
  7. Notes for review on Thursday night's study group

    This quote reminded me of this video.
  8. Getting Down to Bedrock: 15 questions

    Good Stuff. Self knowledge is the most precious of all possessions.
  9. The Parent's Tao Te Ching: A New Interpretation

    Good stuff! There is a need for wiser parenting.
  10. Gonna see if i can come to that seminar. My subconscious is giving me less resistance than before. Not sure if i am qualified to do the third day though.
  11. Ahh the art of doing nothing -I feel the same way about meditation whenever i get into it don't feel like doing anything else. There is so much pleasure in just closing my eyes and relaxing into nothingness.
  12. Sleepy leg during meditation

    This is something i have also had difficulty with, thanks for the link.
  13. Body armour, trauma, David Berceli

    Sounds like a great book. It's rare that you see a book on amazon with all 5 star reviews. Might just check it out.
  14. Real Music

    The most beautiful son i've ever heard. Always makes me get all teary. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOMxdu9HLLk
  15. Please change my display name

    Could you guys change my name to Empty_Water?
  16. How do you measure meditation progress?

    Indeed, this is something i have quite recently "truly learned". For me Alan was able to convey it best. How useful is the useless! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxRQVBDtB_8&feature=related
  17. Haha so true. Got a laugh out of this one. Thought sometimes i wish Taoism was not so much of an isolated and unstructured practice and that there were more form like that of Buddhism.
  18. Your guys thoughts on Ron Paul?

    Thanks for the link
  19. How do you measure meditation progress?

    -It can be useful to measure ones practice in the beginning simply to show oneself the amount of time that you are putting into your practice. -However, ultimately you want to free yourself from that sort of thing and embrace spontaneity and turn form into formless, in this regard using measurements can be a crutch to the mind.
  20. Your guys thoughts on Ron Paul?

    I don't think haveing technology is what makes a educational system good. Having inspiring teachers who are enthusiastic about what their teaching makes a world of a difference.
  21. Your guys thoughts on Ron Paul?

    When you try to make over-arching Educational Policy (this extends to many policies) for an entire country things naturally get messy. -I think it is better let each state cator to themselves and sort out what works for them best: this is my interpretation what he is saying . -In my opinion there is no law flexible enough to fit the bill for an entire countries educational policy. If you let people figure stuff out at the local level then you avoid a massive headache. -I should add i am no "expert" on these matters and cannot pull out an encyclopedia of sources, i simply have my opinions and philosophies.
  22. Your guys thoughts on Ron Paul?

    Interesting Video. Go to 1:00 -Been getting back into politics lately. Probably gonna read the books of all the candidates.
  23. Your guys thoughts on Ron Paul?

    Well at-least he's got a pair and puts his own beliefs out there. -Interesting ideas
  24. How do you measure meditation progress?

    When i first sat down and began meditating i would say to myself "ok i am going to meditate for 10 minutes." -I would do my best to stay patient and observe how still my mind was, most often it was not quite. Timing yourself and seeing how much or little effort it takes you to get through your session was a good measure of progress for me. -The only "trap" to this method is that you will often find yourself guessing and hoping that time is up and waiting for your timer to ring. This is a trick. Meditation is not a means to an end, it is an end in itself, the present moment lasts forever, it is impossible to escape it, all you need to do is relax into it. When you realize in essence that meditation is effortless and in essence means to "do nothing" you will have made progress.
  25. Spiritual Maturity

    Thanks for the heads up, i'll check it out. -Just realized i titled the post wrong, just changed it.