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Everything posted by RiverSnake

  1. A very good video, there are six parts. Enjoy
  2. Michael Lomax

    When i was first learning i did it with the DVD however i have not done so since. I will try it out.
  3. Michael Lomax

    - I read the book in a single night and enjoyed it immensely. -I've been doing Gift of the Tao for a couple of months as well and have found immense benefit in doing it. -I look forward to doing Stillness Movement in the future. Current circumstances have not allowed me.
  4. How to cultivate love and compassion?

    I found both in reading and experience that it is important to develop the heart chakra not only becuase its essential to cultivate happiness but also because it guides all of the other chakras. -If you don't have an open heart then wisdom and power will lead you astray into the land of ego. Wisdom, Power and Love must always be in balance. -When i was doing my meditations for an hour a day i would use my mala beads and recite this affirmation: "I love myself and give my love freely to others."I used visualization and feeling to enhance its power. In just a couple weeks i benefited from that greatly it allowed to be more positive and give in a purer way. -My purest experience of love i'd say has been just giving people a friendly smile as i walk about and getting to see them give me a big juicy smile in return. Its unconditional because i will probably never see that person again, but i was still able to give something free of charge.
  5. How Do Taoists Cure Addiction?

    I have personally found that most problems arise from a contracted and distorted awareness which at its root is some kind of fear. -During addiction all ones thoughts are bent on achieving a single thing. This is why drug addicts will betray everyone they know for their next fix. -I suppose the simplest solution is to raise ones awareness above the problem so you can see how futile your grasping is, however it is easier said than done, especially under such circumstances.
  6. I'm Lost

  7. Internet Generation and Tao Training

    I agree, i came from being a very left brain "world" and had to develop my right, my traditional education had taught me to ignore my gut instincts and intuition and put all my eggs in one basket. -For those interested in some good activities to develop your right brain are dancing, martial arts...anything that involves "feeling" and intuitiveness. Plain conversation is also a good tool, talk to others and try and learn to gauge people by simply "feeling" them out. -Also learn to feel yourself out, learn what you want and understand your own drives: this is extremely important.
  8. Internet Generation and Tao Training

    There's no substitute for hardwork, period end of story.
  9. Stupid Threads

    Is it me or have there been a lot of plain stupid threads (including this one) on Taobums as of late? Would like to hear others thoughts.
  10. Stupid Threads

    Yeah, i tend to agree. Gonna take a break and go drink my tea.
  11. Qigong & Love

    Indeed, many people have never known self-less love and it is easy to confuse the two. -Often people gotta learn too love number one first before they start on others.
  12. To be honest i think these threads are stupid and simply a place for people to unload there ego along with all the issues they have with the opposite sex. -Both men and women have Yin and Yang characteristics. -Both energies Yin and Yang have value. Neither is better or worse, simply different. There is a time for action and a time for patience and passiveness. -Peace
  13. the weak yin male cannot find balance

    The most powerful for tool for grounding yourself is "self-knowledge": knowing who you are, what your purpose in life is and where you're going is a very important. A combination of pumping iron in order to increase your juice and meditation is a very powerful tool. I know from experience. -You get both yin and yang handled then.
  14. shaktipat

    Awesome...pure and refined awesome! -Congrats phore
  15. Practice and Perserverance Reaps Rewards

    "Winners never quit and quitters never win"
  16. How did you get here?

    Late in High-School i realized i'd become disenfranchised from my natural masculine energy and realized that when i pealed of the surface of myself there was a lot of insecurities and bad programs in me. I was being run by fear. -From that day forward i have been cultivating myself in one way or another. My path has led me to meditation and chi-kung and i will continue practicing for rest of my life. "The Divine grows from crap!" ME
  17. Unhelpful judgment, or a taste of the truth?

    Whether we are 100% responsible for the various problems we have or not i've found that taking 100% responsibility is the most "useful" approach to a situation. -By taking responsibility you put yourself in a pro-active situation rather than a reactive. -I have dedicated the last few years of my life to "self development" and could type a couple pages on the subject however, i also have a little voice and it is telling me to stop while i am ahead. -Peace
  18. competition, dominanance and violence

    Often what we speak and write is a reflection of who we are on the inside and out. "As within it is without." -In your writing you paint the world as a dark and foreboding place where violence, murder, ego, anger, struggle and aggression reign supreme and the majority of women are mentally and emotionally ill and thus attracted to these traits. -In the above quotation you paint love as a mere evolutionary tool to help the sick, hollow and limping human race produce children able enough survive and grow up and persevere this travesty we call life. -If these are the pictures you "prefer" to paint then i think a bit of introspection is in order. -Also if you're going to site scientific theories such as "evolution" then come to the table with a portfolio of sources. -Peace
  19. competition, dominanance and violence

    When going into my International Relations major my favorite professor told me that in IR there are two kinds of people: those who want to tell you how the world should be and those who want to tell you how it is. -It must be difficult living life in an ideological box. Its a shame that some people never realize that their the common denominator in their own problems. -Peace
  20. Sweetness

    There's no better way to give affection than a big juicy smile -Peace and Sweetness
  21. The Weak Yin And Weak Yang Problem

    Lol, these guys are actually comedians on youtube, its pretty easy to make fun of todays status quo. -Though i understand where you're coming from. It's also been my experience that if you're unhappy,fearful or disrespectful with the women (or anyone) its often a reflection of you're "internal state". -"As with in it is without" -Peace
  22. The Weak Yin And Weak Yang Problem

    Indeed as men we need to know what we REALLY WANT.
  23. The Weak Yin And Weak Yang Problem

    Having found a teacher and gone and am still going through the process of un-pussifying myself i can say that there are three things that are core in cultivating yourself. 1.) WORK OUT: Get under the iron, get some testosterone flowing and do other Yang activities: boxing, martial arts...etc Change yourself from being a bony tooth-pick to a man that women gawk over. 2.) Social Skills: Everyday go out and talk to people (men and women!), say "HI HOW YOU DOING" to people even if you don't know them. Talk to others until its natural. Also go to Toastmasters and learn how to speak in front of a crowd. For god-sake develop some charisma! Social skills are of paramount importance. Don't wast your time playing WOW or Halo. 3.) MEDITATION and CHI-GUNG: Raise your vibration rate and purify yourself of ANTS (automatic negative thoughts). Gain Knowledge of self and develop a firm root. -Also set long term goals, measure your progress every six months. Do all this, practice daily and consistently and i gurantee you will have results. -Peace
  24. The Weak Yin And Weak Yang Problem

    -Being a strong confident man never goes out of style.