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Everything posted by RiverSnake

  1. hola, new here :)

    -Oh you wrote a book? Cool, what's the title? -As for you're question you can make a post about it in the Taoist Discussion forum so it gets more interest.
  2. -Might want to check it out. http://www.thetaobums.com/index.php?/topic/15983-practical-psychic-self-defense-for-home-and-office/
  3. Hermit Video

    Very good advice.
  4. The Gift of Tao - Ya Mu's DVD

    -Ya Mu i've been practicing Gift of the Tao everyday for a a couple of months now...and haven't felt any negative side-effects. Also i've been practicing ZZ since june. -Should i start practicing every other day or should i continue it daily? Yeah, practicing really gives me a good boost for the rest of the day: better than coffee.
  5. Where to practice in nature?

    As i recall it's good to practice wherever there are lot of negative ions in the air: from what i've read this occurs at higher altitudes where the air is purer. -But in general its more enjoyable to practice outdoors. But also be-careful not to practice in environments that are too windy because it supposedly saps your chi when you are practicing Chi-Gung.
  6. Recently it has come to my awareness that fasting is a spiritual practice that people use for various reasons. -I am curious if anyone on the forum has had and experience with fasting and also if they know any good books that i should read, i don't plan on practicing for some time, just curious? -I've looked through amazon and analyzed many reviews and narrowed them down for quality. However, all the books i've found come from a Christian perspective, i've never read the Bible but apparently it is a big part of Christian worship. -I was wondering if anyone knew of a book that was a bit more theologically neutral or perhaps a Taoist or Buddhist perspective on the topic? -Or perhaps someone could share their view and feelings on fasting from a Christian perspective? These are the best books i found and have put them in order of my judgment: 1. http://www.amazon.com/Rewards-Fasting-Experiencing-Power-Affections/dp/0977673812/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top 2. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1852403314/ref=ord_cart_shr?ie=UTF8&m=ATVPDKIKX0DER 3. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0768424100/ref=ord_cart_shr?ie=UTF8&m=ATVPDKIKX0DER 4. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0830718397/ref=ord_cart_shr?ie=UTF8&m=ATVPDKIKX0DER
  7. The nature of dreams?

    Your question is extremely vague, but let me say this: Anything is possible in dreams because from what i've read and experienced we create dreams through our own mental bouncing from thought to thought. Just because you projected fire from your finger-tips in a dream does not mean you are destined to do so in the future. -Are day to day mental meanderings often show in our dreams, if your thinking about siddhis all day then guess what will probably show up in your dreams?! -Also i'll dare say that focusing on Siddhis or enlightenment is often a distraction and just a product of the ego. -You talked about being Lord of your Dreams. Although i have never had a lucid dream it is my understanding that once you develop a degree of mental acuity and stillness you can create your own dreams with your thoughts through lucid dreaming. -For more info on the nature of dreams and interpreting them Bruce Vance's book Dreamscape is a good reference. http://www.amazon.com/Dreamscape-Voyage-Alternate-Reality-Quest/dp/0835606481/ref=ntt_at_ep_dpt_1 -My 2 cents, peace.
  8. Reiki?

    From my personal experience i've found that reiki is a simple effective way to relaxation and relieving stress. -As far as i know reiki has nothing to do with Chi-Gung. Also in my experience Reiki requires no real skill or practice, you simply receive a reiki blessing or attunement which opens you up to being able to give reiki. -It is a passive form of healing that doesn't utilize intent, nor do you control the flow of energy. -I am a level 1 Reiki user and have found it very handy for personal relaxation and relieving stress.
  9. Norse Taoism?

    Its nice to know their our so many experienced practitioners on the site. I actually just began reading about Shamanism and just made a post on the topic that you might enjoy. I have piles of unread books, but i will be sure to put yours on my list. -Peace, Chris
  10. Fasting as a Spiritual Practice

    Thanks for the link, i'm sure it will come in handy. -I've read some of the reviews for Daniel Reads "Tao of Detox" and not sure if it is any good. Have you read it?
  11. Shamanism: Use and Misuse of Power

    Thanks, it did take a bit of time typing this.
  12. The Inner Engine - Project!

    According to this chart i am a wood tiger. http://www.astrology.com/chinese-sign-tiger/2-d-d-49578
  13. Is your Method really working?

    -We live in a world of duality. -I enjoyed the article
  14. The Inner Engine - Project!

    I'm not sure what drives me to practice. I just feel a strong "pull" to do so. My effort is effortless. -Every since a kid i've had a drive for "Self Mastery or Development", not sure why, nor do i know how this would fit into the options you've posted. -I don't know how to determine my dominant element perhaps you could explain that?
  15. I think suffering is part of life. -Sometimes were happy other times were sad. In my experience it is best to find a space in between the two. -Its also been my experience that if you rely on others for your happiness and fullfillment you're destined to be dissapointed. We all have to carry our own cross. -You can't change the people around you whether they be psychopaths, rapists, or simply nasty individuals. But what you can do is change yourself, people have a choice to be good or evil, to follow their ego or be happy, respect that choice. -Change yourself, don't worry about other people, and if you have such nasty people around you then separate yourself from them. -My 2 cents, peace
  16. Hermit Video

    Don't think he has any followers, and he doesn't seem to be selling anything. Just think he's some guy recording his insights and experiences. -He seems sincere. -Interesting video/perspective.
  17. My Resignation as a Moderator

    It's unfortunate that such a situation has come to pass. -I hope you continue to post and be a part of TTB. Your presence and knowledge is much appreciated. -Peace
  18. Hermit Video

    He says he's not enlightened in this video.
  19. Hermit Video

    Interesting stuff. He is very insightful. I like this video.
  20. Free Speech and Moderator Action

    I've often thought that it would be interesting to cut the forum into sections based on experience in cultivation (Guest, Student, Adept) so that we could cut down on the repetitive posts and more experienced members wouldn't have to put up with the childish insults and antics that seem to pop up when someone disagrees on a point. -I would be interested to hear the members and moderators thoughts on this?
  21. Free Speech and Moderator Action

    I think it is important to have a balance between theoretical guidelines for conversation on a forum (which we have) and the use of good judgment on the part of the moderators in correctly interpreting posts and the intentions behind them. -I would hate to see moderation of the forum turn into a bureaucracy of reason with no rhyme or rhythm. -From what i have observed the moderators do a good job in managing the forum.
  22. Practice meditation. Don't reject and don't embrace your thoughts, simply let go.
  23. Pretty old but still a cool video.