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Everything posted by RiverSnake

  1. Eye witness accounts of the spirit world

    Hey Ndawg i've heard from various people that there are various dangers associated with astral projection and it can be dangerous for your health if you don't have a certain "foundation" built before you try to do so. -I'm personally not very interested in OBEs but i know many people who are and i would like to be-able to espouse some of the risks of attempting astral projection to people who are trying it so that they can do so safely or at-least know the risks. -I was wondering if you could fill this gap in my knowledge?
  2. godless religions?

    Why are you looking for a religion? -In my experience peace and contentment comes from within not without.
  3. godless religions?

    -When learning about Taoism i go the impression that it leaves ones view of god very much open. -I think that someone could say that they are an atheist and still be a believer in Taoist philosophy. In my view it is not a direct contradiction. -The general feeling i get from Taoist writings is that whether god exists or not is an irrelevant question, debating or pondering this question is pointless, being present and experiencing reality is more important and leads to a happier life. -You might want to pick up a book on comparative religions to get a more accurate picture of world religions or simply read all of the "holy books" out there. -My 2 cents, peace

    Damn you guys ought to move to Miami.
  5. Are Qigong Forms BS?

    I have been practicing Chi-Kung for a couple of months now and have felt the benefits.
  6. New Interview With Chang's Top Student Jim

    I can only imagine his frustration: a teacher just telling you sorry i can't teach you any more because of your race. -It's always been my thoughts that racial and cultural discrimination is unbecoming of any spiritual practices.
  7. New Interview With Chang's Top Student Jim

    Interesting stuff
  8. What type of Daoist are you? -- Part 1

    Hm...not sure what that means, but it is my intention to one day know.
  9. Favorite movies or television series

    Man i really liked Shogun Assassin, but i felt the movie wasn't quite finished by the end and left me wanting more. -Is there a sequel?
  10. Very good film, i enjoyed it.
  11. Look, at the three posts you just wrote and i mean really look at them. Everything we do is a reflection of who we are: your writing is chaotic and utterly focused on the problems you have at the moment, if you want to move beyond your current situation you have to change your focus and thoughts first. -Where we put our focus energy follows, if you don't control your mind it can and will destroy you. Learn how to quite your mind, often much of the stress we feel in our lives is due to us constantly rolling our problems around in our mind without finding a solution to them. -Forcefull zhine (http://www.plotinus.com/zhine_tibetan_dream_yoga_copy.htm) is a good place to start with owning and refining your concentration and ultimately gaining mental clarity. Eventually with practice, you will be able to still you mind and release many of the karmic traces that have latched onto you. -I draw this knowledge from my own experiences because i was once a very negative person. No situation is hopeless if you have the desire to change. Many of the bums have given you good advice, Gerard especially, put it to use. -My 2 cents, Peace
  12. -All the members of the Tao-Bums have given you very good advice. -I'll just say that i have observed and been taught that we attract people into our lives who have a similar energy level or self-esteem, this would explain why 98% of the people in your life are trying to destroy you. -Therefore you will get the most positive results when you work on cultivating you own energy and esteem as well as removing the energetic vampires from your life. -Gerard gave very good advice on this (better than any i can give). -As a note i hear taking salt baths is a very good method for cleansing the aura and you would probably benefit from it. -Also you can light some cedar or sandalwood incense in your room to help clean out the negative energy in your room and in your body. Use real plant material: here's incense i use. -http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000BOA65O/ref=oss_product -My 2 cents, i wish you the best of luck,
  13. celibacy for 8 months...

    Non i actually considered being celibate before, but i realized it was my insecurities with the opposite sex rather than some kind of spiritual cultivation that made me want to do it. -I reccomend you meditate on why your doing this when your already a virgin (be honest with yourself). And if you don't already, you might want to practice some qi-gong on a regular basis. -I think it is obvious that you have some bad programming and energetic blockages that are covering up your true self. You gotta learn to let it shine effortlessly.
  14. Head in the clouds

    Meditation, it improves your focus. Meditate everywhere you go. Learning to live in the moment is one of the most fulfilling tricks i have ever discovered. Enjoy.
  15. TTB Reputation System?

    I think it is an interesting system. If i see someone who's given a really insightful post i usually give them a positive and feel good when i give positive feedback. -I rarely give negative feedback unless someone says something that strikes me as intentionally argumentative and simply to get people angry. -I think the idea that it would ruin the forum and constrict freedom of speech is silly. It's just a number by your name and it helps give person feedback about there posts. -I'd like to see how it plays out. My 2 cents, Peace.
  16. What would YOU ask Bruce Frantzis?

    Oh, don't know what the Pali Suttas are. You got any specific reccomendations. Would be interesting to read.
  17. What would YOU ask Bruce Frantzis?

    I wonder if two buddhas ever argued over philosophy or is it just there underlings which do so?
  18. Do You Train Martial Arts?

    That seems a bit counter-intuitive. How are you ordained a Taoist?
  19. Favorite movies or television series

    Oh how could i forget my favorite of all!!!!!!!!!
  20. Favorite movies or television series

    Many movies and shows have inspired me on my journey of self realization: 1.)Naruto 2.)Gattaca 3.)Lord of the Rings 4.)A Man for All Seasons 5.)Braveheart 6.)Elizabeth 7.)Kiss of the Dragon (Jet Li at his best) 8.)Lion King (one of my favorites) 9.)Kung Fu Panda (a very Taoist movie) 10.)Samurai Champloo (very good series)
  21. Do You Train Martial Arts?

    I studied Tae Kwon Do for ten years. -Been thinking about practicing Tai Chi as an addition to my practices. I'de have to find a good teacher though.
  22. Qi and preservation after sex

    Recently i read a book called Tantric Sex for Men by Diane Richardson. -It teaches you how to have "cool rather than hot sex and use it is a form spiritual healing for both partners. -It is the best book i've read on sexual kung fu. Many of the things you mentioned such as getting too hot during and after the deed, and safely retaining jing she talks about. -Might want to check it out. -Peace