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Everything posted by RiverSnake

  1. What are you watching on Youtube?

    Powerful segment. I went to San Francisco a couple of times. It's a beautiful city.
  2. What are you watching on Youtube?

    In enjoy his seeming level headedness and practically oriented mindset.
  3. What are you watching on Youtube?

    You can apply this rule to all things.
  4. Hello

    Welcome to TDB. Wish you a fun practice.
  5. Type of QiGong On-Line

    Do this movement slowly, 30 minutes a day, outstanding for your health and absolutely free. a
  6. Your Current Cultivation Practices

    1. Kundalini 2. Offerings
  7. Earthing while meditating

    Build power in the root chakra.
  8. Qi/Energy Practice Over Years

    It's gonna get rough. Cultivate wisdom (Water)....so you can dodge the unnecessary suffering and work through the necessary crap as skillfully as possible.
  9. What are you watching on Youtube?

    Tucker for the win. This video gave me a massive spiritual hard on. It's about time someone called out the bullshit.
  10. Mystical Christian Thread

    Magus of Strovolos. A good book of Mystical Christianity.
  11. What are you watching on Youtube?

    Great conversation!
  12. Help me where to start.

    This is a basic but powerful qigong movement. Practice 45 minutes per day.
  13. Hi

    Find a good system of Qigong and practice daily.
  14. Why practice baseball? If you wanna get good at baseball you practice. Same thing with cultivation. Cultivation is about growing yourself as a human being. We are not static beings. With the correct amount of sunshine, soil and water we can turn into great and powerful trees. Cultivation is the kind of effort that gets you there....it rarely happens on its own...intent is required.
  15. Dao primers?

    Practice Qigong daily.
  16. What are you watching on Youtube?

    Important key for cultivation.
  17. How can I redirect/transmute my sexual energy?

    If you'd like a could do a bit of distance healing that might help with your situation. Let me know. -Welcome to TDB.
  18. Can We Know Truth?

    3rd Eye Cultivation.