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Everything posted by RiverSnake

  1. Consistency is key. Practice breeds skill in cultivation. At the same time its good to know when to take a break and allow the internal wiring to cool down and integrate....this is currently something that i'm training.
  2. Newbie looking for clarifications

    Would stay away from Mantak Chia....much better, safer and clearer systems than his. -Welcome to TDB.
  3. I would not recommend that practice...it will not likely kill you but possibly lead to instability. Simply practicing emptiness meditation will naturally create a kind of energetic gravity that will draw sexual energy upward and alchemize it. -Welcome to TDB.
  4. Becoming a professional healer

    Lot of shitty healers out there....not a lot of good ones. Time and Effort makes the difference.
  5. Tarot as a Magical Tool?

    In the present i have only used the Tarot for divination and meditation. However, i have found some books online that basically say that the 78 card tarot deck can be used for Magic and is an entire complete system of magic in itself? Anyone have experience with using the Tarot outside of simple divination? My 2 cents, Peace
  6. What are you watching on Youtube?

    Thunder God.
  7. Scarlet Imprint: Occult Literature

    Some interesting texts here: https://www.anathemapublishing.com
  8. Anyone ever read any of Scarlet Imprints books on the occult. Just looking at the books they seem like some really hardcore core and radical shit, way beyond my current level of the understanding in this area. But at the same time some very deep and sincere works that are the result of actual practitioners. Anyone have experience with their books? http://www.scarletimprint.com/ Here's a link to the podcast which I found the site from: http://occultofpersonality.net/scarlet-imprint/ My 2 cents, Peace
  9. The Advantage of Evil

    Suffering is an amazing teacher....perhaps the best in existence.
  10. Anyone willing to share the Hidden Secrets

    Practice everyday as if it were your last. This intensity will take you to wherever you desire to go.
  11. Hello from the north

    Welcome to TDB. Cool name.
  12. What are you watching on Youtube?

    I felt this video down to the core of my Being. Tucker is putting out a lot of MC energy. Good shit.
  13. Spring Forest Qi Gong and More

    Chunyi Lin interview and a video of the basic foundational exercise of the system.
  14. What are you watching on Youtube?

    Always get a few man tears.
  15. Hello All

    Welcome to TDB. Best of luck on your journey.
  16. Welcome Welcome

    Welcome to TDB.
  17. Greetings

    Welcome to TDB.
  18. Hello

    Welcome to TDB.
  19. Serge Augier Online School

    Looked at his site, seems like it has some nice chi to it....at the same time i'd be wary of anyone whom charges that much for teachings. If the teacher is taking up his personal time to give you attention in order to help you advance....then i'd say it's worth it......but if there charging you thousands of dollars just to receive the techniques.....tell them to stick it where the sun don't shine. Even after receiving the basic techniques in any system there is a lifetime of tireless work that needs to be done. Just my opinion. Welcome to TDB.
  20. Hello from Jade

    Welcome to TDB.