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Everything posted by RiverSnake

  1. Approaches to Cultivation

    Lot of different approaches: Energy, Mind, Emotion, Body Postures/Mudra Taoist practices tend to focus on energy cultivation.....though i am hesitant to make that a rule of thumb as what we experience as Westerners in terms of Taoist practices is limited....same thing likely applies to Buddhism and it's various sects.
  2. What's up people

    Cool name. Reminds me of Rufus Opus. Welcome too the forum.
  3. Central Channel (Sushumna).
  4. A lovely quote: "If you break the shell of your personality, you will simply be presence – as life is, as the Divine is, just a Presence." Sadhguru
  5. Questions and ask for help

    That's a scene from the movie the Watchmen. He talks a bit about it in the video.
  6. Questions and ask for help

    No experience with these methods, but it looks interesting.
  7. Questions and ask for help

    Nah, its my old Silat instructor, Santiago.
  8. Astral Dynamics by Robert bruce The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche Dreamscape: Voyage in an Alternate Reality by Bruce A. Vance (start a dream journal) Trance-Portation by Diana Paxson Spirit Speak by ivo Dominquez
  9. Developing maps and learning how to navigate Life and the Bardo is something that every practitioner should invest some time studying (IMO). Some spiritual traditions have specific practices meant to prepare you for this transition. Its a complicated topic and something i am still studying....so i will add some general caveats. The ideal state is to pass from the body in a state of awareness. The other end of the spectrum (not ideal) is to have a sudden, clingy and traumatic death. A highly smooth vs chaotic transition. IME it is a very real risk of becoming stuck in transition or find yourself in unfriendly realms. Another general thumb is that the more experience you have as a "traveler", while your alive....the easier it is to navigate the other-side. Developing spiritual connections with psychopomps and actively preparing for your inevitable demise makes you ahead of the curb. Working towards profound OBE can also help give you a feel for the "after-state". The more "spiritually empowered" you are, the easier it is to navigate subtle realms. Being connected to a Lineage or specific currents of energy can have implications to where you may naturally gravitate in the Bardo. The more skilled you are, the easier you can travel without issue. Think drunken tourist vs seasoned adventurer.
  10. Excellent question. Different systems work with different channels. It's very common in Taoist Energetics to focus on channels such as the MCO. Yet there are more specialized systems as well which activate different channels and cause different effects. Depending on the "temperament" of the creator...different methods will be emphasized. Trying to make a catalogue of all these different approaches....i'll leave that work to another.
  11. A question about cultivation

    Developing flexibility is key to Qi flow. Rigidity is harmful to training. Haha Yoga is great for this goal.
  12. Recent Discoveries About Mao Shan Energy Work and Magic

    Interesting notes. Cool to see another Spiritual Warrior doing his thing. I believe someone on this forum was just asking about internal martial art forms.
  13. Returning After 10 Year Hiatus

    I remember your posts well. Welcome back. How is the Thunder path?
  14. Questions and ask for help

    Here, the movement he does for the first 1:10. Stick to that movement. Start 10 min everyday and slowly ramp it up as your comfort grows. It will get your energy flowing. Cheers.
  15. sexual exchange

    1. Depends, if the person hasn't cleaned off there energy and still has that resonance from a previous partner, it is possible. Cords can be cut. 2. Probably 3. Glenn Morris has a few good chapters that focus on energy exchange in his book Path Notes. Worth a read.
  16. Questions and ask for help

    Have you looked into any martial arts schools in your area?
  17. Questions and ask for help

    Hoshin may be a good source for you, if you live in the US. http://hoshinbudo.com
  18. new commitment to the old path

    Welcome too TDB.
  19. Fragrant qi gong has saved my life

    From my experience....eggs, peanut butter....foods that have lots of cholesterol. Additionally, you can also eat heart nurturing foods (spinach). TCM has much to say about how foods influence the organs, research and you'll find plenty.
  20. Fragrant qi gong has saved my life

    Congrats on your healing. You may wish to also consider cutting foods out of your diet that push pressure on the heart. Cheers.
  21. Heya!

    Welcome too TDB.
  22. What brought you to your current path?

    Got my first Chi Kung dvd....practiced the movements for about an hour....felt the effects of it and knew for certain i wanted to do it for the ret of my life.
  23. Regarding books...

    -Path Notes by Glenn Morris -Tao of Health Sex and Longevity by Daniel Reid -Mysteries of the Life Force by Meech -Midnights with the Mystic by Sadghuru -Magus of Strovolos by Kyriacos
  24. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    "Every unit of freedom, comes with two units of accountability." Unknown
  25. No books that i'm aware of on the topic. Any healthy and welcoming tree will do. Best to not overthink it and just go by experience. Real world experience is more valuable than book knowledge.