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Everything posted by RiverSnake

  1. Hello Everybody

    Welcome to TDB. Best of luck in your qigong exploration.
  2. What are you watching on Youtube?

    Powerful shit.
  3. Beginning Qi Gong

    Yeah, the blockages practically are endless...atleast so far IME....but that doesn't mean things don't get better....just gotta put on your combat boots and trudge through the mud. Lot of good systems for Chi Kung that will help dissolve blockages. 1. Spring Forest Qigong 2. Flying Pheonix 3. Yigong by Jenny Lamb 4. KAP ........etc. Welcome to TDB.
  4. Third Eye Block?

    Very insightful. I've never heard this topic conveyed in that way. Kudos.
  5. Third Eye Block?

    These psychic sensations could be any number of things....but what i feel most important to note to you is that the 3rd Eye is a delicate woman. Think of it as an extremely technologically advanced focusing lens that not many people have the education to use. If you push the wrong button then the lens might break. Working with and coaxing open the eye is a delicate process...if your really serious about working to open up your capacities in this area then let me know and i can give some tech to aid in you in doing so.
  6. Hello Everybody

    Lot of good interviews here that can give you some decent direction. Welcome to TDB. https://www.thedaobums.com/forum/356-interviews/
  7. Hey from the inbetween

    Hey Reverence, i don't have a lot of experience working with the Cube but rather with Metatron itself. Though in my limited experience my understanding of the Cube is that it is a means of patterning and folding energies harmoniously as they come into Being. From a practical perspective you can look at the idea that generally people are really stupid in what we create and are often doing it unconsciously via intent. By meditating on the cube it can help harmonize your intentions so that your creative process can be a bit more attuned to a higher frequency and thus won't backfire. Another dimension of it seems to be that it helps the individual hold/engage with more power without destroying themselves. For cultivators focusing on internal power training and integrating higher levels of gnosis this can be quite useful and potentially speed up growth. These are just my rough observations and i have yet to fully test out these theories...so it's best to take it with a grain of salt and test it out for yourself. I mainly work with Metatron for other things.
  8. Hey from the inbetween

    Cool post. I also have a connection with Dragons and Metatron is a friend. Welcome to TDB.
  9. Okay to be vulnerable?

    Depends on the context....from a martial art of war perspective...you don't want to leave openings in your defenses (physically and energetically). This kind of carelessness will invite some pretty harsh lessons into your life. Analyze your weaknesses...leave no crevice unexplored.
  10. New to Qi Gong

    Welcome to TDB.
  11. Learning to surrender

    Welcome to TDB.
  12. Learn the Basics

    Welcome to TDB. Have fun exploring.
  13. What are you watching on Youtube?

    Watching the series. Good so far.
  14. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    There are some good videos on youtube.
  15. Dzogchen teachers and online teachings

    Don't know a lot about Dzogchen...but Keith Bowman's books on the topic seem like they have a lot of juice behind them. Dzogchen Center also seems like it has some really good guidance resources. https://radicaldzogchen.com http://www.dzogchen.org
  16. Welcome to TDB. Tis a place for discussion.
  17. How to deal a relationship

    Trying to change your partner (positively or negatively) is usually a dead end.
  18. Hello from a Novice

    Funny, i'm reading a Wuxia novel right now (Martial Peak). Lots of fun. Welcome to TDB.
  19. new here to dao bums

    Welcome to TDB. If your into draconic energies you may consider looking into KAP in order to awaken the serpent. Cheers.
  20. PPD Question

    Is there a way i can shift my view of the PPD names category from alphabetical order to most recently updated?
  21. Welcome

    Yes, i briefly visited the site and noticed. Lots of powerful serpent energy roaming....but some parasitic forces as well.
  22. Welcome

    Welcome to TDB. Sorry to here about your bad experiences in LoneMan Pai. Even within the spiritual arena it is important to keep your bullshit meter on full blast. I can do a bit of healing work that might aid you in cutting through the bullshit....pm me if you'd like some help. Cheers.
  23. hello and question

    Welcome to TDB.
  24. Hi from Lee

    Welcome to TDB.