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Everything posted by RiverSnake

  1. What are you watching on Youtube?

    Deep state.
  2. On my way....with some (flesh !) obstacles ahead

    Don't overthink it....just natures way of getting you to go out and make copies of yourself.
  3. On my way....with some (flesh !) obstacles ahead

    Welcome to TDB. When ever you get randy just meditate on the Void for several minutes. This easily alchemizes the energy. If your involved in a romantic relationship you may consider switching over to Karezza. Best of luck.
  4. What are you watching on Youtube?

    Things may get bloody in England.
  5. What are you watching on Youtube?

    Masculine Core.
  6. Hello Family

    Congrats on your practice and welcome to TDB.
  7. What are you watching on Youtube?

    So much corruption and abuse of power is being unveiled. I laughed pretty hard at the terror behind these news pundits eyes as Dershowitz is demanding facts while there trying to spin b.s..
  8. What are you watching on Youtube?

    Then an now.....It's useful to meditate on how the MSM was and is so out of touch with truth.
  9. What are you watching on Youtube?

    2 valuable videos.
  10. Sex & Magick

    Good book on Sex Magick. https://www.amazon.com/Sex-Sorcery-Spirit-Secrets-Erotic/dp/1601633327/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1525473511&sr=8-3&keywords=Sex+magick
  11. Thanks, Like, Haha, Sad, Confused.

    I like the multiple options. Perhaps a "thumbs up" symbol for the the "thanks" response.
  12. Dancing in the Wu Wei is both an active and passive process. Non-dual.
  13. There is a LOT of magickal folk practices in Taoism.
  14. Hello.

    I searched Qigong and found over 800 different threads. Research.
  15. Are Secrets Really Necessary . . . (?)

    Power corrupts and knowledge destroys, those who are not ready to receive it.
  16. Getting things done?

    We all process energy in different ways. Personally i find that my mind has a tendency to synthesize data from whatever i am toying with until i have a decent intellectual framework. Though the most important thing to moving with the flow of the DAO is daily practice of internal methods.
  17. MCO have you opened it, how did you know

    There are many practices meant to develop and open the MCO. You have to do the practice.
  18. hello from denmark

    Welcome to TDB.
  19. Sex & Magick

    2 Important Rules of Thumb 1. Only merge with people whom are energetically aligned with you...different people have different energetic natures. Some are complimentary to you others are not. Discriminate energetic qualities. 2. Avoid merging with people with stinky chi. Not healthy.