
The Dao Bums
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Everything posted by RiverSnake

  1. Greetings

    Welcome to TDB. Sounds like your off to a good start. The secret-ultimate key to receiving the benefits of cultivation is daily practice. Cheers.
  2. kundalini crisis, maybe

    If you'd like some help i can make a few energetic adjustments from a distance to help smooth out the flow of energy in your body. Let me know.
  3. hello :)

    Welcome to TDB.
  4. Modern Taijiquan Sucks!

    Stephen Watson and his teacher. https://www.facebook.com/ShhDragon?lst=1621987429%3A100000576172303%3A1514333233
  5. Modern Taijiquan Sucks!

    99% of the time yes....i have only seen 1 or 2 modern taiji players who were true warriors. They all had old school fucking killer teachers.
  6. Hi.

    Welcome to TDB. Energy work among many other practices can all be a path to self-realization. What's important is the intent with which you approach your studies. Best of luck.
  7. Scarlet Imprint: Occult Literature

    Another cool looking occult publisher. http://xoanon.co.uk
  8. I can make some energetic adjustments to your Microcosm that can help smooth out the process for you. Let me know if your interested via PM.
  9. Howdy

    Welcome to TDB.
  10. Dao is infinite, but the life is short

    Cool name and welcome to TDB.
  11. kriya yoga

    Welcome to TDB. I have no experience with ausar except for some of there recent marketing attempts they made on this site. That being said it does seem a bit dodgy. If i were just starting out i'd go with Flying Phoenix, we have a several instructors of the system on this site and a very long long long thread in which you can ask questions and receive open answers. Cheers and link below.
  12. Hey! Ya'll seem pretty chill to me

    Don't worry about helping others unless they ask. Instead be the change you wish to see in the world. Welcome to TDB.
  13. Hi and Greetings, need some guidance

    Welcome to TDB! I love your screen name. I imagine you are a Miyamoto Musashi fan?
  14. Q's...ONLY Teachers may Answer.

    What teachers are we talking about?
  15. By way of introduction

    Welcome to TDB.
  16. LSD/ Iboga

    Welcome to TDB. Start a thread.
  17. Hello from Sgp

    Welcome to TDB. Taoism and Buddhism have a very long history of beneficial exchange. I am sure you will find much joyous knowledge here. Cheers.
  18. What are you watching on Youtube?

    I just saw "Hateful 8" a week ago. Lots of fun and like all Quentin Taratino movies, bloody and brutal.
  19. Hello

    Welcome to TDB.
  20. Hey Konchog, been awhile. Hope you are doing well. Cheers. 

  21. Hey madmuhhh, hope you are doing well. 

  22. Hey multi, hope your doing well. Cheers. 

  23. Saying hi to the forum

    Welcome to TDB.