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Everything posted by RiverSnake

  1. New Here

    Lot of different systems here on TDB. Go with the one that resonates with you. Here are a few: 1. Kundalini Awakening process (KAP) 2. Spring Forest Qigong 3. Flying Phoenix Qigong 4. Stillness Movement and Gift of the Tao
  2. New Here

    I'll get right on it. Longitude/latitude not needed. Some people have been physically injured by some of the techniques in the Mantak Chia system, especially those related to sexual fu. Be careful and know that there are many superior systems available.
  3. New Here

    Welcome to TDB. If you'd like i can give you a distance energetic transmission to help you on your Way. Mantak Chia can be a bit dicey, be careful and read all the reviews of his book first....amazon has plenty.
  4. new to dao bums

    Welcome to TDB.
  5. Drawn to the Occult

    There is an occult section in the TDB.
  6. What are you watching on Youtube?

    Moses just had to ruin the party. Clearly he wasn't of the Taoist bent.
  7. Hello-Need Help!!!

    Practicing qigong daily wil undoubtedly improve your conditions. Continuing this regime while consulting a physician is likely to be ideal. This is a good exercise that will bring results. Thirty-minutes a day is a good starting point.
  8. What are you watching on Youtube?

    This book is fire.
  9. Hello

    Welcome to TDB.
  10. energy healing question

    Welcome to TDB. A video you might enjoy and have relevance to your question.
  11. What are you watching on Youtube?

    Really good depth analysis on the nature of controlled media.
  12. What are you watching on Youtube?

    Painfully accurate.
  13. What are you watching on Youtube?

    Several important sentiments.
  14. Drawn to the Occult

    Lot of crazy shit can happen to our energy body in a lifetime. It's good that your seeing a healer. Welcome to TDB.
  15. What are you watching on Youtube?

    Chick is a badass.
  16. What are you watching on Youtube?

    Classic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0Sz6g76cac
  17. Hi to all

    Welcome to TDB.
  18. Many blessings to all

    Welcome to TDB.
  19. Energy exchange

    I guess we will have to agree to disagree. The serpent bites it's tail. Many thanks for the spirited discussion.
  20. Energy exchange

    Surrender and Trust are VERY powerful energies that we can work with.....but things become problematic when we project those forces onto another Being in an unhealthy way (most people are guilty of this). No real teacher wants a parasitic student. Work with those powers on their own turf......the middle man is not a necessity. A master may bring clarity, terror, doubt, ecstasy, revelation.....etc. Lets not limit the forms. The power to Create and Destroy...these are within the tool kit of the God-Head.
  21. Energy exchange

    One of my first mentors (in the spiritual arena) taught me that no matter how enlightened or powerful another being is....you never surrender your autonomy or authority to them in any regards. Give respect where respect is due...but never surrender your freedom or personal power (ability to choose....etc). Be very suspicious of anyone whom asks such a thing of you. That is something that resonated with me and has only continued to prove itself "more true" as i go onward up the ladder. Part of spiritual maturity is taking complete mastery over everything we "create" (thoughts, emotions, materia...etc). It's like getting past puberty and learning to walk in the spiritual sense. Spiritual authority and prostrating oneself before a guru do not necessarily go hand in hand. Real masters want you to saddle up and Become a God.