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Everything posted by RiverSnake

  1. Energy exchange

    I disagree, the spiritual world does issue certifications....just not in any physical form.
  2. Energy exchange

    Basic chi overload. The voltage is more than what her body can handle on an even keel at the moment, so it's shocking her system. The body needs to integrate and process the surge, this can manifest as her being sleepy, dehydrated, having sudden pains...etc. You may consider asking her to wear some kind of steel necklace to give her energy body a bit more density and thus less affected by the intensity of your flow. Consider doing some yin energy practices after you finish with a normal session so that you don't "cook" her as much. Let me know how it goes.
  3. Welcome to TDB. Sounds like your body is processing a great deal of energies. A useful trick i use to tell me where i need to go: Ask yourself this: "What questions do i need to be asking?" (then ask those questions). This can give indications of useful trajectories for your path. The goal is to get a response from the intuitive mind rather than the monkey mind. The monkey will always deceive you while the spontaneous answers will guide you towards fresh water on the path. Hope this helps, cheers.
  4. Scarlet Imprint: Occult Literature

    Some dark and malevolent book porn. http://www.ixaxaar.com
  5. Greeting to all

    Life's not so bad. Welcome to TDB.
  6. What are you watching on Youtube?

    Still hilarious. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHG0ezLiVGc
  7. Greetings Fellow Seekers

    Welcome to TDB.
  8. Yo

    Gnosis comes to those who train. Welcome to TDB.
  9. Hello!

    Welcome to TDB. You will find many lovely systems of chi kung here.
  10. Hello senor dao brothers and sisters

    You'll find many systems of cultivation on the forum that can meet those needs. As someone whom leans toward Taoism i like Chi Kung.
  11. Paths align feet alight...

    Welcome to TDB.
  12. Hello senor dao brothers and sisters

    Welcome to TDB. The path can be quite personal, what are you interested in?
  13. Exploring again

    Welcome to TDB. I have a bit of an affinity for dragons as well. Cheers.
  14. Staff addition and update

    Heh? You gotta work on your evil laugh!
  15. "Removed"

    May want to check out Michael Lomax. He's a skilled healer whom also has many healers on this this forum. Welcome to TDB.
  16. Where do I go from here?

    Sounds like you got a lot of soul sickness going on. Would you like some help?
  17. Good exercise for general health and wellbeing.
  18. What are you watching on Youtube?

    Never gets old.
  19. Aloha from the Big Island

    Welcome to TDB. Enjoy your stay.
  20. A striking experience

    Qigong is awesome. Welcome to TDB.
  21. Been practicing daily self-cultivation for about 2 years now through my my Neigong practices and have found that personally in the realm of cultivation it is all that is really required. However as of late i have been proportioning a bit of my time in exploring the Western Tradition and working a bit with the Tree. I have noticed that in the Western Tradition there is a very large emphasis on Ritualistic Magic. For the practitioner does practicing this kind of Magic add another dimension to one's practice which self-cultivation does not? What's the point of doing Ritual Magic, i don't really understand what the point of this kind of practice is or what value it brings to one's esoteric practice? I assume people practice it for a genuine reason? Could someone perhaps enlighten me on the value of this practice?