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Everything posted by RiverSnake

  1. Working with Trees is something Basic, Powerful and Easy. Approach tree with respectful and sincere intentions. Sit in meditation beneath the tree and ask if it will teach and do energy work with you (note...there are many other ways of doing this). Furthermore...judging from your post....i don't understand why your concerned if your already doing a daily practice? Sounds like you got everything you need.
  2. Sedona Method. I've used it to great effect. Scroll down to section with Sedona Questions. https://selfhelpforlife.com/how-to-release-emotions-sedona-method-questions/
  3. An Introduction

    Welcome too TDB. Enjoy your stay.
  4. Just started up Tidal Wave Chi kung again -

    I've heard mixed things about Clyman. Please continue to share your results as your training progresses.
  5. Correct Speech in Cultivation

    Speech is a form of energy...just like thoughts and emotions. Except speech is even more powerful. Weave your words appropriately....so you don't create problems for yourself.
  6. Basic exercise for chi cultivation start off 5-10 minutes a day. Gradually increase according to comfort. You also may wish to pursue some root work.
  7. Hello everyone

    Welcome too TDB.
  8. The Sephiroth

    Interesting situation.....opening otherworldly perceptions, can be difficult, if there is no cultural framework for engaging with the spiritual ecosystem. Making these "events" part of the mundane is a helpful way to see them in the proper context. Spiritual neighbors reaching out and giving you a tap...not always helpful without proper paradigms. Not sure what triggered these luminous experiences.....but intelligences tend to reach out if there is a past relationship, contracts, your in there domain or your just making enough energetic noise to merit attention. Best of luck.
  9. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    "I value my ability to raise the middle finger, as an American, practically above everything else." Eric Weinstein https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJYiyYs9qWU
  10. Legit channels/videos?

    Few people are skilled enough to teach Qigong beyond just doing the motions. Here's a few names that i believe are reputable. -Jenny Lamb -Tao Semko -Michael Lomax -Chunyi Lin
  11. Legit channels/videos?

    I tried the movement from the 2nd video of Swimming Dragon Qigong. Back in the day i experimented with it as a way of sublimating sexual energy. I found it to be quite effective. Ba Duan Jin or 8 Brocades is a set i experimented with when i first began training. Good for health....but i have not heard of anyone using it as a tool of deeper cultivation. Don't know anything about the rest of the videos.
  12. Nice to meet you!

    Welcome to TDB. Daily practice is the key.
  13. WW_D

    Welcome to TDB Greek Mythology is filled with these kinds of events, Gods cursing others. Pagan religious styles are a little more playful and realistic about the nature of reality.
  14. New kid on the block

    I recognize yours as well. Cheers.
  15. Looking at things from a Chinese perspective.....Gender norms are extremely strict. There are very different rules for Men and Women. The idea that someone can just imagine themselves being part of the other sex....would likely be meet with rejection and ridicule. On a Taoist level....identifying with the physical is a "Trap". Sometimes you reincarnate as a Man, a Women or a Tree. In the spiritual sense we our 'Fluid Beings", but once we incarnate....things are stuck in "form" for awhile.
  16. New kid on the block

    Welcome to TDB. Enjoy your stay.
  17. Taoist Sorcery/Wizardry

    Tao of Craft by Benebell Wen
  18. tai chi that allows you to see into the astral

    The goal is to strip away filters from your perception of reality....so that you can "part the veil"....when your hearing 2nd 3rd 4th hand accounts of someones personal experience.....it becomes less useful.....and more of just another filter to achieving such experiences for yourself. Best of luck on your path.
  19. tai chi that allows you to see into the astral

    Talking about this stuff isn't of much value IME...if you want to develop those siddhi, then you need to put in the time on the cushion. Ivo Dominguez just released a book called Keys to Perception...haven't read it myself...but he always puts out good quality work and it may be of help to achieving your goals. Cheers.
  20. tai chi that allows you to see into the astral

    I have meet several people like this...most of them drown themselves in alcohol and drugs to shut it out or just go into a deep state of denial in an attempt to seal it away. Neither of these actions are optimal. In terms of healthy approaches, it depends on the individual, i would have to do a divination and then determine what pieces of the board need to be re-arranged in order to bring balance to the situation.
  21. tai chi that allows you to see into the astral

    "Sight" is generally a 3rd eye oriented capacity. Some people have a natural capacity for these things...and it's not always a blessing. You gotta open this shit up gradually over time....too quickly and without proper guidance....and you'll wish you hadn't. As for whether Tai Chi can do this...i don't know of any styles that focus particularly on 3rd Eye cultivation...but Tai Chi definitely is a genuine form of internal martial cultivation that gets juice moving.
  22. A Nuts Shell

    European Folklore has some pretty good stories and Walking in the Woods can be a special past time. Welcome to TDB. Hope you find some sources for your exploration.
  23. Deep Universe Inside?

    Should you continue training...the level of "weird" in your life will only expand. Have fun!
  24. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    "Everything that happens in the material world is essentially a certain kind of wave. If you are a good sailor, every wave is a possibility. " Sadhguru