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Everything posted by RiverSnake

  1. Hello! Just Signed Up

    Welcome to TDB. You will find that there are many Bagua Bums here.
  2. The Perils of Meditation

    Spontaneous awakenings without the proper practical foundation to support and integrate such experiences can be a truly devastating affair. People whom have no experience with meditation should not immediately throw themselves into such an intensive form of praxis. Moderation in all things. For some people 4 hrs a day of meditation can be moderate...for others 20 minutes a day is moderate. Don't jump in the car for the first time and go 200 mph. Working oneself up to certain levels of intensity one step at a time is the safest route.
  3. I don't deserve life

    Your system is running at very low efficiency. Keep practicing your chi kung.
  4. Life and Death

    In some sense life and death do not exist (according to Taoists) as distinct divides.....rather just different stages of a process of transformation (different sides of the same wheel). Just as there are seasons and cycles in life there are so in death. Life flows into death and vice versa. To put it simply, the Tao is eternal....and you are part of the Tao and therefore go on riding the wheel. There are many different folk and cultural beliefs surrounding Death and the Soul in Taoism....but i am not an expert on those things. Sorry to be so ambiguous, but Taoists seem to prefer a certain amount of ambiguity when it comes to the unknown season of existence. They choose to focus on life and making the best of it and flowing from one state into another without being overly fretful about this natural cycle. Taoists are often more concerned with flow and wisdom than strict intellectual methods, stages and "defining" things. Alan Watts has some good videos online about Taoism.
  5. Life and Death

    Taoists are quite friendly to the idea of reincarnation and the idea of an eternal deathless soul. Taoism emphasizes harmonizing oneself with nature and it's cycles. So looking at the life of the human being: Birth, Youth, Young Adulthood, Middle Age, Old Age and Death of the body. Examine the natural cycle of things: The Seasons, the stars and planets, the biorhythms of the body, migration of animals...etc. It's thought that in Taoism when we harmonize our internal nature (internal Tao) with the greater nature that exists around us then we can live effortless yet fruitful lives. Kind of like always sailing with the wind at your back....but in the sense of subtle energies.... moving in the cosmic flow of things.
  6. Life and Death

    Personally i'd meditate on the process of the spirit leaving the body and the seasons of life.
  7. Hi There!

    Welcome to TDB. Us Taoists love are trees. I think you'll find yourself in good company here.
  8. Maya

    Yes, there is something very tricksterish yet fun about physical reality. Most people are always chest deep in suffering. Yet once you take a few steps out of the pond and gain some clarity it can be a lot of fun to dance with Maya and consciously play the role of creator god ensouled in the flesh....if you have the spittle for it.
  9. mutations

    Frustration can be a powerful tool for transformation.
  10. Hello everyone

    Welcome to TDB.
  11. Nei Kung Benefits

    I would recommend staying away from Mantak, some of his techniques can be dicey. There are better and safer systems of Chi Kung. Welcome to TDB.
  12. my introduction to the forum

    Welcome to TTB.
  13. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    "Lesson number 1, never attack an anger." Mask of Zorro "He will come into your circle soon enough you need not chase him." Mask of Zorro
  14. Goodbye

    Your still here? Still talking smack? You said you were leaving 8 days ago? What's the hold up?
  15. Pm me if you'd like some help.
  16. Tai Chi is real (video collection)

    I've met some highly skilled Tai Chi practitioners that could kick ass with the best of them. Unfortunately i can count them on one hand. Most Tai Chi people suck ass at fighting IME. Just really depends on who your teacher is and whether they pass on the martial components or not. All of the martial components are there in the system already. You just got to peel through the onion.
  17. Taichi, Qigong, Neigong Advice Please!

    I'd also say that practicing Karezza with your wife as cultivation practice would probably be the healthiest thing possible for your marriage and family.
  18. Taichi, Qigong, Neigong Advice Please!

    Drop the intellect, you can practice this an hour everyday and start growing spiritually.
  19. Long men pai nei gong and mo pai

    Greatest post ever.
  20. What are you watching on Youtube?

    As you continue to develop your subtle senses this becomes a daily occurrence.
  21. Hello

    Welcome to TDB. As a member you have full access to the PPD section and may even create your own. Cheers.