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Everything posted by RiverSnake

  1. Persistence

    It would't surprise me if the people who are claiming to be part of Mo Pai are just a bunch of geeks having fun riling people up....it's something i could see myself doing if i was REALLY ,REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY fucking bored. Just assuming people who start calling themselves Mo Pai are bullshitting you (until proven otherwise) is probably a good policy since every occurrence of such followers being on the forum has resulted in trolling and drama.
  2. What are you watching on Youtube?

    Lol, i'm cringing because people fail it. It's embarrassing. You need to train for something like 15 years to take this test and you pas or fail in the span of a couple seconds.
  3. What are you watching on Youtube?

    Its the Godan (5th Dan) test for Bujinkan (Ninjutsu) they need to sense the killing intent of the sifu and instantly get out of the way or they fail. I believe they get 1 try.
  4. What are you watching on Youtube?

    I cringe every time i watch this.
  5. Persistence

    I must say i feel the forum has been undergoing some cultivation growth in the last several years. Before the Mo Pai threads really rocked the forum and caused a lot of trouble and drama. Now it seems like the forum and mods are much more skillful and even handed in handling these things....at least from my perspective. Kudos.
  6. Troll Slayers

    I was reading another forum and i guess they had a lot of issues with difficult people. So one of the members suggested they should start call the Mods: "Troll Slayers". What do you guys think? A humorous and apt title IMO.
  7. Long men pai nei gong and mo pai

    Oh man....you just made me reminisce....took me back to the days of More Pie Guy. Nobody could troll quite like him....almost brings a soggy tear to my eye. Gonna go and get all sentimental. We haven't had a troll quite like him in ages. He knew all about longevity trolling, lasted for years before finally getting the boot. These new trolls nowadays get kicked out within the first few months....no professionalism or skill.
  8. Long men pai nei gong and mo pai

    Lol, nah no chance, us Daoists know how to stay relaxed under tension.
  9. Long men pai nei gong and mo pai

    Maybe we could create a betting ring? No mods allowed and bet who gets banned first.
  10. Long men pai nei gong and mo pai

    Lol, yep the TDBs was just starting to get a bit boring and moderator logs section a bit slow. Let the drama ensue!
  11. Long men pai nei gong and mo pai

    Having similar thoughts.
  12. Goodbye

    Another one bites the dust. Seems like the Troll Slayers are getting to the level of "effortless action"
  13. A great source for interviews with authors of a Magickal bent. It's also an itunes podcast https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCAZ2TAN3ILCRpnls2_W6D_Q
  14. Introduction

    Welcome back, the forum has been a bit dimmer without you.
  15. hello

    Welcome to TDB.
  16. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    "You know why David? Because of the kids, they called me Mr. Glass." Unbreakable (Samuel L. Jackson) -What an intense line and movie.
  17. sex and spirituality

    Kundalini Awakening is not the finish line, just the beginning. Practice this meditation 1 hr everyday for 100 days and you'll have an awakening. The idea of there being only one path IMO is false. Karezza is a good source of sacred sexuality. Welcome to TDB.
  18. Extreme heat sensation like fire or lava

    Just chi rushing through the body. Don't worry about duplicating it....if you continue onwards you'll have more experiences like this and many others.
  19. Hello

    Lol. Welcome to TDB.
  20. sexual qi wave?

    Conserve your sexual energy for a couple months (no ejaculation, watching porn....etc). The existence of sexual energy will become abundantly apparent. It should be already apparent, much of the world runs on the drive to survive and procreate. All of nature is consumed by this force. Look around you dude.
  21. sexual qi wave?

    Weird question. First to clarify, genitals don't produce Jing, there's a whole digestive process of breaking down food to get a more refined substance that produces Jing. Second, we naturally have energetic cords connecting us to out animals as well as anyone were in a relationship with....so this could be a factor. Thirdly your likely just picking up on there energy as they are in the same space as you. Not sure what advice you actually want? Having a sex drive is a natural and healthy part of being a human being. Practice meditation if you want better control over these unconscious impulses and energies.
  22. Hello people

    Welcome to TDB. Much Wisdom can be gained from gnosis. Cheers.
  23. Do you improvise in Qi Gong and Tai Chi?

    There are certain systems that emphasize spontaneous movement in which you simply allow the body to move on its own. Spontaneous shaking is one such method. If the systems your practicing do not include this as a part.....then i would make them separate practices. It would be bad form to mix things and could potentially hinder the benefits you receive.