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Everything posted by RiverSnake

  1. Maitri, greetings

    Cool name. Welcome to TDB.
  2. What are you watching on Youtube?

    Universe bitch slaps.....it happens.
  3. nice to meet you

    Sounds like you got a good start. Breath work is great, breathing into the LDT is a great technique that's very Daoisty. Welcome to TDB.
  4. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    "It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or demons, heaven or hell." The Dhammapada
  5. Welcoming Myself Here

    Welcome to TDB.
  6. Reiki and Internal Alchemy

    There's a lot of different ways to skin an orange. I've yet to see reiki taught in such a fashion. If you want to create a whole new system of energetic alchemy using reiki i am sure it is feasible. But from what I've experienced of reiki thus far it does not involve alchemy. Creating something new and experimenting with the process would be a lot of fun. Nothing to stop you from doing so.
  7. Reiki and Internal Alchemy

    Reiki as it's taught IME has nothing to do with internal alchemy. Alchemy IME is about refining denser subtle energies to higher frequencies thus refining and cleansing the energy body. Reiki IME is more about circulating a specific stream of energy in the microcosm and also using that energy for healing. Very different approaches to cultivation. Don't try to take one system and make it everything, use it according to it's nature.
  8. Hi

    Welcome to TDB.
  9. What are you watching on Youtube?

    "It puts people off and that's probably a good thing." "Be fucking careful."
  10. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    "I will not be judged by you or society, i will wear whatever and blow whomever i want as long as i can breathe and kneel." Samantha Jones
  11. Being a well rounded practitioner is of great value IMO. By well rounded i mean you can look at other techniques from different traditions and see the underlying "science" behind them. This is of great value IME as it gets you a broader view of the path and all of the different roads the student can take. It is the mut that i think has a higher probability of gaining this knowledge if he is able to experiment with many things while still practicing intensively in what he's doing (to much knowledge without practice is not good). I think this can be of value if one ever becomes a teacher because instead of just giving a student techniques you learned.....you can look at what "science" the person in front of you needs and create the techniques that will give him the most bang for his buck. Were all muts energetically speaking as we have different powers and qualities of chi that we gravitate towards. This is something to be mindful of IMO.
  12. Internal Alchemy Noob! xD

    Conserve sexual energy for 100 days and during that process start breathing into the LDT, do it during your focused practice and throughout the day. There are many techniques, this is just one. Cheers.
  13. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    One of the reasons cultivation is so important. Compassion must come from within.
  14. What are you watching on Youtube?

  15. Hello!

    You've had quite the path so far. Congratulations on your victories. Welcome to TDB.
  16. Greetings!

    Welcome to TDB.
  17. new or returning

    Welcome to TDB.
  18. Welcome to TDB. Internal Martial arts is awesome. Best of luck. I know Taiji tends to emphasize standing postures for there internal work. Perhaps you might consider the 100 days building the foundation. Darn Hamel whom is another Taiji guy has some good videos on the topic of Taoist Alchemy (Internal Work).
  19. Yasaka Koshindo

    Got any sources for further study on the Blue Warrior?
  20. UFC Fighter Says He Will Defend Tai Chi

    I also agree it's quite healthy for martial arts as a whole. Dojo challengers play a key role in keeping teachers and styles on there toes....making sure people don't get too complacent and live in the illusions of competence. When your teaching an art that is supposed to save people's lives there is no room for ego....always remember your training under the sword. "Day after day train your heart out, refining your technique. That is the way of the warrior." Morihei Ueshiba
  21. Hallo

    Welcome to TDB.
  22. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    Yep. https://www.facebook.com/buddhafuldaytoyou/photos/a.495178543967207.1073741829.494313527387042/849708805180844/?type=3&theater
  23. Dealing with Kundalini Syndrome.

    Welcome to TDB. A good course and some good articles and videos on how to manage "K" here: https://www.kundaliniawakeningprocess.com/blog/videos-about-kundalini/
  24. Greetings

    Welcome to TDB.