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Everything posted by RiverSnake

  1. taijiquan question

    Try it out first and see if you like it.
  2. Do these practices lead to Demonic Possession?

    Jesus is a lovely fella, but he's still one Being in an entire ecosystem of varying consciousnesses. If your interested in spiritual growth why not just say a prayer to Jesus or perhaps and Angel to shine some light on this area of life for you? Here's a few books on ancient Christian magick. Study it, your religion has gone through many phases and shifts throughout the last 2,000 years and is still going through changes....it's important to be well rounded in your understanding of the religion you say you belong to. https://www.amazon.com/Ancient-Christian-Magic-Coptic-Ritual/dp/0691004587/ref=pd_sim_14_3?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=0691004587&pd_rd_r=6K89AESJK16WK7QMNK6T&pd_rd_w=v0ZYO&pd_rd_wg=upeHs&psc=1&refRID=6K89AESJK16WK7QMNK6T https://www.amazon.com/Magic-Christianity-Gnostics-Robert-Conner/dp/1906958610/ref=pd_sim_14_29?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=1906958610&pd_rd_r=P463XVXPVMX3F7T7PEN5&pd_rd_w=kJqE1&pd_rd_wg=cpfQp&psc=1&refRID=P463XVXPVMX3F7T7PEN5
  3. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    "Without government regulation the gullible get taken advantage of. With government regulation everyone gets taken advantage of." Ron Sharp
  4. Hello

    Welcome to TDB.
  5. How much money should a master charge

    A useful thread that had a similar focus: http://www.thedaobums.com/topic/43345-teachers-who-accept-money-vs-teachers-who-teach-for-free/?hl=%2Bteacher+%2Bmoney
  6. Howdy!

    Welcome to TDB.
  7. Rainbow Bridge Techniques

    Very interesting. Thanks for sharing.
  8. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    "Death is an illusion." Anonymous
  9. Fascinated by Taoism, slowly building discipline

    Hey Lima, don't really want to elaborate on what "source" is because language always falls short when your trying to describe nondual "things". But suffice it to say that IME simple techniques have shown to bring amazing results. Awareness is simple. Hope that helps.
  10. Hi

    Welcome to TDB.
  11. Hello to Dao Bums

    Welcome to TDB. I look forward to your posting.
  12. Hi from Germany

    Qigong is awesome. Welcome to TDB.
  13. Hello all :)

    Welcome to TDB.
  14. Hello.

    Welcome to TDB.
  15. What is going on? psychic attack, hex or what?

    Take a salt bath and do a banishing. Reading this book may be helpful. https://www.amazon.com/Protection-Reversal-Magick-Beyond-101-ebook/dp/B001D7CHAA/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1493132316&sr=8-1&keywords=protection+and+reversal+magick+by+jason+miller
  16. Confronting repressed emotions

    Yep, repressed emotions emotions become tension in the energy body. Ask your body where your holding the repressed emotions and then charge them with love. Cheers.
  17. Epic sword fighting movie

    Love me a good martial flick. Made a whole thread on the topic. http://www.thedaobums.com/topic/38800-kung-fu-flicks/
  18. Energy stuck in the head, insanity, anger, going nuts

    May be able to help. Give me a pm if you like.
  19. The Five Mantras

    The path is highly challenging and transformative....thus at times it is not overly comfortable. Especially when you want to start off with a bang and abruptly shift your reality as you seem to have a desire to do. Should you have a desire to manifest methods for yourself or desire to "know" the deeper qualities of reality here is a method. 1. Create a prayer that reflects your spiritual intent. 2. Then perform a 7 day water fast with that prayer -This will get you results quickly, i guarantee it.
  20. CityHermit!:Hello

    Welcome to TDB CityHermit!. May i ask what kind of practices you do?
  21. Hello everyone

    Welcome to TDB.
  22. Neck pain and Zhan Zhuang

    What is your day to day life like? Do you sit at a desk or in a chair for long periods of time? How is your sleeping posture, do you get enough support? Are you doing any kind of stretches to help remove tension? Are you practicing relaxing while doing ZZ (this is ideal) or are you tensing up in each posture? Those are all potential contributing factors worth considering. Setting a gentle intent of relaxing the whole body while in these postures is highly beneficial.
  23. The Five Mantras

    What your saying essentially is that you wan't your reality broken and you want to "Know" that there is another side correct? This can be a painful and terrifying process.....you sure that's something you want? In a way life can be much easier living with your head in the sand.