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Everything posted by RiverSnake

  1. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    "One must inject their life with passion. Let your passion be as limitless as the sea and as untamed as a storm. Let your passion and will power wash away fear." Poseidon http://forum.becomealivinggod.com/t/calling-down-poseidon/9088
  2. Greetings

    Cool name. Welcome to TDB.
  3. The Five Mantras

    You gotta give some context to your question bro. What do the mantras mean, there supposed effects, the tradition they come from, the deity there attached to....etc
  4. an appealing forum

    Many different practices for many different people, lovely quote and welcome to TDB.
  5. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    "You don't know what you know, make room for this knowing." Anonymous
  6. Hello everyone!

    Welcome to TDB. Us Daoists also value practical methods. A good clip from Alan Watts if you want to better understand Daoism.
  7. Cooling Down

    Practicing the Yin Orbit may be helpful.
  8. Hello to the board and combining Yoga & Qigong

    If you find them complimentary then stick to them. Welcome to TDB.
  9. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    โ€œI am not trying to turn you into me, I am trying to turn you into you.โ€ Master Shifu
  10. Living proof that qigong works!

    Bumped for awesomeness.
  11. Diet and Daoist practice

    Different people have different constitutions. Aryuvedic medicine points this out quite clearly in the doshas: Pita, Kapha, Vata. https://www.banyanbotanicals.com/info/prakriti-quiz/#quiz 1. Listen to your body.....ask it what it needs rather than listening to your "mind cravings". 2. Moderation in all things. 3. Stay away from overly processed foods (look for food that shines, has Qi). 4. Be mindful of trophology....mixing different foods together causes difficulty in digestion. 5. Weather, Cultivation and Activity all influence what the body needs. Adjust your intake accordingly. Those are the only general rules of thumb i can think of...best of luck.
  12. Breathing into LDT

    Your are correct. LDT breathing is simple but also a very powerful practice. With time and practice...it will make an immortal out of you.
  13. ใ“ใ‚“ใซใกใ‚

    Lot of past interest in Zen in the West through the lectures of Alan Watts. It's quite a unique expression of Buddhism. Welcome to TDB.
  14. Fascinated by Taoism, slowly building discipline

    Squeezing the pc muscle is fine...but using it to forcefully stop the flow of ejaculate can cause injury to the tissue. Whenever you see a technique that forces things it's extremely important to make sure it's being used in a balanced way....the way this is often used is not balanced. Don't underestimate that technique...simple is powerful....source is simple.
  15. student of the Way

    Welcome to TDB.
  16. Fascinated by Taoism, slowly building discipline

    I would stay away from pressing your hand against the perineum, it is a potentially harmful technique. In terms of techniques i'd recommend you practice some kind of Chi Kung. If you want to intensify and deepen your practice you may consider proportioning your sexual energy for this goal. A basic technique you may enjoy:
  17. Thailand

    I was listening to this podcast on Thai magickal practices. Fun and interesting stuff.
  18. Sydney Asian Hello

    Welcome to TDB.
  19. Hi

    Welcome to TDB.
  20. Idiot question: How to learn "WISDOM"?

    Wisdom is the capacity to "receive".
  21. Are there any good books on tummo meditation?

    Tis the one i was going to recommend.
  22. Greetings Dao Bums

    Welcome to TDB.