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Everything posted by RiverSnake

  1. Hello Dao Bums

    Yep, Mantak Chia can be quite dicey. Welcome to TDB.
  2. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    "My head's all tied up like...a pretzel! I got a pretzel in my head!" - Cal Naughton Jr.
  3. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    "Help me, Jesus! Help me, Jewish God! Help me, Allah! Help me, Tom Cruise! Tom Cruise, use your witchcraft to get the fire off me!" ~ Ricky Bobby
  4. Hi all

    Welcome to TDB.
  5. Life as a Video Game.

    Funny. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grBmqfQxfYU
  6. Scalar energy pendant

    Nice, i love orgonite 2, just made my first pyramid a couple weeks ago.
  7. Seeker finds dao bums!

    Welcome to TDB Traveler.
  8. Yes. http://www.thedaobums.com/topic/38574-time-for-practice/?p=630157
  9. Questions to Spring Forest Qigong students

    Habitual tension from living in an overstressed society causes us to breathe from the chest. Belly breathing is how infants breath....it takes time to get back to that state of being natural in the breath. Don't stress about about learning everything at once. MCO is also a core technique he teaches. An interview with Chunyi Lin: http://www.thedaobums.com/topic/16067-interview-with-chunyi-lin-of-spring-forest-qigong/
  10. Hello from a taoist enthusiast

    Welcome to TDB.
  11. "Hello" new member

    Anything in his methodology that feels forceful....also anything he teaches relating to sexual kung fu i would steer clear of....read every single one of the amazon reviews on each book. You'll see the warnings of people damaging themselves.
  12. The Rooster has finally risen.
  13. To be or not to be

    Do a lot of fucking internal training (Chi Kung-Meditation) daily and say a daily prayer afterwords to your spirit allies to help you get shit moving. Pm if you wanna talk further.
  14. "Hello" new member

    Welcome to TDB. Be wary of Mantak Chia, some of his techniques are dangerous.
  15. If you need a bit of work done give me a PM.
  16. Horse stance while meditating on LDT is excellent training.
  17. Lots of standing practices in Way of Energy by Lam Kam Chuen. Basic Horse stance postures cause an upward flow by putting pressure on the bubbling springs.
  18. Trouble Focussing While Meditating

    Indeed, a useful technique is shaking and dancing for hours until complete exhaustion is reached and thus your completely receptive to non-dual states. Though this is hardly something for daily practice.
  19. Trouble Focussing While Meditating

    Practice Chi Kung before you do your meditation. This will put you in a relaxed state and because energy is circulating it will make it easier to reach higher states of consciousness. Also Meditation and Chi Kung in general are highly complimentary. Keep practicing.
  20. middle dantien meditation

    -70% LDT -20% MDT -10% UDT That's a good rule of thumb IMO.