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Everything posted by RiverSnake

  1. Deep Universe Inside?

    Boundaries of self and other can get a bit slippery....as you go deeper into these things.
  2. your recommendation list of teachers

    Online Video Recordings come with the purchase of KAP 1.
  3. your recommendation list of teachers

    KAP1 and KAP2 has all of what your talking about including working with Kundalini energy. I'd recommend going to an in-person workshop, there a lot of fun. https://kundaliniawakeningprocess.com/blog/
  4. Systems and Outlines, Purpose/Goals

    Religion and Spirituality is all of history. Even with "intellectual frameworks" galore...it took me about 4 years of internal practice and external study of others experiences to have a holistic understanding of the field. Path Notes by Glenn Morris was a pivotal book for me....as he was the first person i read whom didn't "hold back" on his experiences/studies. It might interest you as well because of your martial bent.
  5. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    "Displace one note and there would be diminishment. Displace one phrase, and the structure would fall. It was clear to me. That sound I had heard in the Archbishop's palace had been no accident. Here again was the very voice of God! I was staring through the cage of those meticulous ink- strokes at an absolute, inimitable beauty." Amadeus
  6. Systems and Outlines, Purpose/Goals

    A couple of videos that may help give context. Since you mentioned Tai Chi, Darin Hamel is a person who talks a lot about Tai Chi and Meditation as his path to awakening and has some good videos online. Another one of my favorite videos is by Sadguru...he just speaks on Raw Intensity as a crude method for awakening....just to show how slippery and wide open the path can be. Cheers.
  7. Lately some new members have been coming on the forum with energetic issues, as outlined in there initial posts. One with intense kundalini syndrome and the other random mystical states. The first member being MysticNinjaSage and the other Eggsis. I offered both of these people help with the situation. On both occasions i was lambasted for offering my services for hire. Just recently i was directly threatened with repercussions for my "behavior". I have been a member of this forum for 10+ years now and have never faced such derisive scorn by a moderator. I would therefore like to open the dialogue with the moderators on this matter and hear there opinions. I am a professional healer and diviner and have been offering my services for several years now. Many of my clients have actually been members of this forum. Is there a new rule that no longer allows me to offer my services through this forum? Please, i would like to hear the thoughts of all the moderators on this topic, i already know the opinion of 1. If the moderators come to a conclusion that i am forbidden from offering my services...then i will never do so again.
  8. Healing and Divination Services

    I agree with you fervently, actions/words need to be exercised with the same caution as you would a blade....yet It is still very easy to screw up and "miss the mark". In all honesty, this forum has been a good tool over the years, helping me and i'm assure many others refine there thoughts and words. Don't be silly liminal, i'm not Darth Vader and rarely work for free nowadays. Sorting through peoples "stuff" is a mucky endeavor. I agree with Trunks last post...i feel this thread has exhausted itself and what's needed to be said has been said. Back to the shadows for me. Long live TDB.
  9. Healing and Divination Services

    Not sure how to dice up quotes, so i will respond sequentially. (1)The idea of having a "list", i guess that may appeal to some, but to me it "feels" yucky. A personal preference i suppose. Centralized Authority is something i have always found troublesome....to a degree. (2)I agree and disagree with the 2nd comment on Authority/Responsibility. As we grow as practitioners we develop "Authority".....but that doesn't necessarily mean more "Responsibility" than others. Each individual whether he is a Buddha or the average zombie has the same basic responsibility for his Intent/Energy (whether they realize it or not).....its only when one chooses to take on more responsibility that you are obligated via vows (Buddhism does quite a bit of this), contracts (marriage)....etc. If i were to take on a healing contract and have an exchange, naturally i would bear responsibility for that interaction. Members agree to a contract of rules/regulations as they become members of this forum. One might argue as you are doing that my responsibility goes beyond those rules agreed upon by the average member because of my capacities/claims....that there is a secret lurking contract that i unknowlingy agreed to....i disagree fervently and will continue to be a wandering commentator....without chains. To be fair...there is implied responsibly when involved in a community....but...that is not solid enough....and I happily dance around in the liminal. (3)Sensitivity varies drastically. I've heard people say they can look at others and see there past lives instantaneously. Where the limit on these things are...is unknown (4)This is splitting hairs IMO. I guess we will have to agree to disagree here. Lawyers in a court room may make such distinctions, but i do not...your "responsible" for what you "put out". How many people have you known that have been damaged with poor methods?
  10. Healing and Divination Services

    Fifth, missed this one....i feel this is semantics and there is not much difference. I am neither persistent or insistent in my offers and quickly bowed out of the conversation as needed....but as Illum pointed out, my tact needs adjustment.
  11. Healing and Divination Services

    You make several points and i'll try to dissect and comment the best i can: -First being that it is a bit of a "cold wind" to offer newcomers help the moment they get on the forum. Illuminaren has made that same point and i concur and will make the adjustment. On another note, i would add that i do not randomly advertise myself to newcomers as was slightly implied.....i don't even post that much on the forum anymore.....i only offer to those whom are asking for help. In the case of the 2 posts, both were seeking some kind of assistance. That being said, both you and Illumaren are correct in that my approach is a bit shrill and can give people the wrong impression. In the past, most of my interactions have been done via PM. -Second, you mention Qualifications. I've meet tons of energy healers with titles and resumes. Most of them didn't know there ass from there elbow when it came to handling serious problems. I don't give a fleeting fleck about Wall Certifications or Titles like "Master" or "Mo Pai". I prefer obscurity and conduct most of my discussions privately. If a client has questions about my background, i answer these things privately. As cleansox said, it is buyer beware. People must exercise there own discernment and as evidenced by this whole situation, they have no problem doing so. -Third, you mention that information should not be shared publicly and take issue with my being a bit upfront. When it comes to working with a client, confidentiality is an important code and things are not discussed. Yet on the public forum where people are sharing there opinions left and right, some of those opinions completely ignorant and others highly refined....i have mixed feelings about limitations being put out on what can and cannot be said, things which are true can just as easily be dismissed as false and vice versa. I will agree that it is rude and jarring.....but i do not see that as necessarily "missing the mark" (sin).....as evidenced. Usually i am more discrete, but for whatever reason, in the moment....it felt appropriate. If the receiver of my playful jibe felt wronged by my actions, then i invite him to PM me such and i will happily apologize.....but it seems to be the "crowd of onlookers" whom are most stunned. Fourth, you mention "forcing" things open. I feel we are having a misunderstanding due to language. When i say "forced" i am not talking about opening things before the proper timing, but am referring to concentrated force directed at a small area for breaking boundaries. In Tai Chi (not an expert in that style) i believe they refer to this "force" as Ji and in the runic systems they work with an energy called Thurisaz (Th) which is a similar compressed piercing force. I remember a Tai Chi instructor using a metaphor of opening a jammed door with a sudden and precise application of force. There is a time and a place to apply this "force". Taoist methodology often emphasizes "Water Course" Way, which i very much enjoy....but there are other strategies that one can apply. What i am not referring to, is randomly "hitting buttons" on the energy gates of the body without notion of proper timing/knowledge.
  12. Healing and Divination Services

    This is a fair point. I was quite whimsical and playful in my comments. Though, looking back, i am not sure if i would have replied any differently, given the openness of the matters already being discussed. I will think on this.
  13. The single question of a new one

    Interesting, i have a good friend whom is a mystic, studied performance art and worked as a professional dancer. Names London Brown. He does the mystic/energy healer thing full time now though. Haven't talked to that punk in awhile....he does good work and puts on online workshops every once in awhile.
  14. Healing and Divination Services

    What about teachers promoting there systems and DVDs? There is an entire interviews section and extremely lengthy threads discussing all manner of methods? Is it a surprise that on a forum about Taoist Cultivation, there would be people offering energy healing? That to me seems absolutely ridiculous. It's like going to a martial arts forum and expecting nobody to be talking/offering specific methods they practice.
  15. Healing and Divination Services

    A fair point. I concede.
  16. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    "Eternity is relentless, Raziel. When I first stole into this chamber centuries ago, I did not fathom the true power of knowledge. To know the future, Raziel, to see its paths and streams tracing out into the infinite. As a man, I could never have contained such forbidden truths., but each of us is so much more than we once were. Gazing out across the planes of possibility, do you not feel with all your soul how we have become like gods!? And as such, are we not indivisible?" Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver -This final speech always gives me chills. Great game. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_IQSS8BZuW4
  17. What am I supposed to do with this energy??

    Smoothing out kundalini syndrome is hardly a simple matter. Wish you the best of luck.
  18. What am I supposed to do with this energy??

    I do a bit of freelance healing work. PM if you'd like any assistance.
  19. The single question of a new one

    Can't believe i didn't ask this before....but what are you studying at university? This can be a powerful clue. Mathematics and Engineering are 3rd Eye oriented studies...meaning you have to access that domain.....different areas of learning resonate in different spaces.
  20. Looking for my own way

    Imagine for a moment that you are an eternal being. No beginning and no end....and existence is like an endless ocean...you only need to choose which direction to steer your boat....choose what realms of reality you wish to explore. What resonates with you and what aspect of reality could you see yourself joyfully exploring, in your eternal fun? Thought experiments like these can help you find your own path. Me and another practitioner talk about finding there path more fully here:
  21. Greetings all

    Fair enough.
  22. Greetings all

    Are you trying to imply that i am a con artist? If so, please say that directly.
  23. Greetings all

    I see, the way i phrased it, was not meant to be an insult in the common sense. Ok, edited.
  24. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    "If the situation was hopeless, their propaganda would be unnecessary." Anonymous
  25. Greetings all

    Interesting post. You seem quite stolid....and i don't mean intellectually.....your energy is sealed in a very stolid way.....to the point it needs to be forcefully opened. Not sure wha you've been engaging in but....yeah....if you want help....cool....but I don't work for free. PM if you'd like some assistance.