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Everything posted by RiverSnake

  1. Hello

    Welcome to TDB.
  2. Hello

    Welcome to TDB. Hope you find what your looking for.
  3. Can't say i like labels at all. Let other people do the labeling, no need to put linear titles on oneself that you may or may not deserve. I also agree with rainbow, not enough options.
  4. http://www.thedaobums.com/topic/43410-mantak-chia-kundalini/
  5. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    One of my favorites. https://www.facebook.com/Iamaspiritualman/photos/a.1694533700789385.1073741828.1694527884123300/1881282788781141/?type=3&theater
  6. Hello everyone!

    Welcome to TDB.
  7. Hi

    Welcome to TDB. If your interested in practical Taoism, i'd recommend you look into Chi Kung. Cheers.
  8. Rune Soup Interviews

    Taoist Sigil Magic
  9. Mantak Chia & Kundalini

    Be careful.
  10. I need help with my meditation problem

    Listen to your body. There have been times that i needed to take a break as well. It will pass.
  11. Internal cultivation for martial arts

    You may want to check out Path Notes of an American Ninja Master by Glenn Morris. It talks a great deal about the relationship ship between martial arts and internal work.
  12. Hello everyone. Any info on "non doing" anyone?

    One of the ladies of TDB rene specializes in non-doing practice. She might be able to give some tips. Welcome to TDB.
  13. Teachers who accept money vs. teachers who teach for free

    A balanced transaction between teacher and student is the key principle here. We can coat that transaction with many things (money, service, devotion....etc), as long as its balanced. Relationships cannot last long or be mutually beneficial if there is no balance.
  14. Peace Be With You

    Welcome to TDB.
  15. Feeling Energy in the lower tan tien ?

    If you are purely working with the LDT, then yes this is correct.
  16. Feeling Energy in the lower tan tien ?

    As others have said, be careful with Chia, some of his techniques are stupid and dangerous. When you meditate on the dantien your basically pouring water into a cauldron until it overflows into the rest of the body on its own. You don't need to force the movement of chi into the other areas of the body with this technique...the overflow takes care of that. As you continue to grow in sensitivity you will feel chi everywhere in the body. This takes years of daily practice. I would advise you not to chase after sensations.
  17. It's all a game, play it well.
  18. my first hello to you

    Welcome to TDB. We have a Daoist Textual discussion section. Cheers.
  19. Hi.

    Welcome to TDB.
  20. Hello

    Cool name. Welcome to TDB.
  21. Hello from Texas

    Welcome to TDB.
  22. the meaning of "I think therefore I am"

    If i go into a deep meditative state in which i have no thoughts and am simply residing in emptiness....does this mean i'm dead? Consciousness comes before thoughts IME.
  23. Hello

    Welcome to TDB. Spiritual training such as Meditation and Chi Kung is deeply challenging but also very rewarding. Wish you luck.
  24. Keep the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth. This helps draw energy away from the head and enhance circulation in the energy body.