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Everything posted by RiverSnake

  1. Hello

    Cool name. Welcome to TDB.
  2. Ruthless Sage

    Compassion is detached.
  3. Hello

    Welcome to TDB.
  4. Hello

    Welcome to TDB.
  5. Rune Soup Interviews

    So it begins.... https://radio-free-golgotha.squarespace.com/episodes/
  6. Spaceship Earth

    The void has always been quite lovely for me.
  7. Flowing energy

    Love is a tremendously powerful force. When that force hits are energy body it can be abrasive and unbalancing. Work with your energy body so that it can handle that power in a balanced way. We have many holes and blockages in our culture and thus our subtle bodies that encourages this imbalanced interaction. Practice your internal work diligently.
  8. Hello from Bulgaria!

    Much useful knowledge on that topic in the forum. Welcome to TDB.
  9. I was Daniel

    Welcome to TDB Daozu.
  10. Glad I am here

    Welcome to the TDB. You will find much discussion of varying methods here. The site was created with that spirit in mind.
  11. Rune Soup Interviews

    Very cool interview so far.
  12. Hello from Japan

    Welcome to TDB.
  13. recovering from mental illness

    Never had to check into a hospital, but there've been times in training that felt like they almost pushed me over the edge. Work on your rooting to help build stability.
  14. hi :)

    Welcome to TDB.
  15. Hello everyone

    Welcome to TDB.
  16. Heyo

    Funny name. Welcome to TDB.
  17. Rune Soup Interviews

    I might just join the group and fork over the 10$. It could be fun talking jive with Gordon and other Magi.
  18. Hello

    Welcome to TDB.
  19. Bad Awakening Experiences

    Opening up certain psychic perceptions before you have the internal stability to handle it.....is no bueno.
  20. Trying to understand my shadow, need help

    Society creates all these energetic constructs around "Love, Sex, Relationships....etc". This is because these are phenomenally powerful forces and people and society at large don't know how to handle them in a natural and graceful way. In a rush to create social order the baby is often thrown out with the bath water. Continue your cultivation practice and opening up blockages surrounding these issues. All of these energetic constructs created by an unconscious and stumbling society become blockages in your energy body that you have to dismantle later on as a practitioner. Otherwise you will continue to cycle through the same psychological and emotional states for your entire life....never seeing beyond the vision of those whom created the constructs in the first place. Keep working at it.
  21. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    "The stronger and more capable we become, the more able we are to do our divine work in this and all the worlds. We fashion our own destiny with honed will and clear intention, and thus we can shape the world through conscious action rather than haphazard stumbling." Casting Sacred Space by Ivo Dominguez
  22. Bad Awakening Experiences

    One thing i think is important to mention. It's rare that awakenings are painless and just go off without a hitch. The path is tough and will bring even the most resilient person to there knees. Yet at the same time there is an element of pacing yourself. The faster you go the quicker internal muck is going to come up and thus the more friction your going to have to deal with. There needs to be an element of balance. Only biting off 70% of what you can actually chew is a good rule of thumb. People like to test the waters and go too fast...i've been guilty of this myself....you get to a point where your body says stop that's enough for today...that's usually a good heads up to take a break. The upper centers of the body can be particularly testy because they can shift your consciousness so rapidly and open doors of perception that your not ready to handle. You will instantly regret it if this ever happens to you....i've been guilty of having some of these experiences myself....not fun.