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Everything posted by RiverSnake

  1. Bad Awakening Experiences

    I don't think opening the 3rd eye ever killed anybody....but it may take your sanity.
  2. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

  3. Hi from Bahrain

    Cool name. Welcome to TDB.
  4. Bad Awakening Experiences

    Everyone wants to jump up and open there 3rd eye. These things need to be opened gently and gradually...otherwise bad things can happen. If you ignore your intuition and try to force these things open your gonna have a bad time.....i guarantee it.
  5. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    "Creation is not a singular act, but a continuous process." Spirit Walking by Evelyn Rsydyk
  6. How to want to socialize?

    This is something i struggled with in the past. Nowadays i don't have any close-close friends (people whom i see regularly or talk to daily). I have people that i see maybe once every several weeks, we chat, have a good time enjoying each others company and then we part ways once more. It's a very low maintenance friendship which i and my friends are comfortable with. Besides that, i am always by myself. It took some getting used too, but as you continue to cultivate and your energy shifts outside of the social matrix....most people will not resonate with you and thus slip outside of your sphere. Here's a little experiment, turn off all the electronics, music...etc. Any and all distractions turn them off and just sit with yourself in complete silence....see how long you can sit by yourself without getting that itch to do something or feel uncomfortable....the longer your able to stay in that emptiness the easier being on your own will be.
  7. Which books sit on your nightstand?

    "A shaman is a healer--often indigenous--who is recognized as such by her or his community. I use the term spirit walker or shamanic practitioner to distinguish the essence of what it means to be a shaman apart from the role within the community." Spirit Walking: A Course in Shamanic Power by Evelyn Rysdyk An important distinction that not many people make. Appreciated this and am enjoying the book so far. https://www.amazon.com/Spirit-Walking-Course-Shamanic-Power/dp/1578635411/ref=sr_1_7?ie=UTF8&qid=1482542761&sr=8-7&keywords=spirit+walker
  8. Hello from New Zealand

    Welcome to TDB Jake. Enjoy your stay.
  9. Metatron

    I was reading through my Quareia book and realized there was a card in the deck that actually refers to Metatron as Keeper of the Abyss. Picture below. https://benebellwen.files.wordpress.com/2015/12/lxxxi-quareia-deck-05-inner-realm-color-discrepancy.jpg
  10. Quaballah - Tree of Life question

    Potentially useful sources for you: https://www.amazon.com/Qabalah-Mystical-Heritage-Children-Abraham/dp/0970136048/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1482164125&sr=8-5&keywords=qabalah https://www.amazon.com/Seven-Spheres-Rufus-Opus/dp/0990568709/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1482163666&sr=8-1&keywords=7+spheres+rufus https://www.amazon.com/Experience-Inner-Worlds-Gareth-Knight/dp/1908011033/ref=sr_1_9?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1482164711&sr=1-9&keywords=Inner+worlds
  11. Quaballah - Tree of Life question

    You asked for a communication....you got it. Decide where you want to take your practice and keep it stepping.
  12. Greetings to everyone here

    Indeed, teachers lying to their students and intentionally leading them astray....it is a disgusting thing to see.
  13. Shaktipat

    People practicing KAP awaken kundalini all the time. May be beneficial to take level 1 class. http://www.kundaliniawakeningprocess.com/blog/
  14. Qigong Basics: Gathering Chi?

    Just meditate on the LDT then, i only added that because you talked about gathering natural energies and trees are pure sources. Gift of the Tao is also a Neigong system that focuses on gathering external energies.
  15. Qigong Basics: Gathering Chi?

    Put your awareness on the LDT, then go up to a tree and ask it to train with you.
  16. Greetings to everyone here

    IMO it's important for a teacher to not teach everything he knows. Welcome to TDB.
  17. Spiritual Warriors

    I practice Martial arts and also Internal Cultivation. Whether this is a "better" pathway or not....i don't know....it works for me and i do both because i enjoy them....not because someone told me they were an ideal combination. There are many Japanese texts on the warrior path and zen.
  18. Metatron

    I believe he is said to be the Being whom sits closest to God....this can be seen as an illusion to the close relationship of these higher centers. Though i've heard people mention there are other centers above the 8th....several...yet to confirm this myself.
  19. Metatron

    He's come up in my meditations lately and seems to like offerings of Watermelon Tourmaline. He desires for you to take complete and unequivocal hold of your Godhood and bring your kingdom under your control. Lots of resonance around the Crown chakra IME.
  20. Scarlet Imprint: Occult Literature

    Another publisher i found. So much book porn. http://www.troybooks.co.uk
  21. You know what impresses me

    The body and astrological conditions run in cycles. I've noticed the astral cycles influence people into different phases of practice according to the Microcosms interaction with them (without individuals consciously even realizing it). Some times are good for intensity others not so much. Having a strict regime used to be very important to me, but with time and as life shifted i found it made me suffer, as i could not take it with me around every sharp corner. Like the seasons there is a flow to life and cultivation, attuning to that flow seems most valuable to me, as i currently see things.
  22. Hello

    Oogway is one of my favorite characters. Welcome to TDB.
  23. Microcosmic Orbit Questions

    His methods are solid.
  24. Grounding sexual energy

    Several ways....look into the body and tell the blockages to release...or charge them with love. Dude Shad282 we've actually had this conversation many times.
  25. Hey everybody o/

    Welcome to TDB.