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Everything posted by RiverSnake

  1. Energy Work Poll

    Given all the discussion on shielding and energies, a member suggested this might be a fun poll to do. Cheers.
  2. Hello from the LA area

    Welcome to TDB.
  3. How to deal with people who won't stop arguing?

    Additionally a mantra i've started working with recently is this: "I Don't Care" Saying this creates a certain energetic space within your being that cuts off all receptivity on your side and it makes it very difficult for a person to keep "coming" at you. After saying this a few times it will cut of most people. Practice diligently.
  4. How to deal with people who won't stop arguing?

    Silence is powerful.
  5. Why do you say "school"?

    The novella continues
  6. Hello form Russian Taoist

    Welcome to TDB.
  7. Best way to deal with energy problems

    Practice Qigong, stop waking off, exercise and don't waste your psychic energies.
  8. Grounding sexual energy

    Dissolve blockages so that the upward flow of sexual energy that jumps out of the crown can be completed. This is the most helpful avenue IME.
  9. Indeed, in all interactions, be they with non-physical entities or the incarnate....there is an exchange. If that exchange is not in balance, it can potentially be seen as or lead to an unhealthy dynamic.
  10. You have a lovely profile pic rishi.

    1. Rishi Das

      Rishi Das

      Thank you, OldWolf.

    2. No One

      No One

      I concur.

  11. A useful analogy occurred to me last night in regards to parasites. Internet Trolls feed on the release of emotions of others, they enjoy seeing people get angry, frustrated, sad....etc. This is because these states release emotion that they subconsciously enjoy consuming. Parasites can have a similar nature (as above so below), they can be attracted to volatile releases of energy and feed on it. So it's important have good Mental Fu and cultivate balance. Cheers.
  12. Why do you say "school"?

    It's at the top of the Daoist section, but here are the links. http://www.thedaobums.com/forum/356-interviews/ http://www.thedaobums.com/forum/413-systems-and-teachers-of/
  13. Why do you say "school"?

    There is an interviews section here on the TTBs....for systems/instructors whom wish to shed light on there practice. If you wish to give a source for those whom seek further knowledge on your schools teachings as well as a source for individuals to set aside the chaff from the wheat....that may be one avenue you and your school could pursue so further slander and libel does not occur....at-least without some source for clarification. Cheers.
  14. .

    The Seven Spheres by Rufus Opus. Read the description, might be right up your ally. https://www.amazon.com/Seven-Spheres-Rufus-Opus/dp/0990568709
  15. This is very important on many levels. Being well rounded and knowing how to handle differing situations and what methods to apply and how to apply them. You can't meditate or energize your way out of everything. Develop your toolbox.
  16. It helps to see them as part of the subtle ecology of the universe rather than a big bad boogie man. IME, parasites feed on stagnation and destructive energies in your sphere. There are other subtleties to it, but that's the basics, IMO.
  17. Which books sit on your nightstand?

    Groovy so far. https://www.amazon.com/Chios-Energy-Healing-Powerful-Techniques/dp/0615729355/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8
  18. Psoas, dantian, body armouring and energy flow?

    Sounds like you have everything you need, just keep up the daily practice and limit your time sitting in chairs.
  19. Hello there - my head feels like it is going to explode!

    Stay away from Mantak Chia. Some of his techniques will fuck you up. There are many other suitable options.
  20. What are your favorite qigong forms?

    As of late my Qigong practice is: 1. Stillness Movement Tree Gong 2. Wu Chi posture Both are very energizing for the body. I like Tree Gong especially because it connects you directly to the land and trees have such a soothing chi to them. Working with Trees also helps amplify the circulation of chi and enhance the purificatory affects.
  21. Dantien- breathwork- increased body temperature

    Wim Hof method may be valuable to you. Welcome to TDB. http://thoughtbrick.com/wim-hof-method/wim-hof-method-power-breath-exercise-explained/
  22. What Initiation is NOT.

    The Universes are a big place. Re-integrating levels of gnosis is a constant process....it doesn't end with a single initiation. Initiation is just the beginning, as the word implies.
  23. Hi everyone

    Welcome to TDB.
  24. What is more important, truth or love?

    Must it be an either or situation? Rather see it as different levels of Being. Truth in the ultimate brutal non-dual light frying your brains sense is located IME at Crown and Above. Love we might say resonates at the Heart Center. We can cycle between these different states of Being at our leisure and they are both helpful for cultivation. Awakening and bitterness are not bound to one another. But the truth can be a bitter and hard pill to swallow at first. Once you start walking in that direction and your reality shifts in line with new Gnosis then things smooth out and you face new challenges. Not everyone is ready to walk that path....it's not for those whom wish to live in the comfort of there illusions.