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Everything posted by RiverSnake

  1. Path Notes of an american ninja master

    The system of martial arts he created is also still around. http://hoshinbudo.com
  2. Path Notes of an american ninja master

    Pathnotes is an excellent book. His students and him created a system of internal work called KAP. You can find information on it here. https://www.kundaliniawakeningprocess.com
  3. for Karl- the evidence

    First book i read on this topic was Farther Shores by Yvonne Kason. It's got some good tidbits in there. The author himself actually had a NDE in a plane crash and that's what prompted his study of the phenomenon. https://www.amazon.com/Farther-Shores-Exploring-Near-Death-Experiences/dp/0595533965/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1476893485&sr=8-1&keywords=A+farther+shore
  4. for Karl- the evidence

    Interesting interview on the author of a book on NDE. Enjoy.
  5. for Karl- the evidence

    Not true, many were clinically dead and came back.
  6. for Karl- the evidence

    Many in-depth studies have been done on NDEs.
  7. What are you reading right now?

    Faery Teachings by Orion Foxwood. The Fey are quite terribly lovely. https://www.amazon.com/Faery-Teachings-Orion-Foxwood/dp/0979140226/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1476804354&sr=8-1&keywords=faery+teachings
  8. Vipassana and Theravada

    It may be beneficial to do some self inquiry into what are you actually seeking in the 1st place.
  9. Kunlun vs other practices?

    IME, this statement is bullshit.
  10. This trick can be applied to all kinds of blockages throughout the microcosm. Just fiddle around with the wording and then release the blocks once you find them.
  11. Greetings dear ones and thank you

    One of the things i love about Chi Kung as a form of meditative-energetic practice is that because it is often rooted in the slow movements of the physical body......it is "idiot proof"....meaning even i could grasp and dedicate myself to it without all of the maddening confusion that can come from trying to wrangle with the monkey mind. A basic practice that circulates energy and cultivates a meditative state:
  12. Disillusioned with "ancient wisdom"

    I am a Massage Therapist whom also practices Medical Qigong and eventually i plan to learn Acupressure. While all of these areas require deep study, they are less intellectual and rely equally on visceral and intuitive knowledge.
  13. Disillusioned with "ancient wisdom"

    Becoming a doctor is a difficult path.
  14. greetings

    Welcome to TTB neti.
  15. love, maturity, and feelings

    Many types of love there are, each it's own wavelength: http://www.yesmagazine.org/happiness/the-ancient-greeks-6-words-for-love-and-why-knowing-them-can-change-your-life
  16. Body mechanics

    When your body is completely stretched out and in equilibrium then good body mechanics will come naturally. 1. Sun Salutations 2. Hip Stretches 3. Hamstring Stretches
  17. Met my master in a dream again

    The path can be quite challenging. Keep trucking fella.
  18. 22 year old, figuring things out..and hello! :)

    The path can be miraculous and surprising, you have many ideas of where you want to go....but where you end up may be completely different and even more wonderful than you could have imagined. Keep an open mind and a gentle will as you cruise along the path. Most importantly practice daily. Cheers.
  19. What Initiation is NOT.

    If you have a nondual approach to spirituality (which i tend towards) then much of what your talking about is not absolutely relevant. The plants, trees and rocks in your garden can be your sifu and initiator just as much as some form of cosmic godhead.
  20. What Initiation is NOT.

    Removing blockages and breaking down the energy body is the basics, but there are other aspects. Certain deities may confer powers or abilities upon the initiate based on the nature of the deity....or perhaps give knowledge of specific mysteries to that aspect of reality that the deity represents. Some initiations may involve you having an NDE or going into a forest. It depends on your nature and the contacts you are involved with, but of course it usually always means something transformative.
  21. What are you watching on Youtube?

    He's burning bright.
  22. What Initiation is NOT.

    You gotta break a few eggs to make an omelet. You gotta break apart your energy body and restructure it for greater gnosis/power. How this is done (or not done) depends on the tradition and Beings involved in the process.
  23. Practices for Pregnant women

    Taking daily salt baths. This will keep your energy body clean......you want to keep the child sheltered from harmful vibrations while it's in its developmental stages. As for practices like Qigong/Meditation....etc....i don't know.
  24. What are you watching on Youtube?

    Girls got nice chi.
  25. Jiang Feng Students

    What kind of treatments do you need?