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Everything posted by RiverSnake

  1. Kundalini headache and fatigue

    Alos on the topic of waking up exhausted, your body is probably dehydrated. Energetic activity burns through LOTS of Water. Make sure you replenish regularly.
  2. Username change

    Thank you.
  3. Kundalini headache and fatigue

    I was just hanging out with a teacher recently and he said that if you can't go into deep sleep because of energy movements....then don't try to do so.....instead just lye down and practice relaxing. You may not get that full REM sleep, but you will at-least be slightly well rested.
  4. Username change

    Every animal has a different chi-nature.
  5. Username change

    Can i change my screen name to: OldWolf
  6. Hi members

    Welcome to TTB.
  7. Empowerments & Deities

    Many forms of Buddha and Buddhas are also venerated and propitiated, much like deities. An example is Medicine Buddha, worked with by acupuncturist and healers of many stripes. As boring, bland and psychological as many people would like Buddhism to be....there are many layers to it outside of just jumping straight into the void and saying "Peace bitches!". Interesting article: http://www.dharma-haven.org/tibetan/teachings-medicine-buddha.htm
  8. Kundalini headache and fatigue

    Was your experimentation in the context of a Kundalini Awakening?
  9. Kundalini headache and fatigue

    Go down to the Articles section and read the ones on "Kundalini Syndrome". http://www.kundaliniawakeningprocess.com/blog/videos-about-kundalini/
  10. Greetings from Japan

    Welcome to TTB.
  11. Hello from Belgium

    Would stay away from Mantak Chia. Some of his techniques can be harmful. Welcome to TTB.
  12. Empowerments & Deities

    It is very helpful to work with Deities as they will support you in your path and help clear out obstacles. The Buddha often said that Enlightenment comes through "self-effort"....to a large extent this is true, but that doesn't mean you refuse help from those who are more knowledgable than oneself (Spirits). It sounds like you have some preconceptions about what Buddhism "should be" rather than what actual Buddhist monks are actually coming to you and teaching/showing.
  13. Advice is greatly appreciated!

    Might want to stop wanking for awhile and look into Karezza. Best of luck and welcome to TTB.
  14. What are you watching on Youtube?

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gbU1ByVZe0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EzPowPJZpfY
  15. Hello from Iowa

    Wherever there is a Tree, a sky and a blade of grass there is the Dao to study. Welcome.
  16. Hey everyone

  17. Hi

    Welcome to TTB. Best of luck on your path. Qigong is awesome.
  18. Qigong: Only Mindful Movements?

    For Medical Qigong you may want to look into Gift of the Tao and Stillness-Movement. Gift of the Tao involves shifting and moving energy in it's movements, no visualization though, just intent. Feeling the Chi takes time and practice....lots of time and practice.
  19. To teach, or not to teach?

    Systems are created based on qualities they wish to cultivate in the practitioner. In Shotokan what qualities/talents are they trying to cultivate...this often reflects the methods that are being used. Furthermore, not all methods are suited to all people and traditions that do not evolve eventually stagnate and die. As a general rule of thumb, don't teach anyone anything if there not asking to be taught.
  20. Weakening desires

    Self-Knowledge will cause your desires to weaken.
  21. Greetings

    Welcome to TTB.
  22. Focused use of chatroom

    Gotta give it to Southpark.
  23. Energy Work Poll

    The difference is intent and awareness. Everyone is breathing, but not many are breathing with conscious awareness or intentionally working with energies.