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Everything posted by RiverSnake

  1. How to get a strong energy field?

    "As above, so below." Just as physical objects can do you harm, so can the thorny and seedy aspects of subtle reality. How do you think we get blockages in our energy body in the first place?
  2. How to get a strong energy field?

    Practice qigong everyday for the rest of your life.
  3. I enjoy Strategic Sorcery. Good group of people, good tech and lots of lively discussion.
  4. He talks a bit about Full lotus here in an interview: http://www.thedaobums.com/topic/16067-interview-with-chunyi-lin-of-spring-forest-qigong/page-1
  5. Hello and hola!

    Ahhh! I guess he stole the term from Tolkien.
  6. What are you watching on Youtube?

    Interesting perspective on meat eating.
  7. First Silent Retreat: Advice and Suggestions

    Things that usually hinder integration are: 1. Becoming attached to certain states of consciousness (Joy, Bliss, Anger, Intensity....etc) 2. Unwillingness or resistance to allowing internal/external changes to take place 3. Extreme states of emotional duress (depression, fear, anxiety...etc) Being detached and maintaining a balanced emotional and psychological framework is key to integration Hope this helps.
  8. What ways do you transmute sexual energy?

    Another useful technique.
  9. Cultivation Gradations

    What they said.
  10. Cultivation Gradations

    Your speaking of a very specific system of alchemy which probably no one on this forum is qualified to comment on. My own experience is that Simple = Powerful. Some systems give you a dozen different methods and techniques. Others give you one technique that is the whole enchilada. Engage with each on there own territory.
  11. Yes, internal changes reflect external ones...are energy field is in a constant state of interaction with what we "perceive" as external reality. Many energy fields all overlapping and inter-penetrating one another. It's like one big cosmic orgy.
  12. OM

    Mark Griffin has some interesting things to say about mantric practices. http://www.hardlight.org/japa/
  13. New training/teacher questions

    I would ask him: 1. What are several key exercises/techniques you can do to kickstart and practice neigong outside of class? 2. What are the most important principles to master in order to defend oneself effectively?
  14. Hey Y'all

    Welcome to TTB. Cool screen name.
  15. What are you watching on Youtube?

    I love this guys, he's hilarious.
  16. Spring Forest Qigong - questions

    I am not a practitioner of that system, but Chunyi Lin has some choice words to say about fundamental exercises of the systems in his interview. http://www.thedaobums.com/topic/16067-interview-with-chunyi-lin-of-spring-forest-qigong/page-1
  17. Spring Forest Qigong - questions

    Free of charge: http://www.thedaobums.com/topic/41496-simple-easy-yet-powerful-qigong/?p=698230
  18. thank you

    That's quite a spirited introduction. Welcome to the TTB.
  19. Spring Forest Qigong - questions

    Useful sources. Compare and contrast to your hearts content. http://www.thedaobums.com/topic/16067-interview-with-chunyi-lin-of-spring-forest-qigong/ http://www.thedaobums.com/topic/12639-flying-phoenix-chi-kung/page-1
  20. Checking Things Out

    Welcome to the TTB. Those whom persevere succeed. Best of luck on your path.
  21. kei jei am activation

    Welcome to TTB.
  22. what is next?

    Every individual has activities or patterns of expression and creativity that give them joy. Contemplate on what gives you joy and then pursue it, make your life an expression of that joy.
  23. To much of anything can cause imbalance.