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Everything posted by RiverSnake

  1. Newcomb, Runyon, and bardon.

    Magickal Knowledge by Josephine MCCarthy is excellent. She also has a Magickal course online that may interest you. https://www.amazon.com/Magical-Knowledge-I-Josephine-McCarthy-ebook/dp/B008H4OJEO/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1466863749&sr=1-1&keywords=magical+knowledge
  2. Hey!

    Welcome to TTB.
  3. Introduction

    Welcome to TTB.
  4. Hi!

    Welcome to TTB. Something specific?
  5. Just Saying Hi!

    Welcome to the TTB and a big thanks for bring your expertise to the forum.
  6. What are you watching on Youtube?

  7. I put an album on bandcamp

    Congratulations. Cool stuff.
  8. Is there a need for company?

    Your social sphere will shift as you climb up the ladder of gnosis, whether you maintain a large or non-existent social life is a matter of personal preference. I have very few close friends and am quite happy.....even blissful one might say.
  9. Healing, how long does it last?

    Blockages related to harmful experiences get lodged into channels so when ever a similar experience comes up it rubs up against those blockages in your channels and triggers powerful negative emotions. If you have a particular experience that keeps coming up and has yet to be resolved, then you need to look into your body for the specific area where those blockages are located and manually dissolve through them.
  10. Greetings!

    Welcome to TTB.
  11. New

    Welcome to TTB. Cool name.
  12. Getting closer to a master

    Not to discount dream teachings, but you may also want to find an in person teacher.
  13. Hi...How are you doing?

    Chi Kung is a great way to heal the internal organs and increase chi flow in the body. Sample exercise: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gr5MkMLyoeI
  14. Hi...How are you doing?

    Chi is already in your body and in everything. May want to specify on your goals. Welcome to TTB.
  15. Thank you everyone

    Definitely there's an aspect of self-worth in there. Many women have low self-esteem and a man holding back his seed can feel like a personal blow to them. If a man doesn't ejaculate women feel that somethings "wrong" and its very difficult to convince them otherwise. I don't know the answer to your problem, i suggest you sit down on your zafu and meditate and pray for a solution. The universe has a tendency to drop hints. Wish you the best of luck.
  16. I know several people whom work with Ganesh and other Hindu Deities, but i have not worked with them myself. If you were drawn to work with them then there is likely a connection you have with them either from past lives or perhaps your nature is of a similar bent. You may consider doing offerings to help your relationships with these deities continue to grow and flourish. Working with spirits can be fun and rewarding on many levels.
  17. Glad to be here, thanks

    Welcome to TTB.
  18. Going to China to learn inner alchemy

    Many blessings on your trip. My neigong teacher studied with a Master named Wang Juemin in China. Not sure if he still teaches, but he is well known in China and may be of interest to check out. Best of luck on your path.
  19. Going to China to learn inner alchemy

    I've experienced deep and profound changes from my neigong practices and i never had to leave the country. You may want to take a different direction and seek Knowledge and Conversation with your HGA, this will cause deep changes for sure. Just reach out with prayer and love. There are plenty of neigong instructors in the West as well, not sure why your going to China...what methods have you tried already? If you have just done emptiness meditation then i can understand why you haven't gotten the deep changes your seeking.
  20. how to forgive

    Lmao! Combat smile, love it.
  21. I believe what they practice is called Kriya Yoga
  22. Hello

    Hahaaa! Your first recommendation! A useful and simple qigong technique for both peace and healing. Cheers and welcome to TTB. I'm sure you will get many more. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gr5MkMLyoeI
  23. Hi

    Welcome to TTB.
  24. heart energy bliss

    It took me awhile to get too my first seminar. In the mean just time train your ass off. SFQ is a very safe system in my understanding.