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Everything posted by RiverSnake

  1. hi

    Welcome to TTB.
  2. What to do when things go wrong ?

    Going with the flow has its merits. But also consider what actions you can take in balancing the situation in your favor. Relax, let go of frustration.....as it inhibits ones ability to handle the situation. There is a time to be pro-active and other times to be passive. Observe the situation and revolve between whatever approach is best in the shifting circumstances. Approach life strategically....use only the neccesary amount of effort to solve each situation...and no more than that.
  3. Is AYP really that bad?

    Funny, something similar happened to me recently that helped open up capacities. Amazing how growth can come through such crude and abrasive actions. Good fun.
  4. Is AYP really that bad?

    Easiest qigong exercise ever: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gr5MkMLyoeI There are many books on chakras...most of them probably quite horrid. Tibetan Ice gives some interesting insights on chakra work here: http://www.thedaobums.com/topic/30419-spinning-chakras/?p=453711
  5. Did a small divination for you asking "What Jenny Lamb's Yigong offered you?" -Fool -7 of Chalices -10 of Swords -Ace of Pentacles The reading suggests that you are not yet ready settle down and may become a bit fidgety with her methods and distracted by other techniques. This will lead to frustration and eventually you leaving it behind in pursuit of other internal techniques. Asked advice from the cards for you and got this: -Devil -7 of Swords -Star -My reading of this is that it may be beneficial to look beyond basic surface appeal and take your time to vet different methods in order to see what is most suited to you. Hope this is helpful. Cheers.
  6. I dun goofed

    His methods are wishy washy and there are much safer ways to approach cultivation.
  7. I dun goofed

    Everyone whom practices Mantak Chia should look at the many reviews online of how his methods have had adverse and harmful effects.
  8. Hi

    Cool practices you got there. Welcome to TTB.
  9. Greetings

    Welcome to TTB. I look forward to your contributions.
  10. Hello

    Mantak Chia's methods are quite wishy washy. Your defintely not the first to be hurt through his teachings. Welcome to TTB.
  11. Hi from the Caribbean

    Welcome to TTB.
  12. how to easily maximize your sex appeal

    Sounds like a cool trick. Will try it out.
  13. Hello from Scotland

    Hey welcome to the forum. Your right it's difficult to find good advice on this topic. Glad you know about KAP. They have lots of free articles on the site for helping manage "K". Wish you the best of luck. Incidentally, I find it strange that traditions which have techniques that potentially trigger "K" do not have methodology to help the student. But as you say it does tend to have a bad rap.
  14. Greeting from Milwaukee!

    Welcome to TTB. Have fun on your journey.
  15. Separating from our family and going out on our own is a natural part of growing up and becoming an independent man or women. In most cultures they have "rights of passage" or "initiations" into adulthood. But in our culture we are lacking in this area and many people can become stagnant in our ability to cut that cord and move into independence and adulthood. You should be able to find some cord cutting techniques online, just search.
  16. You can only help those whom wish to help themselves, sometimes to be compassionate you must be cold and cruel. Upon the day you leave, do a ritual cord cutting at the door. In terms of the whole vibration thing, it takes years of daily practice to rise. Additionally, I would look at all your personal possessions and take only the necessities with you (wallet and clothes), get rid of anything that does not have practical value (this is a brutal process but must be done) . Keep only what you need to survive, get rid of the crap in storage (all of it). You talked about feeling like moving in molasses.....if you get rid of the majority of possessions this will help immensely and clear out massive obstructions in your life. Just give it all away at a thrift store, even that which has sentimental value. Wish you the best and hope you have some kind of daily practice for raising your vibration. Doing sun salutations on a daily basis (5-10 minutes) will help with physical stiffness. Cheers.
  17. Can qi be felt by anyone?

  18. Can qi be felt by anyone?

    Tai Chi and Qigong have a lot in common. Increased sensitivity will also increase your martial skill. Standing postures like Wu Chi posture is Qigong but also is a kind of standing meditation that can be used to refine your physical alignment for Tai Chi and thus also enhance your martial technique. Don't treat these practices as separate, they are highly complimentary.
  19. Can qi be felt by anyone?

    It took me about 4 years of daily practice, about 1hr everyday of Qigong before I could feel It consistently. When it became a daily phenomena I could no longer deny its existence.
  20. How would you educate a novice Taoist?

    If I was a teacher (hahaha! yeah right!) I would ask the student first what he wants to learn. After going through a series of questions with the goal of encouraging introspection I would give the student a practice for making offerings to there spirit allies. Then I would do several divinations on different types of methods (meditation, qigong....etc) they might approach and what results each pathway pathway would bestow. Then i'd discuss each pathway with said student and see what they wanted to do. That's just a brief theoretical situation....every person is different....there is no panacea.
  21. Hello!

  22. Hi

    Welcome to TTB.
  23. Where should I start ?

    For healing oneself and others as well as manipulating energy I have yet to find more advanced methods than Stillness-Movement and Gift of the Tao (styles of Qigong and Neigong). Check out the instructors book "A Light Warriors Guide" by Michael Lomax. If it resonates with you then pursue it. If not there are other systems of Medical Qigong out there.
  24. Consciousness and Qi

    Until you have a direct, visceral and existential understanding of Qi....all you can do is play with descriptions and analogies. Keep training so you can get that direct experience.