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Everything posted by RiverSnake

  1. What are you watching on Youtube?

    He's the only candidate that seems trustworthy and makes logical sense.
  2. Kundalini Syndrome please help me.

    Moving this from the intro post to here. Welcome to TTB. http://www.kundaliniawakeningprocess.com/blog/videos-about-kundalini/
  3. Hello, kundalini Syndrome please help me.

    Welcome to TTB. This may be useful for you: http://www.kundaliniawakeningprocess.com/blog/videos-about-kundalini/
  4. Path Notes of an American Ninja Master.
  5. Hello from Tennessee

    Cool name. Welcome to TTB.
  6. Hey everybody

  7. .

    Stillness-Movement and Gift of the Tao is a type of chi kung that has been most influential for my practice. You still gotta train your ass off, but the methods are simple so you don't have to struggle with the exercises and you see results pretty quickly. You can find plenty of threads on Stillness-Movement and Gift of the Tao on this site. Links below. PM me if you have anymore questions. Book link: http://www.amazon.com/Warriors-Energy-Healing-Medical-Shamans-ebook/dp/B004GNFXMW/ref=la_B004H9B2G6_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1459897467&sr=1-1 Website link: http://www.qigongamerica.com
  8. .

    Like many I've dabbled in it, got frustrated and left it (revisiting every once in awhile for inspiration and tech). I found simple methods are more suited to me. The overly structured nature of it was a bit too much. Chi kung filled in a lot of holes that just can't be expressed in words. Looking back I understand Bardon's work a lot better and what he was trying to convey...but coming to it as a beginner with no gnosis under my belt It was like swimming in the middle of the ocean trying to look for land.
  9. Most systems are drawn from a variety of sources/influences. Bardon was influenced by Raja Yoga, Hermetic Principles and many other experiences I am sure. Nobody exists in a vacuum.
  10. .

    Funny I was going to mention Bardon, but I see your already involved in it. Taking up a daily alchemical practice will definitely compliment the IIH curriculum. Welcome to TTB and best of luck in your spiritual pursuits.
  11. hello

    Cool screen name. Welcome to TTB.
  12. Lot of questions in this post. Might want to narrow it down a bit.
  13. Hi guys!

    Those are some cool practices. Welcome to TTB.
  14. Howdy

    Welcome to TTB. Enjoy your stay.
  15. Hello

    For alchemical and energetic practices searching on Chi Kung may be a good start. For articles on Magick you may enjoy reading the Esoteric and Occult discussion section. Cheers.
  16. karmic implications of occult/magick

    The scale is blind.
  17. Hello

    Welcome to TTB.
  18. karmic implications of occult/magick

    Thank you for such a kind and spirited response (pun intended ). Cheers.
  19. karmic implications of occult/magick

    I would disagree with you on 3 accounts Steve: 1. While the spiritual path is not exclusively focused on power, its a big part. 2. Desire can be a very powerful tool for growth if handled in the correct manner. 3. Manifestation is a lot of fun, we as human beings are a manifestation. I do not view enlightenment as meaning you choose to completely abandon physical reality and float away in celestial lala land. But more along the lines that you are completely at one with yourself and the flow of existence....heaven/earth and all other divisions....you can come and go as you please....manifestation to un-manifestation...it's all groovy. Just my thoughts as of now, they may change in the future.
  20. To begin my journey

    I like Alan Watt's discussion on the Tao:
  21. Greetings from Switzerland

    Fun first post. Welome to TTB.
  22. karmic implications of occult/magick

    Personal experience being the operative words.