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Everything posted by RiverSnake

  1. Hello All...

  2. Daskalos!

    Magus of Strovolos is one of my favorite books. Very practical and powerful stuff.
  3. Whatever experimentation you do in trying different systems.....always have a basic core practice that your doing daily...this builds a foundation. Here is a link to many instructors in New York, found them through the NQA: http://nqa.org/find-member/
  4. Tarot Learning Tools/Techniques

    Recently been feeling like I am bumping up against some pretty sturdy walls when it comes to my ability to read the cards and continually deepen my understanding of the cards. It's not first time this has happened, we all have our peaks and valleys in growth, but it's caused me to start looking elsewhere for deeper insights into reading the cards. I am curious if anyone would share the ways they learned to read the Tarot and which ones were most powerful for them? I think it is likely that the only to continue progressing is more practice, but some friendly tips couldn't hurt. My 2 cents, Peace
  5. Hey everyone

    Welcome to TTB. Enjoy your stay.
  6. Road to Redemption

    The Tao is good medicine indeed. Keep practicing Kestrel.
  7. Iceland was one the last countries to convert to Cathlocism. Gues what that means? Many of the pagan folk traditions were not able to be completely snuffed out by dogmatic religion. The magick is alive!. Whole country still speaks Old Norse and many of the people believe in Elves (a type of nature spirit). Cool documentary. https://m.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=399&ebc=ANyPxKpmVfPxeSYCqaUX17TjQjMwbNxBl2rGVvzrr3PP-pk6BWLpDTPkjhN5K5UpRH-awDHTpH3_wzkK9oQNlLuB1h4dNha2Nw&v=gRjatXe5bis
  8. Magickal Iceland

    Sweet, didn't know about this source, much reading to do. Apech posted this awhile back about the first pagan temple in Iceland since the Vikings era. In the next 100 years It's probable that there will be a shift towards Paganism in many places in the world. http://thedaobums.com/topic/37560-icelanders-build-first-nordic-shrine-for-1000-years/?hl=odin
  9. Magickal Iceland

    Awesome, there's a couple books that go specifically into Icelandic folk practices. Here's another: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1885972431/ref=s9_simh_gw_g14_i1_r?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=desktop-1&pf_rd_r=0PE1HXE7BZNZTSVJBVY9&pf_rd_t=36701&pf_rd_p=2079475242&pf_rd_i=desktop
  10. I'm so extremely lost

    Lao-Tzu is actually an important patron of this site. If you lite a candle as an offering to him and say a prayer of assistance he may be forthcoming.
  11. I'm so extremely lost

    In order to get better at basketball you need to practice daily. Spiritual growth is no different. Here's a great exercise, practice daily, the more you practice the greater results you will achieve. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gr5MkMLyoeI
  12. Magickal Iceland

    Got a link?
  13. Magickal Iceland

    Indeed, they talk about highway construction in the context of sacred places in the video. Quite fun.
  14. Zhan Zhuang Practice Videos

    Simple Wu Chi posture is quite beneficial.
  15. Hello there

    Sometimes "spontaneous movements" can occur while meditating. These can be symptoms of the body trying to release stagnant energy from the body.
  16. Hey

    Welcome to the forum. Way of Energy by Lam Kam Chuen may be a good starting place. http://www.amazon.com/Way-Energy-Mastering-Internal-Strength/dp/0671736450/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1453396602&sr=8-1&keywords=Way+of+energy
  17. How about separate moderator accounts?

    Ward Off and Roll-back fellas. Wish the Mods the best of luck in 2016.
  18. How about separate moderator accounts?

    Sometimes you gotta let the pimp hand fly.
  19. Metatron

    Behold the Metatron.
  20. Hello everyone

    Lot of crap that we hold in our body. Physically, emotional, psychologically....etc. Meditation, Chi Kung, Fasting.....they all help clear out the crap so we can heal. A basic technique you may enjoy: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gr5MkMLyoeI
  21. Energy Center Above the Crown

    My understanding is that there are Indian texts that reference hundreds of chakras. The 7 chakra model is simply what the west popularly picked up for whatever reason.
  22. Light Phenomenon -- advice? ideas?

    Many strange phenomenon on the path. Just part of the territory. It helps keeping a regular journal. Puts these things into perspective in the long term and grounds your experience so you can reference them later. Very useful for tracking your path.
  23. Energy Center Above the Crown

    In terms of what I correlate with that center: 1. Higher Mind 2. Ego Death 3. Leaving the body
  24. The Magician Card

    The Magus has one hand pointed too the heavens and the other pointed to earth. He stands between these two polarites and uses his will and gnosis to work with these polarities in order to manipulate the fundamental elemental building blocks of creation (Earth, Fire, Water, Wind). He acts as a bridge for these fundamental powers in order to cause shifts in reality I accordance with intent. In terms of the Infiniti symbol and its meaning...I can only guess that it is a symbol for the Akashic principle or the 5th undefinable element that is the fundamental essence, spirit, promordial mind or divinity that inhabits and enlivens all of existence. The Magician stands in this Light/Gnosis as a he weaves his work. The point above the head in which the infinity symbol usually resides in most cards is also a center or chakra in which I have grown to associate with Higher Mind and Non-Dual "Here but not Here" states of consciousness.
  25. Happy to be here

    My understanding is that yigong is a very powerful and beneficial system.