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Everything posted by RiverSnake

  1. Sacred Sex for Charisma?

    Add internal work to that equation and your on a strong path towards charisma and personal power. Just be careful, in increasing power within ones sphere comes increased responsibility for the karma you create.
  2. Interesting stuff. I've yet to dive very deep into the history of Druidism myself, my only understanding so far is that not much is factually known except from samples of Bardic tales of the time and certain archaeological finds which may or not be related to Druidry. Thanks for sharing, a reading project i'll likely dive into in the future. A useful video:
  3. Continuing to explore the OBOD's approach to Druidry and have found that there is some valuable stuff there. Insightful video, there head chief is definitely a smart cat:
  4. Are we here for a purpose?

    "Only those who are awakened to their inner self are free to manipulate their own existence consciously. The rest are fertilizer from the religious mystic perspective."Shadow Strategies of an American Ninja Master by Glenn Morris Pretty harsh stuff, but worth contemplating. No one says it quite like Glenn.
  5. A Student In The Abyss

    Its important to pay attention to your diet, the food you eat effects your emotional, psychological and energetic states enormously. Prayer is powerful in ways you can't imagine. Just because Christianity is full of fundamentalist assholes does not necessarily mean that the spiritual entities within the Christian cosmology are assholes. On the contrary, Higher Beings like Angels can be extremely beneficial to work with...though challenging at times. Bypass the filter of socially constructed religion and go straight to the source for healing and illumination. Mixing qigong styles can cause non-beneficial effects. If your doing a system already and are receiving tangible benefits then i recommend you stick with that one. If you wish to incorporate different styles then its best to wait 30-60 minutes after you've finished one practice in order for effects to subside and then practice the other. Yes, that exercise can be done by itself even though its part of a larger system. If your looking for different systems of Qigong here is a useful thread. Me and many other practitioners give there recommendation. http://thedaobums.com/topic/27757-what-is-the-best-qigong-lineage-to-start-out-with/?hl=lineage
  6. New guy from the Czech Republic

    May you continue to grow in Power and Wisdom on your path.....congratulations.
  7. Enlightened movies

    Kung Fu Panda 1-2 was awesome. Guess what's coming down the pipe?!?!
  8. Hey spotless, a question. I've seen some pretty powerful correlations between the Sun and the 3rd Eye in my own practice. Was wondering if you could comment on this?
  9. A Student In The Abyss

    1. Here's a basic qigong exercise that you can do and receive enormous benefit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gr5MkMLyoeI 2. Eat grounding foods regularly, this will help stabilize you. Experiment with how the foods make you feel and make adjustments accordingly between lighter and denser foods. http://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-6146/Healthy-Fall-Foods-That-Ground-You.html 3. If your whacking of on a regular basis i recommend you take a break. Take note of any changes positive/negative and make adjustments accordingly. 4. Sometimes when we go too deep to quick in meditation and it can cause a type of distortion of our sense of self. Who we thought we are and our ideas about how the world works can get shattered to quickly for us to adjust in a constructive way. The personality can become fragmented and needs healing. All i can say to you is.... if you think this is the case, pray to your higher power for healing. 5. Take daily salt baths. Very helpful for cleansing. -Best of luck in your Questing.
  10. How to summon entities?

    Just read a bit of Shadow Strategies by Glenn Morris yesterday. His chapter entitled "Denizens of Deep" talks about spirits and the astral in a way only Glenn could talk about them. Paints a pretty wild picture worth reading.
  11. Question?

    Did BKA leave the forum? Haven't seen her post in awhile?
  12. New guy from the Czech Republic

    IMO, stay away from Mantak Chia. Many of his techniques can injure your health. There are better sources for internal work.
  13. Please, I need help

    1. Might want to try eating foods that are natural colon cleansers like broccoli, carrots...etc. Natural diuretics like cranberry juice may beneficial. Water fasting can also be beneficial for detoxifying your system and cleansing the digestive tract. 2. The "blind spot" on your back sounds like a blockage. You can dissolve this by simply resting your awareness on the blockage. Lightly hold your awareness there until it dissolves...this can take some time. 3. Stay away from full lotus. It takes a great deal of stretching in order to be able to get in the posture effectively and injury free. Burmese posture is a good substitute. Becoming the lotus is an excellent book of stretches for this purpose. http://www.amazon.com/Becoming-Lotus-Martin-Faulks/dp/1885928181 4. Find a skilled TCM whom is also a skilled Internal Arts practitioner....a good TCM doctor is hard to find. If you do find one they will be invaluable to your path. 5. My understanding is that internal energetics can sometimes mess with our metabolism. Tai Chi is said to slow it down, Kundalini awakening is said to speed it up. Not much else i can say about this since i am not very knowledgable. -Best of luck in your path
  14. Question?

    Thanks for the response. Best wishes for her.
  15. SM - Importance of Tree gong

    Indeed, in many shamanic cosmologies trees act as the axis-mundi of the universe. In Norse mythology human beings are actually born out of a tree at the time of creation. When you see such a commonality throughout so many traditions it definitely means something....where there's smoke there's fire.
  16. How to summon entities?

    It is also a matter of the intent of the writer. For example, Talismanic Publishers like Scarlet Imprint put out books that are Talismans and thus designed specifically for connecting the reader with whatever the book is transferring.
  17. John Michael Greer has an interesting article where he compares the difference between the ADF and OBOD. The essay highlights a lot of major factors like historical accuracy, Revival Druidry and the philosophical differences that stretch across each pathway. Worth reading: https://www.adf.org/about/basics/adf-and-obod.html
  18. Singing the Soul Back Home by Caitlin Mathews. One of my favorite books. It was one of the first texts to introduce me to the idea that you can open a dialogue with nature. http://www.amazon.com/Singing-Soul-Back-Home-Shamanic/dp/1859061036/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1434408824&sr=1-1&keywords=singing+the+soul+back+home
  19. Just started listening to this OBOD podcast. Pleasantly surprised, good music and good discussion of Magick. Learned quite a bit about mirror Magick in there last cast. http://www.druidry.org/druid-way/resources/druidcast-obod-podcast
  20. An additional source that may be useful when it comes to handling titles and different forms and practices: http://www.inominandum.com/blog/eclecticism-part-3-eight-rules-for-sane-eclecticism/
  21. Dream-Bliss, i'm happy that your curious about earthy forms of spiritually. But let me give you one tip (i know you didn't ask for it) that will save you a ton of time and grief. Don't usurp titles like "Shaman", "Palero", "Santero, "Priest"....etc. Go through the labor of self-cultivation and initiation via spirit in order to develop your own authority. Then it will be apparent to others that you have the power and charisma of a practitioner. Versus throwing out a title which may or may not be accurate to your level of skill and potentially offensive to other peoples and cultures. That being said, "The Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids" is an organization that you may be interested in. Seem like they got some juice behind there sage. http://www.druidry.org/
  22. Used to try meditating in classes, it was not good for my grades. When you reach a certain state of absorption you can't process things on an intellectual level...IME. Other states I've been in it was difficult to function physically and mentally. There are different depths of non-dual states, it's pretty dicey to talk specifically about any of them....but I find once I expand up to the forehead and beyond its difficult to function intellectually unless I come back down.
  23. SM - Importance of Tree gong

    Hey Brian, thanks for reminding me. Went back to that section and picked up some useful info.
  24. SM - Importance of Tree gong

    I noted that there's been mention on several occasions of being absorbed into trees during practice. Had some similar experiences and was wondering if any other S-M practitioners could give there 2 cents on this aspect of tree practice (experiences, advice...etc)?
  25. Your asking quite valid questions, it's important to look at whatever art your pursuing and ask yourself, "will I be able to defend myself effectively when I'm 80 years old?." Tai Chi is an effective martial art. But it's been popularized to such a degree that it's quite rare to find a teacher whom knows the practical methods of defense. Luckily there are other internal martial arts that are quite effective and will enhance your health rather than destroy your joints like many hard styles do. 1. Xing Yi 2. Bagua 3. Silat (my favorite) 4. Bujinkan 5. Hoshin Budo -And hundreds of others that I'm sure are missing from this list. These are what Im most familiar with. Hope you find a great teacher. Best of luck.