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Everything posted by RiverSnake

  1. A Bums Update - May 2015

    More than the superficial changes. I'm glad to see the moderation team has been girding their loins and handling disputes In such a skilfful and resolute way. The difference in the last year has been quite tangible to my eyes. Many thanks for the work done.
  2. Which books sit on your nightstand?

    Currently reading this manga and really enjoying it: http://www.mangapanda.com/tate-no-yuusha-no-nariagari
  3. Streak of bad things happening...just me?

    The part of this video after 6:00 is quite humorous. The guru talks about a saying in India in which it is only after your life is wrecked that people end up going to the ashram for spirituality. Got a good chuckle, it's so true.
  4. Streak of bad things happening...just me?

    I agree. Dealing with these kind of spiritual and material ups and downs can be a kind of initiation in and of itself. Also doing some uncrossings can help if you feel you got some nasty mojo stuck to you.
  5. Streak of bad things happening...just me?

    Gone through some serious shit in the last month myself, spiritually and materially. It's not pleasant in the short term, but in the long term I know these experiences will help me grow. Think they may have started around the red moon last month...not sure if that's of any relevance.
  6. Help me (and a few others) find peace

    Some time away from TTB in a quite room.....with an empty mind upon ones navel may be beneficial. Your activity on the forum does seem quite sporadic and monkey-mindish.
  7. Qigong

    You don't want to leave energy in your head. Bring it down to your LDT. Also I reccomemd staying away from Mantak Chia. Master Lam is great though.
  8. Where do I find guidance?

    Say a prayer to your guardian angel.
  9. Scarlet Imprint: Occult Literature

    Felt like a gitty teenage boy when I saw that Nephilheim has started offering there sold out hardcover books on Amazon as paperback. Also there new book Ritual Offerings looks quite cool. https://nephilimpress.com
  10. Seeking Advice... Again! How Should I Handle This?

    Hey DreamBliss. Sponteneous bliss and joy as an everyday state takes years to cultivate, I'm not there yet. My point in that post was meant to let you know that there are states of being that exist way beyond the suffering and sorrow you are currently dowsed in....and that these joyful states can be accomplished with daily effort....though not many people on the planet ever experience them in an internally generated way. Here's a link to the Secret Smile. Be warned its possible to trigger K by doing this technique. Blessings. http://thedaobums.com/topic/9719-dr-morriss-secret-smile-breathing-basic-kap-1-giri-for-the-tao-bumbs/
  11. Seeking Advice... Again! How Should I Handle This?

    Allow me to share a story with you. I was training with a couple of friends recently and we were all sitting on wooden chairs outside practicing. One of the practices we were doing was circulating the secret smile. Personally I was feeling a bit energetically fried so I didn't do this practice or any kind of energetic work. Yet something interesting happened, even though I wasn't doing the smile, I started to burst into spontaneous bliss. I couldn't stop laughing and feeling joyful. I kept up this feeling for a good 40 minutes until we stopped practicing and we all parted ways. Just being in the space where other people were practicing caused me to explode with bliss. This bliss is a phenomenon which IMO all practitioners eventually experience. The point of me telling this story is to tell you this DreamBliss. Misery and sorrow does not have to be your reality, you can choose another way of life, a much more blissful and joyful way of living. Keep practicing.
  12. Hear it from the horses mouth: http://thedaobums.com/topic/16067-interview-with-chunyi-lin-of-spring-forest-qigong/
  13. .

    Many people do tend to take pot shots at Wicca (including myself) for its shady history and it becoming a mainstream religion. Thought this girl made some controversial but valid points regarding Withcraft, it's history and Wiccan practice.
  14. No system has a monopoly on any of those. Do you dream? Do you have sex? Do you have the elements present in your body (yes we all do)? Do you have the Jing, Chi and Shen present within your body in order to alchemize yourself spiritually (yes we all do)? Then you can learn how to apply these factors to your spiritual growth. I am absolutely sure that Chunyilin has knowledge of these practices...as you expand your consciousness you naturally begin to understand "things" on a deeper level. It would only make sense that he does since I have some understanding of these things and he's ten times more enlightened than me. Don't be fooled by the idea of "more is better". Often the simpler something is the more powerful it is...but it still requires the years of intense and disciplined study to become skilled....all systems do. Pour your sweat and tears into disciplined daily practice and you will see results.....and also teachers will be more open......even happy.....to teach you things they don't write about on books, because they know you've been busting tail in applying there methods (most people don't put in the effort). On a separate note....I've heard and experienced (some) way to many bad sideffects of toying around with Mantak Chia's stuff. Never played with Michael Winns techniques though.
  15. .

    One book I'd add to that list which has been more enjoyable than any other Ive read on the craft is Serpent Songs, curated by Nicholas De Mattos Frisvold. Hoping to also get his book Craft of the Untamed. http://www.amazon.com/Craft-Untamed-Inspired-Traditional-Witchcraft/dp/1906958114 http://scarletimprint.com/books/serpent-songs/
  16. Holy Guardian Angel

    Found some of Frater MCs posts on the HGA of value: http://thelionsdens.blogspot.com/2011/08/holy-guardian-angels-helpful-spirits.html
  17. What the hell is the abyss anyways?

    Some useful insights on this topic: http://www.theomagica.com/on-crossing-the-abyss
  18. Petition to bring back Deci Belle

    Grow a spine and get a gun that sticks.
  19. Why do spirits like to put their hands on you?

    Depends on the spirit. In reference to the ones that have your best interest at heart, I have noted that they tend to enjoy reaching into you and pulling crap out of your system (talk about a heavy detox). Another pattern I've noticed is getting speared in the forehead and driven into a state of Gnosis/Being. Sometimes spirits will even eat you, dice you up into pieces and then put you back together. It's a common theme you see across many shamanic traditions.
  20. where to start ?

    Books are great, but if I were too go back in time, these are the two practices I would have started earlier on which helped push me where I was most suited....magically speaking: 1. Ancestral Work 2. Holy Guardian Angel
  21. Strategic Sorcery Review

    Hey Bruce, that's a very broad question and I'll answer it too the best of my ability. 1. One of the greatest benefits of magick is that it will help you with your spiritual growth through practices such as Meditation, Internal Alchemy, Personality Integration, Prayer and Contemplation....etc 2. The second greatest benefit of magick is it teaches you how to interact and work with the subtle forces and powers of creation in a more "skillful" way. An example might be that you are gardening and you really want your plants and trees to do well this year. A basic technique might be to start a conversation with the plant or tree and find out what kind of sustenance it needs to do well. You could meditate with the plants and trees in order to share energy and help them grow stronger. Another option would be to leave offerings for the land spirits to watch over and help your garden grow.....among many other possibilities. The point is that your no longer operating on simple gross physical reality in your gardening but our tapping into subtle forces and powers that govern those areas of creation and are working with them in an intelligent way. You can apply this principle to anything. Perhaps your love life is suffering and after doing some divination regarding the situation you might evoke a Venusian archetype for advice on your situation in exchange for some offerings. Your approaching a mundane situation both in a physical and a subtle way. That in a nutshell is what a lot of practical magick is about. Approaching life from a physical and subtle way in order to live life more skillfully and efficiently. Hope those examples helped.
  22. Kudulini through fasting

    Just a note. Dry fasting will kill you. For water fasts though, as long as you still have fat on your body then you'll likely be fine because you still have energy to burn. Fasting is an outstanding way of cleansing and purifying the body. Though it is good to have access to a medical professional whom can check you out to make sure you don't experience negative symptoms. Dietary wise everyone's body is different. Just finished a fast myself, a diet I settled on afterwards was this: 1. Fruits 2. Vegetables 3. Nuts and Seeds 4. Legumes -No meat, seafood and grains. I don't eat dairy that often. Additionally, if you want to trigger Kundalini then go with a system that is focused in that area. KAP has some good stuff in regards to that area of practice.
  23. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    "Its ok to be nice, but don't build your nest on the ground." Anonymous
  24. Holy Guardian Angel

    Discounted copy's of Nephilheim Presses Holy Guardian Angel: http://www.inominandum.com/blog/discounted-copies-of-the-holy-guardian-angel/