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Everything posted by RiverSnake

  1. .

    Seth, I'm curious, do you make regular offerings (weekly, daily, monthly...etc) to your fetch?
  2. My story

    Sounds like you had a rough road. Congrats on coming out of it wiser and more enlightened....many people don't.....atleast on this lifetime.
  3. Blood Moon, April 4 2015

    Food that makes you more dense, energetically speaking. Generally meat is a powerful tool for grounding. If your a vegetarian then I'm sure there are other alternatives but I can't think of any of the top of my head, perhaps someone else whom is more knowledge can chime in. In the long run though it would be positive to go into these imbalances and dissolve them at the appropriate pace. Also there is a balance in cultivation to keeping ones head in heaven while are feet are firmly rooted on the ground. Its not uncommon for cultivators to fly of to heaven and forget about creating and maintaining the life there living. This life has value, love, cherish and enjoy it.
  4. Blood Moon, April 4 2015

    My understanding is the moon has a strong influence on the "Mind". People whom are psychologically unstable like in insane asylums may flip there shit when full moons happen. If this is a serious problem for you then it may be beneficial to eat some grounding food during these periods.
  5. .

    Just finished "A Deed Without a Name". It was an interesting exploration of witchcraft from a practical and scholarly perspective. It was a bit dense at times, but not overly so. Picked up ton of knowledge about the tradition and some useful techniques for: 1. Connecting with your fetch 2. Necromancy 3. Spirit Flight and several others I cannot recall. Like said above I also enjoying connecting with traditions that have a non-dual approach. It just seems like a healthier, more grounded and happier way of living. Looking forward to exploring other literature on the topic.
  6. Blood Moon, April 4 2015

    It seems my timing was proper. Currently doing a water fast. Thanks for the post Gerard.
  7. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    Tywin is not a particularly loved character, but this scene is worth watching. His explanation of wisdom is quite worthwhile. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=doY0IjisBlk
  8. Thoughts on Wu Wei

    No thoughts are neccesary.
  9. Holy Guardian Angel

    I thought I'd share some recent insights I've had in regards to working with my HGA. It has become apparent to me through recent experiences that as you continue to deepen your work with this particular angel it becomes innevitable and necessary (IME) that you become attuned to the chthonic current in one way or another.....versus just trying to jump ship. Along those lines it's come to my attention that the spirit Scirilin from the Grimorium Verum has in one way or another a strong "working" relationship with your HGA (IME). It's also come to my attention that many others have come to this knowledge as well. It is interesting how there can be crossovers with spirits from different Grimoires. Anyways that's my 2 cents, will likely have more to contribute later.
  10. Holy Guardian Angel

    Found some valuable tidbits in these links regarding the HGA, enjoy: https://aaronleitch.wordpress.com/2012/07/17/abramelin-be-afraid/ https://aaronleitch.wordpress.com/2012/06/18/five-gravity-wells-in-modern-occultism/
  11. How to work on your sub-personalities?

    Josama, I've actually done a lot of this kind of work...ie...dissolving imbalances in ones personality and overall soul structure.This is a technique I've found to be most useful. Take it slow and be careful, it's powerful stuff. http://thedaobums.com/topic/27901-soul-mirrors-and-the-tarot/?p=575574
  12. .

    Well, it is a Daoist forum. Perhaps Lao-Tze would be a helpful patron spirit. I read he enjoys a plain white candle as an offering and can help bring harmony and helpful advice. Might take a bit of a load of the moderators and other volunteers at this forum.
  13. .

    Hmmmm...I wonder what spirits would be of value to make offerings to in order to promote harmony on the TTB?
  14. Cool profile pic. When I ask whom it is off? :)

    1. RiverSnake
    2. Bubbles


      Thanks for the comment

      It is Padmasambhava : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Padmasambhava

      I found it on a Buddhist website.:)

      Take care


  15. Favourite Hermetic & Occult Books

    Rune Theory and Practice by Galinna Krasscova. This books is a deep, controversial and outstanding work on the Runes, well worth reading if your interested in this subject matter. http://www.amazon.com/Runes-Theory-Practice-Galina-Krasskova-ebook/dp/B002ZRQ5UK/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top
  16. Gift of the Tao II Neigong Movements

    Hey Michael, thanks for insights and the Qi.
  17. Gift of the Tao II Neigong Movements

    GOT 1, mentioned it there.
  18. Gift of the Tao II Neigong Movements

    Made some subtle adjustments to my GOT practice recently and had some rather profound results. Usually when I do the first motion of GOT 1 I just focus on gathering the energy from above and below me within the area I'm practicing. But when you actually set your intent to reaching deep into heaven and earth and use your energy body to reach that area....the depth and space of the practice expands with lightness, your eyes widen with Qi and the bliss kicks in pretty strong. I was quite surprised by this strong of a change through such a small adjustment. Anyone else have a similar experience?
  19. I am currently righting a paper on Medical Qigong for Massage therapy school. Was wondering if anyone was familiar with scholarly sources on the topic?
  20. Medical Qigong Journals and Articles

    Thanks guys, much obliged for the links.
  21. Holy Guardian Angel

    Lol, glad I didn't lose a hip.
  22. New Member Here

    Might find some these articles useful. Welcome to TTB. http://www.kundaliniawakeningprocess.com/blog/videos-about-kundalini/
  23. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    "But...you've killed before," Obi-wan added hesitantly. "I have," Qui-Gon admitted, "when there was no other choice. But when I kill, I only win a fight. It's a small, small victory. There are greater battles to be won--battles of the heart. Sometimes, with patience and reason and by setting a good example, I have won more than a fight--I have turned my adversary into a friend." -Star Wars: The Rising Force by David Wolverton
  24. Qi cultivation and before that

    IME, the best way to learn about Qi is to experience Qi firsthand. You can experience chi first hand by practicing QiGong on a daily basis. Overtime, as you practice, your body will develop more and more sensitivity to the Qi within you and without your body. Working with trees is a really cool practice, I highly RECCOMEND. Also here is a basic Qigong exercises for you which you can practice anywhere. There are many systems, I simply give this video because it is easily accessible and also a powerful exercise. Practice daily and have fun! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gr5MkMLyoeI
  25. Get a bowl of salt and leave it in the room for a whole day. That's the simplest way.