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Everything posted by RiverSnake

  1. Hi everyone :)

    Welcome to the forum Lila.
  2. Gift of the Tao II Neigong Movements

    Getting a bit better at sleeping neigong. Its fun being super slippery with chi in the morning, but one thing I've noticed is a tendency towards feeling dehydrated and burnt out in the morning. I've taken the precaution of drinking a bit of water before going to sleep and that helps a bit. You guys know any other tips and trick for the sleeping practice to better help with these side effects......as well as any general tips for the sleeping practice?
  3. What are you reading right now?

    Currently reading: Consider the Ravens. Interesting so far. http://www.amazon.com/Consider-Ravens-Contemporary-Hermit-Life/dp/193623663X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1417011522&sr=8-1&keywords=Consider+the+ravens&pebp=1417011525502
  4. New to the community - hi all

    The Path is in the Practice. Welcome to TTB.
  5. Premature Kundalini. How to tread careful?

    A lot of info here: http://www.kundaliniawakeningprocess.com/blog/videos-about-kundalini/
  6. Eating practices

    It's not the abundance of food. It's the quality of food and our lifestyle....IMO.
  7. While i disagree with you on various points Yasjua......mainly being that you have no power over your life. Thanks for sharing. As someone whom does a bit of divination (in an amateur capacity)I can say from experience that I've been in situations where things were suppose to happen and didn't as a result of personal effort of the individual. Life and how we experience it is a great deal more malleable than most people think....IMO. Do we have NO control.....do we wave ALL control.....I think its somewhere in the middle.
  8. Manifestation is bullshit? If that was true then you wouldn't exist. Right?
  9. Favourite Hermetic & Occult Books

    Indeed, in person teaching is best. Was wondering if anyone had experiences with his methods though?
  10. Favourite Hermetic & Occult Books

    Anyone ever toyed around with some of Rufus Opus's material? He's releasing a newly revised book on the spheres through Nephilheim soon. http://headforred.blogspot.com/2014/11/planetary-gates-of-seven-spheres.html#gpluscomments
  11. Taoism has been kind to me

    Very cool. Thanks for sharing your experiences Source.
  12. Best Practices To Build And Energize Your Hara/Dantien?

    My favorite?? 1. Gift of the Tao and Stillness Movement
  13. don't know where to start

    The Interview section and the Q's for Teachers thread are also quite cool. http://thetaobums.com/topic/26816-qsonly-teachers-may-answer/ http://thetaobums.com/forum/356-interviews/
  14. don't know where to start

    Whatever you practice, do so daily and diligently. Spring Forest Chi Kung: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gr5MkMLyoeI
  15. Been hitting some pretty intense periods of bliss in my practice lately. Although it feels great to be happy and bursting into tears of joy for no reason....what I've interestingly found is that I am more fond of regular states of peace and equanimity rather than Bliss. May sound counter intuitive for some. Thought it an interesting insight in terms of its overarching relation to life and how most people are obsessed with achieving "positive states".
  16. trusting spirits?

    Your response reminds me of a part from Path Notes by Glenn Morris. He equates emptiness meditation as a kind of brain scrub in which you gradually dissolve your inherited social nonsense. "You want a quite, smooth-running brain that allows easy access to what is stored there. A Cadillac engine of the mind. You don't want a sleepy, moody, ignorant, slow, or jerky brain with bad memory as a result of not knowing how to do basic preventative maintenance. It's time to change the oil!! I'll bet you're still clinging to useful thoughts like 2+2=4 even though you had the principles pat for years." Path Notes of an America Ninja Master by Glenn Morris.
  17. What do you think of loyalty?

    "Man is born free, but everywhere he is in chains." Jean Jacques Rousseau
  18. Soul Mirrors and The Tarot

    A useful technique I've appropriated from Jacki Smith recently is basically asking yourself a question and spitting out the first answer your subconscious mind gives. The idea is to say it right away so your conscious mind doesn't filter it for a "prettier" answer. Used it with great success in combination with some recent soul readings I did with my deck and the Sedona method. Picked up the trick on DDTRH. Have fun. http://deeper-down-the-rabbit-hole.com/2011/07/episode-17-guest-jacki-smith-techniques-candle-magic/
  19. SM - Importance of Tree gong

    Hey Michael, thanks for the tips and feedback.
  20. Don't think... feel.

    Was contemplating this yesterday. Got a lot from it, thanks for sharing your teachers wisdom.
  21. SM - Importance of Tree gong

    I was practicing with another tree in my backyard recently. Then i got pulled over to the other tree that had been injured. I greeted it and didn't notice any resistance this time. I hadn't planned on doing any healing work on the tree that day....but i just let my body be moved. I noticed i started doing healing movements much like when i am working on a person and i just rolled with it allowed the energy to show me where to go. It was an interesting experience. Approached it again today and it still seemed a bit fragile but better. Took one of its broken branches and planted it. Started working with another tree in my front yard. Its funny, when i first greeted him it was like "Who?, What?, Huh?"....but at soon as i started practicing it was like "awesome lets practice!!" Thought that was funny. Anyways that's my field report. Peace
  22. Holy Guardian Angel

    It was a decent book that I was able to pick up a few gems from regarding the entity itself. I most enjoyed the passages by Rufus Opus, Jason Miller and Michael Cecchetelli. Out of all the contributions only one selection made my eyes glaze over like a tired snail and I just skipped it. But overall it was a good collection that I enjoyed and found insightful to a noob like myself. Felt the need to pass it on to others whom can pick up a few gems from its pages.
  23. Men's Cultivation Forum

    Good God, baby Jesus, please no.