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Everything posted by RiverSnake

  1. Haven't read Robert Bruce's stuff, but here's a good interview. Draja has some cool exercises for developing Astral Projection in his Practice of Magic intro book. http://deeper-down-the-rabbit-hole.com/2012/12/episode-83-robert-bruce-discusses-astral-projection/ http://www.amazon.com/Practice-Magic-Introductory-Guide-Art/dp/0877288070/ref=sr_1_4?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1410534763&sr=1-4&keywords=draja+mickaharic My 2 cents, Peace
  2. Scarlet Imprint: Occult Literature

    Wanted to say I just started reading Serpent Songs and I am deeply impressed by the work, nothing like anything I've read before. This is my 1st book from Scarlet Imprint and definitely not my last. My 2 cents, Peace
  3. Runes

    Anyone on this forum have some experience with the Runes? My 2 cents, Peace
  4. Ironically, many of the tagged threads are of my own creation. Lol, guess I'm a tarot addict. My 2 cents, Peace
  5. Is TTB a safe place to post?

    Didn't really understand or have any idea as too the best strategy moving forward for TTB. When I don't understand a situation, I do a divination for insight. Also it's just cool because I get the opportunity to practice. My 2 cents, Practice
  6. Is TTB a safe place to post?

    What strategies can be applied by the TTB staff in order create a more harmonious and drama free environment on the site? This is the question i asked the cards, the cards I drew and the answers I divined: -7 of Swords -Son of Swords -5 of Cups Seven.....beware of the gathering of swords. Notice the symptoms of offensive threads before it actually goes catatonic. This can be as simple as looking at the title of the thread (is it divisive in nature?)....how many pages it's gone on for......the longer the thread the more potential for trolling and offensive behavior.....and the member whom actually started it....does he have a history of divisive behavior.....if so awareness should be brought to the potential situation that may unfold before the mudslinging even begins to manifest on the surface.....notice the bubbling at the well....before it can take root. Son of Swords....hover above the situation and observe ongoing potential threads. Do not hesitate to swoop in a take pre-emptive action such as basic warnings regarding the nature of the thread. Act aggressively, accurately and intelligently in moderating dialogue. Stay focused and on-course. 5 of Cups....despair, depression, sorrow, doubt, hate, regret, bitterness and broken cups (relationships). These are all emotions that can cultivate in corrupted and hateful threads and result in the loss of many members of TTB. They are also feelings that can bruise staff members. Having a history of feeling these feelings as a staff member can also inhibit the ability to take correct actions in the future do to still feeling the cuts and bruises of the past and not wanting to risk experiencing the again. Know thyself, observe and feel when these emotions are cultivating in threads on the forum as well as within oneself. -I still am somewhat amateurish in my divinatory ability, but that's what I was able to draw from the cards and the overall situation. Hope it is potentially helpful. My 2 cents, Peace
  7. Holy Guardian Angel

    I was actually quite inspired by the video with the Buddhist nun that you posted. I'm considering that once I finish massage school I'm going to do a three year retreat. Something to look forward too. My 2 cents, Peace
  8. Holy Guardian Angel

    Yeah, it would appear that people have varying degrees of difficulty depending in where there at. Perhaps one day I'll be able to give my 2 cents, from direct experience. Aaron Leitch is actually one of the contributors to the book. My 2 cents, Peace
  9. Holy Guardian Angel

    It's interesting. One of the major themes throughout the book is the fact that there is so many differing opinions on the essential nature of the HGA and how most people whom think they've done it are just deluding themselves. I think getting "towered" along the process of K&C would be a better word to use than backlash...which is a term that tends to be used when talking about curses. The book itself actually emerged out of widespread debate by various practitioners on the net rather than any consensus on the Being itself. My 2 cents, Peace
  10. Holy Guardian Angel

    Indeed. Supposedly it's quite a profound, painful and life changing experience. Rufus Opus whom is another contributor to the book (one of my favorites) talks about it as a kind of solar initiation in this interview. http://deeper-down-the-rabbit-hole.com/2012/08/episode-71-rufus-opus-discusses-angels-demons-magicians-my/ My 2 cents, Peace
  11. Holy Guardian Angel

    I finished the Holy Guardian Angel by Nepheilheim Press about a week ago. A book well worth reading, picked up quite a few gems. My 2 cents, Peace
  12. Soul Mirrors and The Tarot

    In addition I'd like to mention that utilizing the Sedona method has really allowed me to take my Soul Mirror work "mobile". If I notice any tension or imbalance within the day I don't have to write it down on a paper so I can categorize it into my mirror for later contemplation. I simply ask myself "Am I willing to let go of this tension/blockage/negative characteristic?.......etc It's a very empowering practice that can take "Soul Work" to a deeper and more integrated level with ones daily life rather than tucked away in your notebook for later commencement. My 2 cents, Peace
  13. Low energy after Osho meditation and energy work

    Make sure your not rubbing your noodle out every night....IME....it can really deplete you energetically and leave you feeling exhausted. Best of luck. My 2 cents, Peace
  14. Such direct and one pointed practice. Truly and Inspiration. Thanks for sharing Bagua. My 2 cents, Peace
  15. Women & TTB

    There is no problem for me personally because I never opened the thread to begin with....thus I don't really experience all the negativities or "problems" that people get bent out of shape about. Therefore the subjectivity of experience on the forum...for me TTB is fine and dandy....didn't give it a 2nd thought. Perhaps I am guilty of becoming immune to the toxicity of Internet feuds and thus don't really resonate with the strife that so many people seem to have experienced on TTB....for sure I rumbled around in the strife in my earlier years on the net.....but eventually just got over it and developed thicker skin and learned to behave in a more cunning way. Rather than recklessly throwing all of my emotion and force at a problem and creating flame wars. Seth, you talked about other forums and them having superior models for behavior that result in a better environment for all. Perhaps you could post some links. My 2 cents, Peace
  16. Women & TTB

    You definitely seem to have strong feelings about this topic Seth. It's becoming more apparent to me that everyone definitely has a different experience of TTB. The thread you posted on "Cult of Racism".....I never even bothered looking at it because from the title it seemed like a waste of time and a pit for trolls .....I guess our experiences can be quite subjective depending on what threads we visit. My 2 cents, Peace
  17. Women & TTB

    Though.....i'd add it is still an issue that awareness should be brought too.....(this thread is a good start)....rather than something to be ignored and put under the covers. The more male members are aware of how the things they say and do affect the opposite sex (positively or negatively)...the more awareness can be brought to the typer as he makes his post. Creating more laws/rules does not fix a problem. Going into the core of the issue and dissolving with awareness whats causing stagnation does. My 3 cents, Peace
  18. Women & TTB

    There is a delicate balance between giving known assholes whom violate the behavioral code of TTBs the boot.....and rampant censorship do to people being made "uncomfortable" by controversial discussions. Personally i love freedom of speech and freedom in general....at the same time sometimes people say idiotic and rude things that make others (females) uncomfortable. We already have general guidelines for unacceptable and acceptable behavior...as well as the ability to Report Members if they are being directly offensive. I don't like the idea of people being told "what they are allowed to say" and "not allowed to say" if it is not directly aimed at any individual member. Getting politics and gender issues involved in TTB behavioral policy is a slippery slope with many potentially "unintended consequences". When someone is consistently rude....instead of trying to tell them there offensive....i just put them on ignore....i censor them myself and sometimes report the behavior......so i don't have to deal with the non-sense. My 2 cents, Peace
  19. Soul Mirrors and The Tarot

    A trick that I used recently in combination with my Tarot Soul Mirrors is divining whats my biggest block that's inhibiting the flow in my personality. Look at the card and drawing out the meaning from the card and the personality trait it's referring to....write it down. Then applying the Sedona Method technique to release that blockag-feeling-psychological construct....etc......from yourself. It's quite powerful stuff and well worth digging in the well for: http://www.sedona.com/How-It-Works.asp My 2 cents, Peace
  20. I am looking for a Teacher

    HUTAS! Lol. Classic. My 2 cents, Peace
  21. I am looking for a Teacher

    If you type in a list of systems that you are interested in I could possibly do a divination to see what each of them offers you and also what is most suited to your as an individual. My 2 cents, Peace
  22. Ethical Hexing

    Was recently reading a post over on reddit by Jason Miller (a professional occultist and sorcerer). Someone asked him what his biggest regret in his esoteric career was and he said this: "Never EVER get consecrated Bishop at an Occult festival. hehe. Just kidding. Shawn is the Bishop who consecrated me a few years ago at Crucible in NJ. My biggest regrets have to do with curse work, both ending up working better than I thought they would. Thats really all I want to say about that. Be careful with that shit. Magic is a loaded gun." http://www.reddit.com/r/occult/comments/2e8feo/iama_jason_miller_inominandum/ Be-careful gents....very careful. My 2 cents, Peace
  23. Befriending Money

    To play on what you said before, money is a method of creating a "cling free" exchange. Sometimes when things are given for "free" there is an assumption that there is no actual "exchange" occurring on both sides and that by giving giving for "free" disowns any responsibility or "debt" on both sides. IME this is not so....there is always an exchange whether it is overt or subtle. Things that come for "free" are usually not "free"....they can often "cling" in deeper ways than we realize....depending on the nature of what is being given. My 2 cents, Peace
  24. Befriending Money

    You forgot "free". IME, nothing is more expensive or binding than when you get it for free. My 2 cents, Peace