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Everything posted by RiverSnake

  1. Befriending Money

    The Confucians and Taoists would agree with you. My 2 cents, Peace
  2. Ethical Hexing

    As a martial artist I think of it in that light. If someone is attacking me I defend myself.....if someone continues to attack me despite my best efforts to fend off the situation....then deeper contemplation with the situation and alternative actions and strategies could possibly be required. More than likely I'd try to confront the person physically before moving to shadier stuff. IMO first make sure your not taking any actions to provoke someone into attacking you....ie....insulting/offending others....people are sensitive. Most confrontations start as a result of a small ill-timed but light-hearted jest at another's expense.....and then escalate from there into situations you wouldn't believe. Many people drawn to Magick are quite immature and the idea of being able to hurt someone else without getting "caught" is quite appealing to are darker tendencies. Keep your emotions out of the situation. If you find yourself flinging mud from a state of anger, jealousy, hatred.....or any kind of volatile emotion...check yourself and center. It's best to come from a deep state compassion and cunning when dealing with these things than from immature and reckless emotion. You should understand that every act of "intent" we perform shifts are sphere/energy in one way or another....thus shifting how we perceive reality and whether something is "OK" or "Not Okay". Also this post seems to lean towards belong in the Occult Discussion Sections. My 2 cents, Peace
  3. cultivation is a hell of a drug

    Lol. It's funny.....just recently did a divination for some internal/magical work I need to in order to sort through some garbage. Divination said it was going to be a very mentally disturbing and unhinging experience....but one that is necessary for my growth. Indeed....cultivation is one hell of a drug.....even as we burn in the fires of purification.....we jump out asking for the next round. My 2 cents, Peace
  4. Balance in taoist practices

    My understanding is your channels need to be given time to adapt to higher voltage. Listen to your intuition and don't practice when your body says no. Though that's just a general prescription...as Bagua says.....find a teacher who can tell you when your doing something stupid. My 2 cents, Peace
  5. Favourite Hermetic & Occult Books

    I just started reading Magical Identity by Taylor Ellwood. Only a few chapters in and I am deeply impressed with his perspective and methodology. He approaches Magick in a different way than anyone else I've read. Definitely worth checking out. Book: http://www.amazon.com/Magical-Identity-Taylor-Ellwood/dp/1905713762/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1408035461&sr=8-1&keywords=Magical+identity Interview: http://occultofpersonality.net/taylor-ellwood/http://www.amazon.com/Magical-Identity-Taylor-Ellwood/dp/1905713762/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1408035461&sr=8-1&keywords=Magical+identity My 2 cents, Peace
  6. Shavasana

    Been experimenting with a bit with shavasana after my morning yoga as well as taking naps and also sleeping In it. I know many yoga books consider this the most important pose as its suppose to balance out and equally distribute the prana In ones body. My observation has been that it really creates a major shifts in chi In the body and I feel much more rested and refreshed when I sleep in it and can feel the prank oozing on the surface of my hands. I can often feel prana saturating certain areas of the body when I lay in the pose as well. I was wondering if others could share their insights on why Shavasana is considered such an important pose and elaborate it's on various levels, physical, mental and energetic benefits from a cultivation perspective. It seems to me like very powerful posture. My 2 cents, Peace
  7. Going Through Stuff

    Anyone else notice that a lot of people seem to be going through "stuff" lately? By stuff I mean: baggage, purification, emotional disturbances, inner demons, shadow issues...etc. Thinking there might be some funky vibes going around? My 2 cents, Peace
  8. Quareia

    Already a thread about this. http://thetaobums.com/topic/35546-quareia-josephine-mccarthy/ While I really do enjoy her work....I am generally unsupportive of efforts/endeavors that do not charge some kind of fee for the effort that the creators put into there creating.....simply because I don't think it can persevere as a long standing effort. People will take advantage of it and the creators will eventually get bitter, pissed off and burnt out from all the work put in and so little return. Seen this happen many times to many people. There needs to be a balanced/even exchanged in everything. I am sure its a great course....but personally I would not take it unless she gives some kind of fee. Just the way I roll I guess. My 2 cents, Peace
  9. Going Through Stuff

    Bump. Not sure if its just me but....been going through some major changes spiritually and emotionally...none of which have been relaxing or pleasant . Anyone drinkin the same koolaid? Lots of disruptive vibes atleast on my side of the fence. My 2 cents, Peace
  10. Taking a long break from TTB. Peace and blessings to all my fellow Bums. :)

    1. RiverSnake


      Taking another break. Not sure how long this time.

  11. False accusations

    You will be missed BKA. I have much affection for your many contributions to the site. Blessings. My 2 cents, Peace
  12. Taoist in Cebu City

    This should be moved to the Tao in Person section. My 2 cents, Peace
  13. spells that always work

    The most powerful spell there is: http://www.inominandum.com/blog/persistence/ My 2 cents, Peace
  14. Teach for free? You can all go.....

    "Notice those who stick in the mud, and observe how they call others to their aid so as to console themselves with a companion in misfortune. They seek some one to help them to bear misfortune, and often those who turned the cold shoulder on them in prosperity give them now a helping hand. There is great caution needed in helping the drowning without danger to oneself." The Art of Worldly Wisdom by Baltasar Gracian My 2 cents, Peace
  15. Teach for free? You can all go.....

    80%?......I think you should subtract that too about 0%. My 2 cents, Peace
  16. How to build from the ground up?

    Bruce Frantzis by all accounts is quite knowledgable. If possible see if one of his certified instructors is near you. Having a teacher is important. You may wish to look further on one of his websites for DVDs for internal cultivation. Also you say "I want what he's got!" You may wishing to clarify your intentions so people can give you better advice. Best of luck. My 2 cents, Peace
  17. Hi there (original isn't it?)

    Ditto 2 :-) My 2 cents, Peace
  18. Hello, just introducing myself...

    The line between Buddhism and Taoism is in many places.....quite thin. Welcome to TTB. My 2 cents, Peace
  19. TCM Food Combining

    Hey guys the following is a basic and simple graph that i found in The Tao of Health, Sex and Longevity. It basically instructs on the proper methods for mixing foods in ones diet so that your body can run more efficiently and you get a positive exchange of energy from your diet. I have utilized it in my own life and have found it invaluable and now i can't mix my food any other way other wise my body gives me a pretty strong reminder that the way i ate before is not healthy. I feel this is one of the major keys that people don't noticed even though they are eating healthy foods they are still not mixing them properly. Enjoy, the file is in the attached part. Also i highly recommend his book. http://www.amazon.co...x and longevity
  20. People are threated by people who are Individuals

    People are threatened by everything that is not in accordance with there internal structure. Don't get hung up on it. Just another trap. My 2 cents, Peace
  21. Don't think... feel.

    Thanks for sharing. Gonna work on applying this to my own practice. A new mantra/affirmation to internalize: "Just Feel". Peace and blessings. My 2 cents, Peace
  22. What is truly nauseating and repulsive is lack of spaces between lines. Could you please adjust your writing style for greater readability? My 2 cents, Peace
  23. Hermetic and Occult - Change?

    How about just calling it "Occult Discussion". My 2 cents, Peace
  24. Hi there!

    A useful thread with KAP techniques. Welcome to TTB. http://thetaobums.com/topic/9719-dr-morriss-secret-smile-breathing-basic-kap-1-giri-for-the-tao-bumbs/ My 2 cents, Peace
  25. Tai Chi 4 Martial Art

    You'd be surprised. I am actually studying an Indonesian martial arts right now called Silat...which is quite widespread with hundreds of styles and variations throughout Southern Asia. It's a beautiful art and quite effective. It also has a strong spiritual aspect to it called Tenaga Dalam. But if your solely looking for the ideas behind martial arts you might consider some philosophical/spiritual texts.....there are many. Blessings. My 2 cents, Peace