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Everything posted by RiverSnake

  1. Ancestral Work and Building your Altar

    Awesome! My 2 cents, Peace
  2. Ancestral Work and Building your Altar

    Yeah, had to handle some pretty heavy energies, its always interesting to see how those things appear as images when in vision. Usually just bottle them up and send them somewhere where they can be recycled. A good cleansing is always 1st on the list afterwards. My 2 cents, peace
  3. Spinning back kick of DOOM!

    A solid hit. Guy got knocked out cold. My 2 cents, Peace
  4. Ancestral Work and Building your Altar

    Recently was doing some trance work with my ancestors to help heal any negative patterns in my family history that have built up overt time. I was doing this work out of service more than anything....I did not really expect to receive any benefit for myself. Boy was I mistaken....upon dissolving certain energies in my line I could feel the impact on my body.... blockages that I had been working on for years disappeared in seconds. It's really changed my view on how connected we are on an energetic level to our ancestors and how there actions still effect us today on all levels. Anyone have similar experiences or do this kind of work? My 2 cents, Peace
  5. Hello from a new guy

    Welcome to TTB Soc. Enjoy your stay. My 2 cents, Peace
  6. new to tao bums

    Don't know if there are any purely sexual cultivation systems. But sexual energy is powerful and is the cornerstone of how we transform ourselves. My 2 cents, Peace
  7. Gift of the Tao II Neigong Movements

    Lol, classic. I think i'll add that to my esoteric vocabulary. My 2 cents, Peace
  8. Qigong systems

    A useful thread: http://thetaobums.com/topic/27757-what-is-the-best-qigong-lineage-to-start-out-with/ My 2 cents, Peace
  9. How they do it in China

    I recall reading some outrageous statistic regarding how amazingly effective their medical system is compared to the U.S model….with senior citizens especially. My 2 cents, Peace
  10. Hi! What do I, what do we all want?

    The key to attaining self empowerment is to consciously take responsibility for every aspect of your existence.......your physical, emotional and mental body. Most people don't want to take any responsibility for themselves. -So eat healthy food and do some basic whole body yoga stretches in the morning to get your physical body healthy. Also take mastery of your finances, career, social life and steer it in accordance with your deepest joy. By pursuing Meditation and Chi Kung you can gradually take mastery over your emotional and mental body and develop a state of stillness within oneself where you can consciously create your life rather than expressing your life unconsciously and haphazardly. To take mastery over oneself and empower your life so that you can enjoy it in a blissful way is what the path is all about. Best of luck. My 2 cents, Peace
  11. What have YOU learned?

    Pursue what gives you Joy. My 2 cents, Peace
  12. Gift of the Tao II Neigong Movements

    Thanks for the feedback Michael. Guess I'm just gonna have to wait it out. Wanted to see if others had similar experiences......just to make sure I'm not going bit wacko. My 2 cents, Peace
  13. Gift of the Tao II Neigong Movements

    Experienced a sudden halt in my practices as of late and am finding it quite annoying. Been 'Listening" and getting a lot of intuitive resistance saying: "Take a chill pill. Things internally need to be tweaked and turned before you continue practicing….it wouldn't be good if you tried to rush through this adjusting process. Just be patient, have faith….and wait." Still….been finding this halt quite frustrating, given i don't like it when i don't practice, just been laying in shavasana instead. Did several divinations and they all basically said the same thing…take a break for now. In addition i have been experiencing a lot of emotional and psychological detox these last couple of days. Anyone ever experience something similar before? My 2 cents, Peace
  14. Deliberate, calculated Rebellion.

    He makes some good points from 2:50 to the end of the video....regarding changing and how we can make lasting changes in our respective societies: My 2 cents, Peace
  15. After kundalini awakening, what next?

    Some useful videos on awakening Kundalini: My 2 cents, Peace
  16. Most Like Content Error

    I have noticed for awhile now that in the "Most Liked Content" section there are several deleted/edited posts. Is there something that can be done about this? My 2 cents, Peace
  17. Diggin the new avatar. :)

  18. I found out I'm Jewish

    You might consider getting into some ancestral spirit work. Been doing that a bit lately and found it to be quite rewarding. Blessings. http://thetaobums.com/topic/28561-ancestral-work-and-building-your-altar/ My 2 cents, Peace
  19. Tarot Set for beginner - any recommendations

    I just bought The Wild Unknown deck. Haven't felt this strong of a connection with a deck since the 1st and only one I've bought. I am surprised it's not a more popular deck. Some of the just images blew me away. Powerful stuff. It will make a good compliment to the deck I work with right now. http://www.thewildunknown.com/products/tarot-deck My 2 cents, Peace
  20. Who is this guy? He sure hates TTB

    Why are you hating on lizards Lerner? Aren't they part of nature too? My 2 cents, Peace
  21. A year of Agrippa :)

    One day perhaps I'll read Agrippa. At the moment I have so many other books on my list. My 2 cents, Peace
  22. Think Fondly of Socrates

    A video i have always found quite insightful. Sadghuru and Socrates would probably get along. My 2 cents, Peace
  23. Infinity gave some good advice. Its important to build a firm foundation and stick to a system for a long period of time to get the best results. Personally i recommend staying away from Mantak Chia. His work has some serious potholes in it that could really hurt you. However, i have heard nothing but good things about Chunyi Lin and Spring Forest chi Kung….we actually have an interview with him over in that section. Much has been written on the forum about semen retention, mental celibacy….etc. Doing a quick search of the forum should lead you to some useful posts. Welcome to TTB. My 2 cents, Peace
  24. Hi!

    Welcome to TTB. Plenty of that mind expanding stuff on here. My 2 cents, Peace
  25. After kundalini awakening, what next?

    I don't neccesarily subscribe to the enlightenment model of cultivation. But I understand where you coming from Seeker.....it's very much possible to be a great cultivator and still be a douche and be very attached....though I would say it would be a very difficult thing to achieve....as most people whom cultivate for awhile seem to have a good sense of humor and are quite relaxed people. Sorry for raiding your thread Fluidity. In response to your question regarding after "K" is full awakened. I know a couple people whom have fully awakened Kundalini....taken it to the top and had the ahhhhhh!! experience. There just regular people doing there thing, pursuing there careers, continuing to cultivate and grow as practitioners and human beings, taking care of there families.....etc.They don't walk around in flowing robes or levitate the garbage out the door. You would never know they were practitioners. For a good run down of someone else's experience of "k" I would read Path notes by Glenn Morris. It's a classic. My 2 cents, Peace