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Everything posted by RiverSnake

  1. SFQ Harmony Of Universal Energy

    Hopefully someone whom is familiar with the system, can come and chime in to clarify the method. Different systems different approaches.
  2. New but Old

    Daily practice is where the real results come from. Welcome.
  3. new to dao bums

    Basic movement from SFQ. Not sure what your level is....but starting off 20 minutes a day and slowly increasing the amount of time is a good start.
  4. Male and Female Dynamics

    Good talk, worth listening for both men and women.
  5. SFQ Spirit Guides ??

    It is not mentioned as something important in the interview. May be worth reading.
  6. Looking for wisdom on semen retention

    Kamajayi mudra is a method that has stood the test of time for me. Helps sublimate sexual energy very effectively. As far as i can tell..the Hindus know what there talking about.
  7. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    "You're unsuited for, the rage of war, so pack up, go home, your through." Mulan (1998)
  8. Hi Bums

    Welcome to TDB. Love me some Kung Fu and Qigong. What's wrong with Wong Kiew Kit's style of energetics? Why are you looking for another system?
  9. Hello from Southern California

    One of my favorite books on Martial Arts and Cultivation is Path Notes by Glenn Morris. Welcome to TDB.
  10. Kobra Kai

    Circle of Iron....cool, i'll have to check it out.
  11. Kobra Kai

    My housemate was watching Kobra Kai the tv show and I watched a couple episodes. I am a martial artist so if found it particularly interesting. One thing it exemplified most intensely was the potential traps you'll find on the path. If you practice the Martial Way, then the roadblocks you face (especially at the beginning)can be the most obvious and are shown in the show. Being too "Hard" or "Soft", oppressing the weak and letting the power of being able to physically break another person, go to your head.....etc. All paths have there own "traps", that will cause you to stagnant at a certain level of ability. I've encountered many and they are not always obvious....sometimes there very subtle, like ignoring a stagnant area of your life, going on power trips or easily falling into despair when you lose your way. Anyways, it's a decent show...though a tad dramatic...i don't have the temperament for too much of that anymore. Cheers....and remember "It doesn't matter if your a loser, a nerd or a freak. All that matters, is that you become badass." Cobra Kai
  12. Hi

    Welcome to TDB.
  13. Lovecraft Country

    History is messy. No one fits the cookie cutter form....no one possibly can fit that form....Martin Luther King was a notorious womanizer....yet he did great things. We all got gunk inside of us.....people who do healing work understand this principle. Angels we are not. Never read Lovecraft....but i've always had a resonance with that particular current of energy. Cthulhu, The Watchers, Satanism, Loki, Lucifer....rebellious archetypes, whom are arbiters of forbidden knowledge. Cool cats the lot of em.
  14. Curious person has some questions

    1. Daoism refers to the Dao...."The Way".....this is a concept that refers to something greater than anything that can be fit under a organization or clan. Alan Watts has a good 1-2 hr piece on the topic called The Taoist Way. Worth listening. 2. Were all part of the Dao...but if your interested in particular sects within the Daoism....don't know any....i feel it's probably better to just study the Dao itself....Westerners are not always welcome. When it comes to chi kung masters who reside in the West, i know of several. 3. Never studied Daoist magic. Each culture usually has it's own particular systems. Dr. Jerry Alan Johnson has several texts on this and Benebell Wen also wrote a bit on this topic (both available freely). 4. Refer to previous answers. There are various Taoist Sects.....but the concept of the Way goes beyond borders. 5. No comment 6. Pop culture always gets it wrong
  15. Sweet Meteor of Death take me now.
  16. How Do I Build a Strong Foundation

    Daily practice of Qigong takes you into what some call the "Qi State", in which energy is rapidly flowing through your system and your vibratory expression intensifies. During these states of temporary "ascension", it becomes easier to reach a space of stillness. The more you train the easier it is to shift and maintain that state.
  17. Recently Discovered Daoism

    Taoism is more of a "water" tradition, so you'll notice that people whom are elementally farther to that side will find a common resonance with this tradition. "The Water Course Way" as some have called it.
  18. Recently Discovered Daoism

    Welcome to TDB.
  19. Hello From Switzerland

    Welcome to TDB. Like the screen name.
  20. Six Healing Sounds practice

    I personally don't trust mantak chia as a qualified practitioner. I am not an expert at systems focusing on the internal organs, but can give some insights. First is that each person is different in terms of where they have heavy amounts garbage. Some organs might be completely cleared while others stagnant. Listening to your body and making an intuitive judgement on where to start may be best. There are many kinds of healing sounds...it may be helpful to use mantric sounds which are in tune with your own elemental composition as cleansing tools. For example, some an affinity for the runic system or sanskrit, so they can draw sounds from there for internal healing. Additionally, blessing your food and drink to help cleans your organs is killing 2 birds with 1 stone. Other systems of key sounds are out there, OM is an all general mantra that is quite safe to use.
  21. Hi All

    Welcome to TDB.
  22. Mo Pai / Nei Kung Level 1 & 2

    Your seeking for a system that is no longer taught. It might be best to water other pastures.
  23. Spring Forest Qigong has a very strong focus on healing. Here is an interview with the founder and you can find the video for the first basic motion (Moving of Yin Yang) on youtube, which is very powerful for circulating energy. I would recommend you stay away from healing others for at least the first 5 years of training, until you have a firm foundation underneath your belt. As you said yourself....it's not all sunshine and rainbows.....there are risks.
  24. Having a skilled diviner on hand is useful. The future isn't set in stone. Being able to spot challenges, small or fatal, is of profound value and then knowing how to act in the present to remedy said speed bumps is key. Taoists use the Iching, but many other systems exist. This is how you prevent a problem before it even arises.
  25. Meditation and Energy Work is designed to bring up the gunk. It is good policy to have a skilled healer on hand to smooth out the road. Shooting the difficulty meter to 11 right at the outset of practice can be overwhelming an unhealthy.