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Everything posted by RiverSnake

  1. Hello

    Cool to have such an experienced practitioner on the forum. Welcome to TTB. My 2 cents, Peace
  2. ADD and Meditation

    I have a friend whom has ADD and was considering recommending some meditation techniques to him in order to help with his current state. I have read several articles that say Meditation helps treat it but was wondering if anyone can share personal stories of its effectiveness? My 2 cents, Peace
  3. ADD and Meditation

    Yeah, ideally having someone do some kind energy work is best. But it's also the difficulty of bumping up against people's conceptual reality barriers. Meditation is ideal since it is most tangible and has been studied scientifically rather than showing people these woo-woo-e body movements that have no tangible result except in the subtle sense or internal energetic practices that assume a certain microcosmic view. Yeah was going to suggest something short like 5 min in the morning and 5 at night. I am remember just 10 minutes was as difficult when I first started my practice. My 2 cents, Peace
  4. Gift of the Tao II Neigong Movements

    Cool. Thanks guys. Definitely food for thought. My 2 cents, Peace
  5. ADD and Meditation

    While I understand where your coming from mike in dislike for the medical establishment....I am not sure writing off long term difficulties and ailments as a label and saying they can be healed with a run on the treadmill is a balanced approach. No one is saying that people with ADHD are not fun and loving. My friend is quite an enthusiastic and fun person. Thanks for the link turtle. Will look into it. I was think something like candle gazing might be useful for someone with a frenzied mind. My 2 cents, Peace
  6. Hello!

    Welcome to TTB Germano. Enjoy your stay. My 2 cents, Peace
  7. Gift of the Tao II Neigong Movements

    Very interesting about the simultaneous part. Thanks for the additional insights Michael. My 2 cents, Peace
  8. It has been my long term observation that we tend to attract lovers whom are similar to us. You have previously had a very superficial view of dating....ie....busting a nut as quickly as possible and if she doesn't give it to me soon then she is a waste of time. However, it seems like this kind of habit has run its course and you want a deeper relationship with deeper feelings of love, connection, romance.....etc One might say you are likely in some kind of transition point in which you have outgrown one pattern of desire and release.....and are looking for other kinds of satisfaction which you think will fulfill you. When you have outgrown the idea that anything external can actually make you permanently satisfied and fulfilled then you will look to spirituality.....till that time comes this is my advice: We attract people whom are similar to us....if you want deeper, more intimate and mature relationships then you need to become a deeper, more intimate and more mature person, which based on your post, you are not. There are many ways of approaching this....but internal work is the quickest way to achieve "depth"in ones life. Other ways is critical self analysis, look at your flaws and meditate on them without judgement, give them thanks for their service in protecting you and then pray for them to be healed and dissolved. Expand your vision of life and what you really want in the long term instead of temporary and limited carnal desires which are highly transitory. What is your purpose in life, your dreams, passions....etc. Channel them into how you live your life and you will naturally grow as a person. My 2 cents, Peace
  9. Hello - semen retention

    Do a quick search of the site and you should find plenty of thread on the topic of retention. My 2 cents, Peace
  10. When you practice Chi Kung regularly you find that your overall energy and charisma increases. My 2 cents, Peace
  11. Hi

    Its possible that your experiencing detox with the healing sounds. Often when we practice these things they bring negative states to the surface. Bu then i again i never practiced any kind of healing sounds. You should make a post on the forum about it, i am sure there are others on the forum whom have experience using the healing sounds technique….they perhaps can give you feedback. My 2 cents, Peace
  12. recovering sexual energy

    Two useful threads on this topic: http://thetaobums.com/topic/26533-great-spiritual-physical-mental-benefits-from-semen-retention-celibacy-and-mental-emptiness-my-experience-and-thoughts/ http://thetaobums.com/topic/22912-semen-retention-100-days-and-my-experiences/ My 2 cents, Peace
  13. Hi

    Don't get me wrong…..Internal Alchemy IME is one of the most beneficial and rewarding things you can do with your life. Jjust remember to keep your BS meter on vibrate. Talk to people and hear their experiences of whatever system you may be working with (Not just Mantak Chia)….do your research like you would do with anything else…...before investing any amount of money, time and energy into something. What i have heard the most problems with Chi is regarding his sexual techniques. I am not sure how he conveys the MCO or the healing sounds but they are genuine techniques and you can see similar techniques in esoteric systems. My 2 cents, Peace
  14. Gift of the Tao II Neigong Movements

    Awesome, thanks for your insights!! My 2 cents, Peace
  15. Gift of the Tao II Neigong Movements

    Been having some interesting experiences with GOT lately and wanted others whom practice the systems feedback, feel like I have grown a bit in this practice and my understanding. I have found that the stronger intent or will/prayer I put behind each movement in the form the more powerful it becomes and the more energy I can shift to the point where it feels like I am pushing a thick wall? It's like every movement is a prayer and the deeper and more enflamed and focused your will/intent is the more powerful the motions and energies become? Like every motion is a deep and profound communion between Heaven and Earth that shakes shifts energies internally and externally? Anyone else have this experience? My 2 cents, Peace
  16. Intensity

    I recently started back in my martial practice. Been doing a lot of low stances that you need to hold for long periods of time. It's a very intense workout and sometimes my legs will just feel dead afterwords. However, ideally, as my IMA teacher says you want to be relaxed even as you hold such difficult stances that make your legs shake feverishly. I think that is the most effective approach: "Relaxed Intensity".....but even getting to this level takes a great deal of mental, physical and emotional discipline.....meditation up the wahoo to have that level of control. My 2 cents, Peace
  17. Enlightened movies

    1. Black Swan -A truly shamanic movie. The dancing, the movie and the cinematography is truly heart renching. My 2 cents, Peace
  18. Hmmm.....maybe I just walked down a dark internet alley. My 2 cents, Peace
  19. Rules for winning an internet argument

    AWESOME!!!! My 2 cents, Peace
  20. I have on occasion gone to other forums to see what was shaking. The amount of trolling, derailing,and blatant disrespect blew my mind.....after observing other forums I actually feel we have it pretty easy over here on TTB in comparison. My 2 cents. Peace
  21. New

    Welcome to the forum Dan. I look forward to your contributions. My 2 cents, Peace
  22. Hi

    Some of the techniques are good.....others are downright harmful and many have been hurt utilizing them. It's can be hit or miss with his stuff....there are better and safer systems for internal work than his....which is why I usually recommend people to avoid his stuff. My 2 cents, Peace
  23. Hi

    I would stay away from Mantak Chia. Some of his stuff can be "forced" and downright harmful to your body. My 2 cents, Peace
  24. Interesting stuff. Thanks for sharing. My 2 cents, Peace
  25. Methods for excess sexual heat dissipation

    Interesting observations. Thanks for sharing. My 2 cents, Peace