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Everything posted by RiverSnake

  1. I have noticed as of late that in the western tradition a big deal is made out of connecting with ones holy guardian angel? Anyone know why this is considered important? -My 2 cents, Peace
  2. Skeleton Meditations

    I don't post here that much anymore, but am still exploring the skeletal training. For those whom it may interest. Cheers. https://occultforum.org/viewtopic.php?f=56&p=528609#p528609
  3. Skeleton Meditations

    Skeletal based practices are a common method in several traditions and for good reason. I've been exploring this area for a bit now and am sharing some of the benefits below. Skeletal cultivation helps stabilize awareness so your less likely to be "touched" by divine madness. Martial Artists will find that it relaxes the muscles and promotes alignment. Increased vitality is the most immediate benefit, so if your an "older" individual whom lacks the juice of a young whipper snapper....this practice is quite helpful and worth the investment. The only downside to this kind of practice is that it is a bit "slow moving". Other practices give much more immediate benefits while skeletal work is like a slow turning ship....but after many years of training the dividends began to multiply exponentially. William Bodri is one of the primary Buddhist sources i've found and Taoist meditations are also scattered about on the net. Best of luck to my fellow cultivators.
  4. Grimoire

    I have noticed that there is an enormous emphasis on the studying and usage of Grimoires in the WesternTradition. As some one still on the shallow end of the pool when it comes to the wester tradition could you guys explain what a Grimoire is and it's role in ones work?
  5. Weird Web Radio

    Just finished listening to Aidan Wachter on this podcast and enjoyed it supremely. If your into magick then you'll definitely dig the discussions on this podcast. http://weirdwebradio.com/episode-18-aidan-wachter-talking-magic-spirits-gods-and-hauntings/
  6. Looking for tips on reducing pride/ego.

    Root chakra cultivation helps "uptight" people, chill out.
  7. Receiving content for free is a double edged sword. I've noticed that most people never even value what they have and as a result don't use it to any great degree. Deep Gnosis, cannot be found, through spiritual fast food. Healthy and mutually beneficial exchanges are optimal.
  8. Zhineng Qigong Level 1 question

    Is Zhineng supposed to be a martial system?
  9. Zhineng Qigong Level 1 question

    Aside from doing the daily practice, there are other areas that should be monitored to receive maximum benefit from your training. Hold these in harmony. -Diet -Sexual Energy -Sleep -Muscle Tension (flexibility) -Expenditure of Mental and Emotional energy
  10. Relationship advice

    You are simping pretty hard for this girl. My advice: don't do it. Stay away from this situation at all costs. Put your dick in your pocket.....marriage is over-rated....you think once marriage happens it will solve your problems? Forming this kind of spiritual contract with another person whom is immature and not ready for a "life partner" may turn your life to a darker realm of Being. Welcome to TDB.
  11. "night hags"

    Psychic Self Defense is a thing. A quick trick is to put a small cactus in your room and have it guard the space. There are many books on the topic. Not sure what methods of cultivation your pursuing, but they may have some tools within the tradition for protection.
  12. He has a chapter in the book on that?
  13. This looks very cool. Thanks for sharing.
  14. How to step back and rest?

    Valuable talk on the subject.
  15. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    "Violence may begin when you wish. It does not end when you will." Niccolo Machiavelli
  16. Need some help with cultivation

    There's a lot of stuff going on.....i recommend you see a professional healer.
  17. Skeleton Meditations

    Still exploring, found strong correlations between Skeletal and Mountain chi. Mountains in many cultures are sacred spaces for the gathering/channeling of power and usually play a strong role in mythology. There is also a crossover between crystals and the skeletal system. Still don't fully understand, but I will likely do another post on Crystal Gong in the future.
  18. How to step back and rest?

    This is something i struggle with as well.....overtraining. If you got a lot of energy...it can be good to find another avenue to burn through it outside of metaphysical studies. Maybe start working out or doing a sport.
  19. Begginer experience

    You should abandon the path of cultivation.....it requires daily practice over many years to achieve above average results. Patience and discipline is required. Here are some signs of immaturity...you can grasp maturity by observing its opposite. Signs of immaturity 1. Feeling of being "above" others 2. Lacking patience/discipline 3. Messy-grey-dull aura 4. Messiah complex 5. Lacking control of one's Energy/Intent 6. Tense/Controlling Disposition .......etc
  20. Begginer experience

    Button mashing with the energy body is not wise, glad you paused. Best to get some basic techniques and work within those parameters until you reach a certain level of understanding/maturity.
  21. Tantra in many ways is about bringing "awareness" to the sexual act.....so to unconsciously be in a Tantric relationship is a bit counter-intuitive. Sex is not only a physical exchange, but a highly charged energetic exchanged. In Tantra or Sacred Sex, your putting a larger focus on the energy exchange and experiencing the Bliss of Union....rather than quick "unconscious release". Deeper Union with another creates a stronger bond between people...so that's something important to take into consideration. Be aware of whom your allowing into your "space", there "intent" and the cords your forming. A couple of valuable books IMO: -The Heart of Tantric Sex Dian Richardson (she has many good books) -Sex Sorcery and Spirit by Jason Miller
  22. Here is an exercise, for the OP, don't do it for anymore than 5 minutes a day, for the first 7 months, the process of working through the issues in your system will likely be painful (uncomfortable releases). Once things "gently open", you can go deeper. If you'd like any personal assistance to help smooth out and accelerate healing, you can PM me ($).
  23. Fire at Findhorn

    Sad, but glad to see no one was injured. Cheers.
  24. Psychotic relapse after practising semen retention

    If you have severe mental balances in your system. Pumping power through already blocked tubes is gonna cause some uncomfortable earthquakes in the system. Heal first, develop a foundation of stability. Then you may wish to come back to the buffet table.