sheng zhen

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Everything posted by sheng zhen


    Dont give up so fast! And get a teacher... If you dont want a teacher, change your priorties and get a teacher anyway I have osteoarthiritis in my knee. After one month with the arthitic pain in full bloom I started to work out the upper body. That was enough the actually get the healing in the knee speed up very fast. Two months after I was able to run again. And now, 4 months after I am working to get into full lotus again. Almost there now The thing that did it for me was lifting wheigts and working out everything in the body that didnt hurt. And then I begun working out my knee very slowly and carefully as fast as I could. The worst thing you can do is keep your knees still, untrained and cold for too long. The second worst thing you can do is overdoing it And of course I eat MSM, Glucosamine, omega-3, Tart Cherry and Spirulina. A very good joint-pain cocktail.
  2. Master Kwan Sai-Hung

    haha, yes Its not easy to see in ourselves where we still act like 10-year olds... Its much easier to project our reaction and blame others for making us react like that. Do we dare to ask you what you know about Opening the Dragons Gate? I dont think this book has been debunked yet...
  3. Master Kwan Sai-Hung

    Yes, me too. I did not quite trust this book and I never understood why it gets such a good reputation. Which books can we trust when it comes to facinating stories about taoist masters(that are still alive today)? ...other than Opening the Dragons Gate. YMWong, do you know of any?
  4. Neck muscles cause headaches

    But deep tissue massage does not need to be painful anymore. New research suggests that fascia is more like a non-newtonian fluid(a little like this: ). When approached with sudden force it gets hard and stuck. But when approached with soft and slow force it melts. My experience is that with the fascia melting techniques I get a lot better results both physical and energetical than when the massage therapist dig deep into my fascia and try to tear me apart. But some people like it tough and rough
  5. Vizualization & imagination

    This one was a little over my head. But Ive read the other articles you posted! Keep em comin!
  6. Is there something wrong with nature?

    Within one cm of seemingly perfect crystal there are millions of atomic defects. Atoms being misplaced, missing, substituted by impurities, etc. If you take all these mistakes and put them together in a line, one cm of seemingly perfect crystal will cointain several km of atomic "mistakes". When we see nature as "not perfect", it is only because we dont see the whole picture. We see only a humiliating small part of it.
  7. Who is trained in Micro Cosmic Orbit?

    This is a very interesting discussion! The way I understand it, coming from a new age spiritual upbringing, this misunderstanding might be the reason why people dont get any effect, or at best a temporary effect, from techniques like The Secret and visualizations. Qi does not really flow where "mind" - that we understand as "thought" or "mental images" - goes, it flows where we put our heart and soul into. This is a completely different level of integration, reality interaction and transformation, compared to visualization.
  8. Alcohol

    Yes, the shamans use a lot of different drugs! I believe there is a big difference between using it within a trained shamaistic context to guide and heal the tribe, and using it at a party with friends just to get an interesting experience.
  9. Alcohol

    Everything is more smeard out, more diffuse and unclear. It becomes difficult to pinpoint my focus and stay out of the way of the energy I see and work with. It becomes easier to make up the images instead of recieving them. My inner eye is out of focus just like my physical eyes are out of focus when Im drunk. It is really the same effect as being drunk only on the more subtle levels.
  10. Who is trained in Micro Cosmic Orbit?

    Yes, but the problems arise when practitioners of false MCO describe it and confuse it with same concepts as the real MCO. So people practice the false MCO for years and years and get nothing but good health. The same good health you would get with any other kind of good meditation.
  11. Neck muscles cause headaches

    Pranaman, if you find a KMI(Structural Integration) practitioner in your area they will be able to do magic with your neck. As they did with mine. KMI is pretty much the same as Rolfing but without the pain. Or you can try to find a bodyworker that works with the Anatomy Trains concept: They will be able to do magic for your ZZ as well. Structural Integration is working to melt all tissue blockages so the body can stand naturally in the ZZ position, perfectly aligned and balanced with gravity.
  12. Alcohol

    I see. But Im sure the energetic effects still are inverse proportional to the amount of wine consumed I like alcohol. I like the taste and the feeling. So Im glad Im able to have a few drinks with friends now and then. I just have to deal with the side effects for a few days after. Its worth it for a little time with my friends! But I cant go on like I did when I was young, getting drunk every weekend and a couple of beers every evening. I need a couple of weeks on the water wagon between every "alcohol gong" practice.
  13. Alcohol

    Wine Gong, hahaha That sounds interesting. How does drinking wine become a "gong"? Is it because you drink it meditatively slow or something like that?
  14. Alcohol

    Alcohol clouds the energetic senses. Some people feel they get more in toutch with energy after a few drinks and start channeling, seeing auras, feeling energies, and stuff like that. But that is not because they see the energies clearer. It is only because they are more spontaneous and have lost some of the reality-restrictions they normally have. And therefore they might expreience more of the reality they "want to" experience. If that is seeing auras, energies, and the like, then that is what they see. But in reality alcohol clouds the energetic senses. If you doubt this then try living and doing energywork without alcohol for a year and then have a drink and see if your vision gets better. My vision certainly didnt. After 7 years with no alcohol I have started drinking a littlebit again now. The energetic cloud coming from just one glass of beer goes away within a few days. And the more I drink the longer it takes. This might be too subtle for most people to care about, but it is still there anyways. I dont know of any better options to alcohol.
  15. There are teachers in Sweden, Denmark, Russia and Turkey. As far as I know... maybe more countries too.
  16. Who is trained in Micro Cosmic Orbit?

    Also Dao Zhen mentiones the False Water Wheel in this post: I wonder how many methods here in the west(or the east!) who will be categorized as False Water Wheel methods...
  17. Lifting the Flower

    aaaah, wow... this inspiration will stick with me for years!
  18. You cannot think about the present moment.

    Yes, the present show no mercy, give you no tolerance, and no wavering. You're either there or your not. Mostly we are not... even if we "think" we are...
  19. is it only me or the TB has lost its magic?

    new-age seems to be taking over...
  20. What are you listening to?

    Too many mutha uckas uckin' with my shi
  21. I want to train with this master

  22. Leaving, Soon As I Came

    hahahahaha, post of the year!
  23. Superstition or B.S

    hahaha, "I believe you're in our car!"
  24. Leaving, Soon As I Came

    Oh, THAT groupsex. Ok then, Im outa'here!
  25. Leaving, Soon As I Came

    hahaha! uhmm, hey!?? there is groupsex here? nobody invited me