sheng zhen

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Everything posted by sheng zhen

  1. Kunlun Question

    I think this is another example of how people use scientific language to explain what they feel or what they see with their spiritual eyes. I have no difficulty in believing that if you visualize a black hole inside your brain and between the lobes, that radiates som kind of magic and rare radiation called ultra-violet-3, it will bring a lot of energy to your brain. This does not mean it is an actual black hole within the brain. But it CAN mean that using the consept of a black hole in visualization, you tap into a particular energetic phenomenon, or you create that phenomenon, and can have great benefit from it.
  2. dreams

    oh well, dont worry. Keep working on your lucid dreaming, its more than enough But just to answer your last statement before we give this thread over to taoist dream practice again...there are no questions you cant answer in dream yoga because it is not "you" who answer them, it is the dream character. The dream character has another experience and another viewpoint than you do concerning the dream. It is not easy to understand this without firsthand experience of the dreamyoga prosess. But with experience these realizations come marching in! PM me if you still have questions regarding dream yoga. Ill be happy to answer them.
  3. dreams

    Dosent matter if you have intuition or not. Just have fun. Be like a 5 year old boy, playful, and answer the questions spontaneously. And it dosent matter if you dont feel you are the character. Just do it anyway. Dont use your mind until after the interview when you read through it again. Be spontaneous and answer the questions quickly. If you do that and answer all the questions, Im shure you will be very surprised at what you have discovered
  4. Spinal Care

    I havent tried chiropractics. But since this is a thread for spinal care, has anyone tried Zhineng qigong level2? Its said to be "qigong for the spine".
  5. dreams

    Try the sample session at, its all explained there. Ive done it many times when Im lucid, but normally you just re-enter the dream. Try the sample session and you'll get it
  6. Science and Physics in Religion

    Thats right! Its the boson.
  7. Coping with major energy changes - How do I?

    Empty-mind meditation would be my best advice to keep balanced while going through energy changes. Do meditation right after the qigong and let the energy settle and integrate. Dont go out of the meditation before you feel everything has settled.
  8. Science and Physics in Religion

    Soon, very soon, we will maby get evidence of string theory. There is a new particle accelerator here in Europe that they just finished building. Soon theyre about to start their experiments. If they are able to see the particle that transmits gravity,dont remember what it is called, graviton maby, then string theory is prooved to be correct. But we'll have to wait and see Maby we hear about some results next year. And IF string theory is proved, I prophetize that the alternative new age community will go nuts saying that "my method and healing abilites has just been prooved by sting theory"! hahaha
  9. dreams

    Oh, you mean the questions in Dream Yoga? After all is answered you have a lot of informations and ways to help yourself. It all comes from the way the questions are designed. If you try it you will see for yourself. To give you an example: I dreamed I was at a research station on a military boat on the ocean researching DNA manipoulation on sharks. One shark turned bad and didnt stop growing and got more and more aggressive. At the time I thought this dream was a warning that I did too much qigong, that the energy I got from it was too much for me to handle. But during the Dream Yoga interview I did with the shark he said that he was actually there to help me deal with the energy. He told me not to cut down on qigong, but to imagine myself being the shark while doing it. That helped my body and mind to ground the energy and being able to deal with it without spacing out. Because I interviewed the shark I realized it was not really aggressive. The image of aggression was something my mind created because I have a subconscious fear of being so full of energy and lifeforce that the qigong gives me. The shark itself was there only to help me integrate the energy I get from qigong. Normally we spend a week with the character we interview to integrate that aspect and what it brings to our daily life.
  10. dreams

    Well, actually by doing dreamwork, any kind of dreamwork, your mind becomes more aware of your dreams and learn to make it a natural part of itself. That makes it easier to attain lucid dreaming. Any method that puts your focus on dreams makes it easier to go lucid in dreams. The reason I mentioned Dream Yoga is because it is not a method of interpretation, its a method of communication with the aspects of your self that presents themselves in the dream. You're not dealing with the dream through your daily waking consciousnes, but the consciousness that you are in the dream. By doing this you actually make it easier for yourself to learn lucid dreaming. It is much more effective than regular symbolic interpretation. You can read any book you want, learn a thousand different techniques, and all will get you closer to lucid dreaming. But in the end it is practice and steady focus that really makes you able to do it.
  11. "a student of "John Chang" "

    Ive read this thread with great interest! My first thought about this is why is killing animals worse than killing plants or insects? We step on ants, kill spiders with our bare hands, and do all sorts of really cruel things to innocent flowers and just to watch them slowly die in our window while really enjoying it and feeling our lives are enriched by it! Our culture, based on reductionist science and a descartian worldview, say that mankind is worth the most. The needs of mankind is actually worth more than nature itself. Animals come second, then plants, then minerals. Plants and minerals dosent have souls and dosent feel pain so we can do whatever we want with them. Animals do feel pain, but they dont have souls so we can kill them and eat them if we kill them in a humane way. This is the collective consciousness. Some scientist have shown that fish dont have emotions so we dont even have to worry about how we kill them. Its just so terribly stupid... The ones that are a little bit enlightened in our culture see that animals have souls. To them it is just as wrong to kill an animal as it is killing a human. But they still dont see plants as having souls. They feel the beauty of God and nature while picking and killing the beautiful and innocent flowers. So it all comes down to perspective or level of enlightenment. What happens if you change your perspective and see every single being in nature as a living, breathing, developing individual? Do you go about killing animals and plants without any remorse? Or do you still feel that killing animals is worse than killing plants? Or do you stay completely still, not moving at all in fear of killing some smal bug or making the floor hurt by stepping on it? Do you die of starvation? What would happen if you could communicate with the flowers you pick? Would you pick it if it sceamed in pain? What happened if you could hear what the grass feel when you step on it? What would happen if you could communicate with the soul of the carrots you eat? If you see every single atom around you as living, breathing and interacting with everything else, how do you realate to it? Im just asking...trying to see things from other perspectives than the culturally induced psychosis - which is believing that human beings are intelligent enough to know what should and should not be
  12. dreams

    I used to lucid dream a lot. From my experience the best way to induce lucid dreaming is by doing a lot meditation, as well as intention before falling asleep ofcource. During my lucind dreaming period I did 4 hours of meditation every day. I could fly whenever I wanted, have sex with anyone I wanted, go on vacations, heal myself and other people, sit down and go into deep meditation, meet masters and spend time in satsangs, etc. This is what is called lucid dreaming - conscious control of your dreams. There is no limitations(other than what you are already limitated by). After a while I got bored by controlling my dreams like that so I started just observing while in the lucid state. Now days when I get lucid Im not controlling my dreams. I let them play out just the way they are. Only a few times will I intervene in the natural flow of my dreams. I think this is a lot more productive for my own developement. This is called pellucid dreaming. It is great fun to learn lucid dreaming, but in the end it is limiting just the way our waking consciousness is limiting. I use a dreamwork method called Dream Yoga,, (not tibetian dream yoga) which gives you a feel for what the dream really is ment to tell you and assist you in. It is a method that helps you see the dream from the perspective of the dream. While symbolic interpretation is seeing the dream from your waking perspective, Dream Yoga is seeing yourself from the dreams perspective. It is not easy to understand, but if you give it a try Im shure you will be just as amazed as I was when first trying this method. Go to "sample session" at and try for yourselves.
  13. Science and Physics in Religion

    HAhaha! "the enemies of reason"... ooooo, scary! We relly need to take them down before its too late! I guess this is what Bush is going after when his done with the "enemies of democracy"! Joking aside, I didnt whatch the whole clip. Looks like it has some very interesting things. Science is a lot of fun, and alternative medicine has a lot of crap, and vice versa. But none of them represents the truth. Its just like the war going on between religions. None of them represents God. They only represent their own powerstruggles. Thanks for posting this clip!
  14. Bodies

    He actually had a public dissection a while ago for journalists. He did it just like the old masters did, like Leonardo DaVinci and those guys. It was quite a stirr in the media for a little while. If I remember it correctly I think he said it was art. He is definetely truly in deep love with human anatomy.
  15. The human brain

    Yea, it might be a mix. Ive heard that in recent brain research they have seen that the brain knows the correct ansver, even if the research subject dosent. They have seen that a certain part of the brain activates when the correct answer is found to any task. And they see that this part of the brain lights up even if the subjects dosent know the answer. Please dont ask me about the details of this research...Ive only heard about it. So maby it depends on how much we are aware of what we actually know? The human body is amazing. It has a natural intelligence that goes beyond anything our subjective consciousness can imagine. And the brain is probably the most amazing part of the body.
  16. Differences between Kunlun and Kundalini

    Dont believe me brother! Try it out for yourself and get your own experience Yeah, who does not die??? I think the immortal concept, rainbow body, ascencion, turning into light, all these things might be true. But it is so rare, and takes so much disipline and sacrifice that most people are not able to accomplish it even if they work their whole life for it. And people can claim it, and they do everywhere. In every country there are a lot of people claiming to fully liberated, immortal and ascended beings. But we can never know if they speak the truth until we see how they die(that sounded really awfull, but I think it is true). Still, these people CAN be real masters with a very real contribution to the human race and our individual evolution. I think we should not believe anything, but not dismiss anything either. Take it, own it, try it out and get your own experience. Everything else is just opinions that stand in the way of real experience.
  17. Differences between Kunlun and Kundalini

    Hey brother. Im not shure what in my post you refer to with your question but Im guessing it is my claim that the astral world is not the same as the immortal world. Its only my experience from studying the inner worlds. Im not an expert, but based on my astral travels and study of the inner worlds I am confident that the astral worlds and the immortal worlds are not the same. The astral worlds any one can reach just by doing a little meditation and some simple techniques. The immortal worlds, the transcending of reincarnation, can not be reached by some simple technique. I dont know how it is done other than lifetimes of really hard work and disipline. There are a lot of techniques out there who claim to make you free of karma, but most of them are only superficial. I know that because Ive tested many of them, with my whole heart, full of faith and inspiration. Ive also studied with a few masters who have claimed this, only to have my illusions crushed when they die a natural death.
  18. Bodies

    The guy who created the method to conserve bodies like this is amazing. He looks like a german villain straight out of a James Bond move, but he seems to have an admirable passion for the human body. He has actually seperated the whole nervesystem of one man! Its amazing to see it! Many installations he have can be a little disturbing, like looking through the stomach of a pregnant woman, but at the same time its extremely fascinating. He also has a man holding up his own skin! When I studied medicine we went to see organs and stuff concerved on formaline. It was really difficult the first hours, but after a while we got used to is and then it was just really really fascinating. The human body is truly amazing!
  19. Differences between Kunlun and Kundalini

    I dont know what is taoist or not, but I think that whatever path you are in, if you reach the level where you understand that you reincarnate over and over again, there is an urge to not go in circles. Once you get that realization all you want to do is to transcend the cycles of reincarnation. Anyone who transcends these cycles are called immortals. But there is a big difference between actually achieving immortality and believing one has achieved it. Too many religions are based on belief and fantasy, not the real achievement. Too many so called masters say they have trancended karma and reaincarnation, yet they die of a regular cancer and are reborn again just like any one of us regular joe's. As for the astral vs. the immortal realms, it is not the same. There are many worlds, or level, and the astral world is just one of them. But it depends on what you mean with the word "astral". Many people use it to express everything higher than this physical world. It would be like saying "everything over there" instead of really being there and learning, observing and differentiating what is what.
  20. Science and Physics in Religion

    Yes, I agree. People who use quentum physics to explain their world view or healing power dosent really know what they are talking about. Like "quantum healing"! Its just crazy to claim such a thing when you use a machine running on electricity! Frequency healing would be fair, but calling it "quantum" is just for the commercial effect. The quantum physics equations dosent explained anything else than what is happening to very very few particles. I think the bigges particle they have observed quantum abilities is about 50 particles, if I remember correctly. And if it is used to explain behaviours of billions of particles, like in a tennisball moving along a given path, the Shroedingers equation gives the same result as Newtons equations. I went head strong into the university with spiritual fundament only to get all these models of explanation crushed. Its really funny to watch great masters explain these thing just from their so called "amazing" ability to tune in to the reality behind quantum physics. Its no more substantial than shampoo commercials. I heard one master explain the reason rivers grow bigger downstream... it was because the water molecules quantum-mechanically duplicated themselves all the time. He could see it with his inner eye. And he was serious! BUT! Still! The scientific language gives us a way to try to explain these spiritual things to the modern mind. Scince we dont speak chinese or tibetian we try to explain these things in english. Then the scientific language comes in handy. But we should keep the different consepts separated. Those speaking of quantum physics should know, and admit to themselves, that it has nothing to do with the quantum physics in science. Those speaking of energy should be clear about it not meaning scientific concepts of potential or kinetic energy. These are just word we use to explain our worldview. And we should know that it is just words, not the whole and nothing-but-the-whole truth.
  21. the philosophy behind kunlun

    It has been answered many times. Bliss is what is experienced when a block or illusion releases. Its our natural state if it where not for our selfcreated limitations and illusions. It cannot really be explained in words, you need to experience it. If you still look for explenations and definitions, look in the dictionary. If you look for true understanding and experience, do it yourself. Its that simple. Nothing to make a fuzz about.
  22. Question

    When I get these spontaneous movments I just go for it and see what happens. Somethimes the feeling gets stronger, other times it just fads away. Then I just go back to the original position. I often get the feeling that my arms and body are moved by some force, very magnetic-like force. Its a great feeling, sometimes its a little scary to let go and do all these wird things. But at the same time its a lot of fun! For me this changes a lot. Sometimes it is very stong, other times there is nothing happening, not even bouncing. But when I just focus more on feeling the subtle things, there is a lot happing on the inside anyway. Its just not so expressive.
  23. Standing Meditation

    I found this: Does these look like Max's five element standing or is that something completely different? I dont actually know what this is because Im not a martial artist, but I found in another site that these positions are related to the 5 elements. Maby someone who recognize these positions can explain?
  24. David Shen Verdesi Press Release

    Hahaha, I would love to hear his excuse for his powers not working as well as he planned... But it works on his students, and I still think that is pretty amazing. I just dont have as high hopes and magical thinkng as most people who see these things.
  25. I dont say dream are not real. Sorry if what I wrote gave you that impression. What Im saying is that the images we remember as dreams is the best interpretation the brain was able to come up with. Which is much the same process that happens while tripping on psychedelics. The brain does its best, but it is not an expert in reality observation. Its the other way around, the brain is an expert in reality distortion.