sheng zhen

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Everything posted by sheng zhen

  1. Kunlun Level 1

    I have a question about the Kunlun energy. As far as I have underestood it is a different energy, that it is something else than qi or prana or other energies. Isnt that right? And it has a bluish colour, right? (dont have the book before me to check, but this is what I remember) Is it the seated position itself that connects us to it, or is it the visualization we do first? What happens to the kunlun energy and practice if we do a different visualization, or connect to a different energy, maby visualizing a different colour or something like that, before we take the position?
  2. water fasting

    Fasting one day a week is great for focus and clearity. Some times when I feel stuck I can do a one day fast and things seem to release, my mind is clearer and life start to flow again. One day fast does not cleance the body, but it is still not a waste of energy. Just try it out and see for your self. If you have done many fasts before and your body has a fasting-memory, it is much easier. Then the one day fastst will only be uplifting and refreshing. The body knows what to do and quickly adjusts to fasting-mode. Getting used to one day fasts also makes it easier to do longer fasts. But, 5 days every month I would say is much better than one day every week because then you get the physical cleansing as well.
  3. An Observation

    I came for the kunlun information, but Im very glad to have discovered this forum with so many great contributers, and so many interesting threads. There is some turbulence and joking around, but I think this forum is one of the most serious and informational forums Ive seen.
  4. History of KunLun?

    It could probably be a good idea for you to take a good look at the intention you had when asking your question in the first place. You only get what you ask for. Attitude what manifests and your attitude dosen seem to contribute to a serious thread on Kunlun history...
  5. Got Ego?

    I studied astronomy some years ago. On night while reading for my exam I did a visualisation experiment. As I zoomed out of my self I tried to see how big I was compared to my house. so far so good. Then I zoomed further out and saw how big I was compared to the city. Then further how big I was compared to my country. Now I was so small I couldnt see myself at all, but I still had some idea of my size. Then further, how big I was compared to the earth. And so on, how big the earth is compared to the sun, and again how big am I compared to the sun? And even further, how big am I compared to the solar system? How big am I compared to this part of our galaxy? How big am I compared to the galaxy? By now, if you follow this visualisation you will probably be as dizzy as I was. Now, the galaxy we are in is just one of thousands of galaxies in our galaxy cluster! How big am I comapared to this galaxy cluster? And... our galaxy cluster(!!!) is just one of millions of galaxy clusters(!!!) out there! How big and important am I to the whole universe? Now I opened my eyes and was totally "out" the rest of the day. Not because I was spaced out, but because I felt totally useless, pointless, not important at all. If I die, the universe will go on just as before. My dramas, my loved ones, everything that I consider important in my life dosent mean a shit in the big picture. These things only has meaning in my subjective micro universe, which is so small it would probaly be closer to pico universe compared to the real thing. I read Hitchickrs Guide to the Galaxy where the author described a box called "total perspective vortex". If you walked into this box you will see the total perspective of everything, the whole universe and everything in relative to everything else. Noone ever came out of that box alive. Maby the author explained the true ego death?
  6. red panax ginseng

    Yeah, red ginseng is a stimulant that brings the system out of balance just like coffe or any other stimulant. Try American Ginseng instead. This herb is both good for the bloodsugar aswell as harmonizing the heartrate, and at the same time it gives energy and hightened awareness. The fun thing is that Panax Ginseng is one of the most exported herbs from asia to America. The herbs that is most exported from America is American Ginseng. Guess where it goes... to asia. When the asian herb doctors found American Ginseng they exported so much it was almost extinct, but thats not a problem anymore.
  7. water fasting

    Unhealthy? Then you havent really tried fasting have you?
  8. Kunlun Level 1

    Practicing Kunlun 1 seems to fascinate me more and more. But today I experienced something a little more interesting than normal. I had an orgasm in my ankle... I think that was pretty strange so I want to ask Mantra if you know why this happens? It seems to me it is the release of blockages, but is there anything else to it?
  9. Bumble bee sound

    Im not shure of the true "function" of the sounds we hear, but I dont think we should not hang on too much to them. I think the sounds are expressions of vibrational shifts. If you leave your body into the astral worlds you can hear thunder sometimes. Other times its just like a pop. It can be like a heavy storm or just a single note of a flute. There are different sounds to different vibrational levels, and different "worlds". Sometimes when I tune in to my pillar of light I hear a loud electrical whining, really high pich. I hear that pitch othertimes as well when I have vibrational shifts. When I let that sound just go through me and adjust me the sound fades away. I think I good practice is to let the sound adjust us when we here them. Just let the sound raise the frequency of the cells and your consciousess and adapt to it. Then see what happens. I dont think the sounds really have anything to do with enlightenment though. At least no more than anything else we experience.
  10. water fasting

    Hahaha! We had a guy, an "expert", here in Norway who was in the newspaper saying that water was bad for us. That all these superstars drinking water on pictures in magazines set a bad example to the youth. He told us we could actually die from drinking too much water! two cups a day was more than enough he said. My god, I thought, I really need to cut down on my water inntake! I dont want to die! Hahahaha... Well, he got his 15 min fame. Maby you confuse the word "water" that we are talking about with something else...?
  11. water fasting

    Cant imagine that to be true, but maby you have a good reason. Why is water bad when fasting?
  12. water fasting

    Im doing a small one right now. I had three days on vegetable and soups to help the body adjust, and now i have three days on just water. Then Im gona have one day on vegetables again before Im back to my normal burgers and pizzas. Fasting is great for meditation and energywork. It clears the head and gives greater depth in meditation. And of course it detoxifies the body. I do 1-3 fasts a year, some long and some short. A very fun, but demandig 10-day fast is to mix chilli, pepper, garlic and a special kind of mustard seeds(think it is called white mustard??) in the mixer. Eat 3 spoons of this twise a day and nothing else but water, and sit in a suna for atleast 1 hour a day. That fast is the closest I have been to dying this lifetime... But it feels amazing afterwards. I cleances the colon thoughroughly aswell as the tissues in the body. And a lot more. Ive heard that the way the ancients used fasting is that the hunger is used as a symbole of their hunger for God. When ever I get hungry I do meditation. It makes the fasting so much more comfortable and productive than if I should go around being frustrated about my hunger.
  13. "Enlightenment has nothing to do with enlightenment experience" - perfect!
  14. Kunlun Level One Workshop

    Red Phoenix is the one thing I really really want to learn... Dont know anything about it but I have a feeling I really want to learn it.
  15. Kunlun Seminars

    The website shows some pictures of teachers in Japan. Are there many people in Japan doing Kunlun?
  16. The dream thread

    Yeah, Dream Yoga is amazing. The Sample session at the website is pretty much work, but if you make your way through it I am certain you will be surprised. I totally kicked on it the first time, it was like my soul talking to me and I almost cried. But Im a man, so, ehrem, I didnt Dream Yoga is just amazing. It takes dreamwork to a whole new level. The creator of Dream Yoga lives in Phoenix, Arizona, so maby some of you TTBs have bumped into him without knowing it?
  17. an opinion of the Kunlun method

    Yes, but still, if abused his gifts he hasnt really learned how to use them, and take care of them. I agree that if you misuse your healing ability they can be taken away from you. I have experienced this myself many times and I had to work my way back. It is part of the learning process. But his experience is still an indication that he hasnt really learned the skill good enough, he wasnt fully aware of what he was doing. This learning process goes on for lifetimes and slowly we build our competency and ability work with the so-called "other side".
  18. Lama Dorje Interview Discussion

    Me too! Im shure people all over the world would like to know the man presenting this method.
  19. an opinion of the Kunlun method

    Absolutely! If he didnt have the competency to take care of his healing abilities I would say it was just luck that he got them in the first place.
  20. Bumble bee sound

    In some religions they say that the bumble bee sound is connected to the Etheric level, the level between duality and non-duality. The etheric level is not to be confused with the etheric body or the body-double. It is between the mental level, the mind, and the soul consciousness trancending time, space and energy. According to this I would consider myself happy if I hear the buzzing bees
  21. Got Ego?

    I have heard that working with the ego is like training a dog. If you punish it, push it down or get agry at it, it will only grow up to be uncontrollable and angry. But if you give it awards at the right times, strengthen it by positive reinforcements and give it time to play, you will get an ego that does its job when it is told to. Just like a dog. It is not a hidden fact that the further you develop in the spiritual path, the bigger ego grows, and the easier it is to suddely see that ego has "taken over". We see this in "masters" all over the world. I believe we need strong and healthy and stable egos to carry the higher vibrations that comes with cultivation. For every next stage we grow into we need a happy and satisfied ego corresponding to it. If ego has needs, if you have needs, that dosent correspond to the level you think are at, then I would say you arent at that level. You are at the lever where your needs are, that is where your ground is. Then you need to work on stabilizing ego at the level you want to be. This can be done to the ego as if training a dog, through positive reinforcements at the right times
  22. The dream thread

    I work with a method of dreamwork called Dream Yoga(not tibetian Dream Yoga). Here we dont take symbols for what we are taught they are, but we ask them directly what they are doing in the dream. It is an interview prosess designed to show you your dream from the dream elements perspectives. The thing with the dreams we remember is that they have passed through the mind. They have to be filtrated through our waking consciousness. This makes the "message" distorted. By interviewing the dream elements we can open up to see the hidden message behind the distorted memory of the dream. For example a client of mine dreamt she came into a dark room and saw herself get brutally killed by a shadowy figure. She was very upset and thought this dream meant something really bad. We interviewd the shadowy figure and he told us that he never intended to be shadowy, and he never intended the dream to be upsetting for the dreamer. The dreamer realized that herself as the victim wasnt upset but really accepted being killed. In the dream the dream elements really wanted her to enjoy being killed. It was an aspect of her she needs to let go of and the dream group came together to help her let go of it, to help her move on with ease. This is an example of how dreams can seem bad because we distort them, but are really a great help in our development and life situation. If you look at your dream with Dream Yoga you might get surprised! You can try in the "sample session" at
  23. Man Love

    It was not my point to say that I know all these methods. My point was that there are more methods available than you know of. I tried to say that there are techniques available that dont discriminate gay people or any other people. And these techniques are at our disposal. I dont quite remember what SFJane wrote, but my guess is that the water-method or whatever she does is such a technique. I also believe that Kunlun dosent discriminate gay people. There are many techniques, and they are at our disposal, right now, even for gay people
  24. The Term Enlightenment

    Youre right. It aint nessecarily so...
  25. The Term Enlightenment

    There is also a Zen story about the seven blind but wise men who came upon an elephant. Ther first felt the tail and said; this elephand seems a lot like a rope to me. The other felt the stomach and sait; no no, this elephant must ba a wall. The next felt the trunk and said; you all must be wrong! this elefant is more like a snake! And so forth... At the end they all went around the world and got a lot of followers. One group believing an elephant is a rope, the other a wall, and so forth. One funny thing is that we all believe that we have the correct perspective, no matter what level we are at. An other funny thing is that no matter what level we are at, there is a next level to grow into. This means that no matter what we believe, we will some day grow into an other level where our former beliefsystems dont make sense anymore. But in the meantime it is fun to exchange opinions