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Everything posted by immortal_sister

  1. Heart orgasm

    i know several women who similarly have produced milk/colostrum on and off for a long time after weening their child. i never thought about it potentially being related to the heart chakra being open though. i do know, however, that this phenomena is usually linked to high prolactin levels and/or a slight hormonal imbalance. i know you said you didn't want to get tested, but i would thing this would not be a desirable state to be in long term... for your body to constantly be having to produce colostrum, the most energy rich food there is, i would see this as depleting, a loss of jing. how is this a natural way to be?
  2. Heart orgasm

    nope not insulted. just wanted to make sure i am making sense and not coming off as chastising to anyone!
  3. Haiku Chain

    little bit of both always seeking the balance look inward for truth
  4. Heart orgasm

    i hope you weren't referring to me as secretive and chastising? nothing i have said was belittling what she experiences or practices. i am very interested in hearing about other women's experiences and learning from it. yes women are heart centered beings, or at least should be. i think this is the path women will naturally go down when expanding their spiritual practices. a more accessible heart is surely something to strive for. my question to her from the beginning, and the only reason i am even having this discussion, is because i am wondering about the benefits of limiting the amount of energy that is given out via the heart, especially via heart chakra orgasms. i only have my own experiences to compare to, so i am not placing judgment, simply seeking. it seems to me that being unable or unwilling to keep that energy internally and transmute it would be depleting. i am not arguing this point, witch said this wasn't the case for her, and i have no reason not to believe her. so i wondered if she had tried transmuting it. if she can achieve orgasm spontaneously all the time and have so many heart orgasms, it seems there would be incredible potential to build very potent energy, instead of releasing it to the universe all the time. if this energy was given directly to someone else during sex, i feel that it would perhaps be different, as you could then receive energy in exchange, etc etc. am i making sense? witch, you said "it feels so good to unload" and stated that you need to have ejaculatory orgasms to release some of the excess energy you build.. how would you compare this to most men's desire to ejaculate to unload their excess energy?
  5. Heart orgasm

    good times!
  6. Heart orgasm

    i remember seeing that free hugs video a while back, thinking it was such a fantastic idea. part of me would love to think that this would be such a positive and uplifing thing to do, especially in a big city where people barely look at each other, and everyone is in their own bubble. but now, i would genuinely be worried about hugging strangers who are carrying around god-knows what kind of bad energy. i tend to be sensitive to other people's energies, i haven't learned to fully control when to be open and receptive and when to completely close it off. interesting stuff, i had never heard criticism about her before. there are so many gurus and saints in india, there are bound to be some on every end of the spectrum. its really unfortunate when so many people get sucked in. i think a lot of humans crave having a guru, a teacher, someone to follow. i think this is a natural and wonderful desire to have, and this desire should be pursued. but it is pursued at such great cost for so many people who are misled...
  7. Heart orgasm

    so the theory is that she is stealing energy from people when she hugs them, instead of giving some? interesting. but hard to prove. i always thought she was very interesting and seemed genuine. someone i know followed her for some time. i don't have the time to read through that whole website. if someone would like to summarize for me what is supposedly so evil about amma i would love to hear it.
  8. new-ish member

    hello everyone, i joined the forums a few years ago but have been unable to log into my old account. anyhow, i am back, looking to go deeper into my practice. i am especially interested in speaking with other women who are on the taoist alchemical path; seems information can be pretty sparse for us ladies. i am a seeker of truth and peace. i teach the fertility awareness method, i study herbalism and martial arts. i am an eternal student of life and love, and i am always looking for like minded individuals to share knowledge with on this path. peace, the immortal sister
  9. Secret Life of Plants Movie

    loved it
  10. Heart orgasm

    yup i know exactly what you mean. if i concentrate on circulating energy, and relax, then the third one happens and that is when it is more of an imposion and transmutes all that sexual energy, instead of just being a simple release. i can't say that i have perfect control over that, but i can usually choose which one of the three i want. the only thing i have noticed is that often, if i circulate, relax and transmute it, the orgasm itself isn't as strong and sudden, its more subtle, yet more satisfying in the long run. i would like for those orgasms to become just as strong though. i'm working on it. what have you done to try to transmute that energy and utilize it? what happens if you circulate your energy when you have those orgasms? there should be a way for you to use this energy to strengthen yourself instead of always pushing it out. that is, if you want to. my feeling is that never keeping this energy for yourself and using it would be depleting in the long run one way or another, even if you don't "feel" depleted energetically/physically. i can relate to wanting to give out this heart energy. i think this is a natural part of being female, and that when you become in touch with your true self, and more energetically sensitive, this heart energy does want to come out. women are healers, lovers, we are sensitive. i think this heart energy coming out can be incredibly powerful. but you may be right too, about unknowingly giving out this energy as a way to try to get some back, since you do not have a partner to practice this with. i guess like everything else in life, its all about finding balance!
  11. Retention and Neediness

    i have to respectfully disagree with this. i couldn't care less about using a dildo, and i couldn't care less about semen. i am vaginally orgasmic, and although playing with a dildo is fun, it is not even in the same category as having real sex. furthermore, if i want a vaginal orgasm, even though 69ing is fun and enjoyable, it will not quench my desire for a vaginal orgasm, kwim? again, the two are not the same, and has nothing to do with wanting semen. although it is true that some women are hooked on the idea of a man coming and/or his ejaculate, i think witch is kind of over-simplfying the whole thing. the statements she made are completely untrue for me, and for many women i know. not trying to be rude to witch, or overly confusing to non, but i think sex and desire is never black and white. honestly, just be open and talk about it with your girlfriend. that's the best place to start.
  12. Heart orgasm

    do you ever circulate & transform that "excess" heart energy into shen and thereby utilize it, instead of releasing it constantly? i'm thinking about this more, and i feel that my experience is the opposite. because a heart chakra orgasm is like a shen orgasm to me, it is not depleting, it is energizing. it transforms my yang energy and sublimates it. whereas most regular vaginal orgasms i have, if i am not purposely circulating the energy or moving it upward, feel far more depleting because it is a release of yang energy outward, not inward. does that make sense? also, i have to ask, what do you mean by "ejaculated as amrita from my urethra"? i am not sure what you are referring to.
  13. Heart orgasm

    are you saying that you can't control whether or not you have orgasms? 50 a day is a lot!! i read somewhere, maybe in another thread, where you said you have spontaneous vaginal orgasms all the time. does it ever feel depleting to you? i know that i can only have so many vaginal orgasms before it feels totally depleting, it drains my yang energy big time.. so having ejaculatory orgasms helped you release that excess energy. that didn't feel depleting to you either? it was my understanding that for us women, ejaculating had a similar drain on the jing as it does for men to ejaculate. obviously not the same, but comparable. what are your thoughts on that? what kind of "unexpected ramifications"? i hope you don't mind me asking you so many questions. some of this is still somewhat new to me and its nice to be able to compare experiences with other ladies the immortal sister
  14. Heart orgasm

    very interesting reading your post. i have had many heart orgasms and it is the first time i have read someone else's description that is so similar to my experience (then again, i never really get to talk to other women about this kind of thing). i would add that when i have a heart orgasm, the energy build up is much more spread out throughout my whole body and isn't localized in the genital/abdomen like a clitoral orgasm would be, for example. i too often have very strong emotional responses from heart orgasms (i have often cried my eyes out for a while afterward, and these days i sometimes become so joyous i laugh uncontrollably!) i have to say that as compared to other orgasms, i feel way less depleted from heart orgasms; they are the least depleting kind of orgasm i have, personally. maybe it is because i experience these with a man who is very experienced in taoist alchemy and semen retention, therefore the energy exchange is much stronger. if i experienced this alone perhaps it would be depleting. but i can't even fathom having a heart orgasm while masturbating, to be honest. to me, the heart orgasm is deeply linked to the sexual connection you have with your partner. i have not had a child yet, so for me that is not a factor. i can envision heart orgasms becoming more frequent after going through that process. but i would love to hear from you what it is about giving birth and nursing that you feel affects this so much? this is all so fascinating. thanks for sharing. the immortal sister