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Everything posted by Smile

  1. It was an attack on a few forums that would fake multiple connections to the webserver. So if you have Mozilla FireFox settings for more then 8, set "network.http.pipelining.maxrequests" to no more then 8. If you have your mozilla set to, let's say 30, it will open 30 threads at the same time and you will be overloading the server.
  2. David Verdesi

    Can you give a reference where you read this?
  3. ding dong, the stick is dead

    Nice info. The problem here is if they repeat it enough times in the media, it will become the truth. They don't dare to ban regular light bulbs in America yet but it may come soon enough after they kill enough people with their "swine" flu vaccines. Here are some amusing recent articles on the subject:
  4. Boost Your Good Vibes in Just 49 Days

    Just want to add to what is already been said. The universal laws are very simple. If you want to attract something, give it away. If you want to be rich, give your money to charities. If you want love and kindness, give it to others. If you want inner peace, help others to find it as well.
  5. ding dong, the stick is dead

    Al Gore can't debate any real scientist because all his data can't be proven to cause climate change. It's like saying subway trains are running in NYC because I'm taking them to work every morning. It's all about making $ selling carbon credits etc. Al Gore and his buddies are well invested in this scam.
  6. seeing into the present.

    Who is watching?
  7. Funny Vid Clips
  8. Read this before doing anything stupid: Kechari Mudra
  9. The Moscow dragon

    Very nice, Taomeow. The place where Nan Huai-Chin resides now has a few dragons living in crystals underground.
  10. Mal, that's a good one...
  11. Will there ever be a democracy in the United States? If they failed to do it here, what makes you think they are willing to do it in China?
  12. Thoughts on Buddhism?

    What durkhrod chogori said. Go to and sign up for a 10 day retreat. You will understand what Buddha really taught.
  13. Are Chemtrails Real?

    Oh, no, not another chem trail thread! Global warming? You mean the stuff that will make us pay a carbon tax for everything we do? Haven't it been debunked a million times already by a bunch of scientist?
  14. women must learn to redirect their orgams too

    Well, I have a video interview of a former M. Chia female practitioner who took sexual cultivation to a new level. PM if anyone is interested.
  15. women must learn to redirect their orgams too

    Lol, if this is true, this is the saddest and the most sidetracked thing I've ever read regarding woman's sexual cutivation. Swallowing semen without refining it later through mediation is like putting crude oil straight out of the oil pipe in your car, and expecting it to kick ass in racing.
  16. sex with entities

    Why? Given up on men?
  18. White Powder Gold

    I spent about $3,000 on asc alchemy powders all the way to the highest. Very good stuff and works but you have to meditate 3-4 hours a day to get all the benefits.
  19. Trunk, Pietro, Stigweard, Mal, Taomeow, Rain
  20. The name of the site

    No, but I have his email...
  21. The 9 bottled wind pranayam...

    One of the best breathing practice I learned to date and the only breathing practice Master Nan Huai-Chin recommends for opening all the meridians in a very short time. It's perfectly fine how you feel. Another feeling is common is the feeling you are about to die. Or you can crap your pants. All are normal.
  22. Don't have to wait that long. If their plans for the swine flu vaccine realize, it will kill a whole lots of people. Here is the best source there is: and don't forget to go to their forum that has a ton of info and people's experiences.
  23. Transforming semen to chi

    Are you talking about transforming Jing (sexual energy) to Chi? Any meditation will do that easily IF you don't have any sexual thoughts./your mind is pure. Otherwise, you need specialized practices.
  24. "Fear No Man"

    Michael, Senshido would go perfect with Aikido. Still, not exactly matching the "no harm" path. 1xt8706J-aY
  25. "Fear No Man"

    If you want a good survival system go for the best: OR