
The Dao Bums
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Everything posted by Smile

  1. You see everything as is, not what you think it is.
  2. Should a Taoist Forum focus primarily on Taoism?

    "Welcome to The Tao Bums discussion forum. This is an informal community created to discuss Tao (Dao), particularly as is expressed in key philosophical texts such as the well known Tao Te Ching of Lao Tzu, health and cultivation practices such as Tai Chi and Qigong (Chi Kung), nonconceptual meditation approaches such as Zuowang (sitting and forgetting), and also the historical developments of Taoism as the bona fide Chinese religion of Taoist priests and shamans. Don't let this intro scare you though. Most of us are syncretic at heart. Discussion is encouraged to wander eclectically across a wide range of spiritual thought and practice, whether Buddhist, Yogic, Tantric, Judaic, Advaitic, Christian, Islamic, Shamanic, Occult, "New Age", Integral... As long as you are up for a good time, you're welcome to discuss your path. Though we can get rowdy at times, we all do our best to keep it civil. We are, almost as a rule, rather strange, but we have good hearts and even better senses of humor." This thread has no other purpose but to create an argument.
  3. Dr. Russell Blaylock on Alex Jones Tv 2/3: Harmful Side-Effects of The Swine Flu and other Vaccines Ifb9ivm3gq0 dl6yKPicCYg ZH-8k2x2OdE
  4. Hello Friends

    Soooo, did you get a girlfriend yet?
  5. Just mention Wiki every time you want Pietro to get out of the woodwork and he will be right there getting all wet and ready for some action. The word "TaoWiki" brings a lot of memories, right Pietro? It's 2 am here so it's already TODAY!
  6. I have a video of him doing Taiji...
  7. Lol, if you look at it this way, which part of history is more or less what really happened? Now we are a democracy, but 80 years from now historians will be talking about a fascist police state called USA trying to dominate the world. Or it might be an opposite:
  8. History Channel about chemtrails. n3gKa0z7rjM
  9. I thought living in US is bad enough when I read this article about how they are banning all regular bulbs in UK and replacing them with fluorescent bulbs. You people should stand up and kick some british a$$ who signed UK up for this The wrong light can really you up physically - and forget about cultivation... p.s. I'm just tired of this a$$holes doing everything possible to keep people sick, scared and in the dark. Here and there, everywhere.
  10. It sucks to live in UK

    Lol, this is just getting better with every day:
  11. Anti flu vaccine vid from DI

    BrainDance, I get what you are saying and appreciate your sharing. Me view is it's not very smart to have a whole body of "Medicine" that is developed to treat the symptoms of the problem. Instead of finding the cause of a problem, they try to eliminate the symptoms. The whole "allergy treatments" using drugs is a joke. That's why people have to take medicine forever, meanwhile the medicine will contribute to their health problems in the long run. Same with cancer. A localized treatment, and if the treatment doesn't kill you in the process, the cancer will eventually comes back. The just don't get it that cancer is not a localized problem, it's the whole body problem. There are many books on how Medicine turned into the symptomatic Medicine that uses chemicals as a solution. It's related to chemical industry and powerful families famous in banking industry, who decided to control the medical school business.
  12. The Chicken or the Egg?

    I wasn't sure about the answer so I had sex with a chicken last night. Turns out the chicken came first.
  13. Anti flu vaccine vid from DI

    To me it's very simple: anything coming from the mainstream Medical establishment here in US is dangerous and should be treated as a direct threat to your life (with an exception of an emergency medical care for physical trauma/overdose/poison.etc). For example, here is a good video on how the industry selling Psychotropic drugs like Prozac, Zoloft, etc came into being and what are the consequences today... There is a ton of more examples like this.
  14. Measuring Meditation

    Yeah, i went to the Shelburne, Massachusetts center, and I thought I was ready but as everyone found out very soon we weren't. But at the end of 10 days I could sit for 3 hours straight. I was lucky to get poison Ivy from their blanket on the second day so there were no problems finding sensations to observe. I would say don't wait and go for it.
  15. Burning Palm System Website

    Web hosting that you have on your free hosting service... You said you can't use Paypal because of it. You can buy a real domain name and put it on my server. If you don't know how, I will help you. PM me.
  16. What languages do you speak?

    Russian (native), Polish, Spanish, some Chinese. Yes, we need to argue about Kunlun in other languages!
  17. Anti flu vaccine vid from DI

    I understand some peoples concern. I wouldn't use a zapper for cancer but would use it for viruses. MMS has a lot of success with removing shit form your body. I personally know two people that went through the whole regiment and got rid of health problems that, the doctors said, were there to stay for the rest of their lives. There is a problem with most of the colloidal silver sold. It's just a waist of money and is not effective. MesoSilver is the only one brand I recommend. There is certainly a lot of misinformation about the health topics, and Scotty is right: healthy lifestyle with lots of fruits, veggies, moderate exercise is the best way to go about it. Our body can heal itself if it has good support.
  18. Burning Palm System Website

    I can donate you some space on my server if you are interested.
  19. Anti flu vaccine vid from DI

    Personally I would do a combo of MMS, colloidal silver breathing (through nebulizer) and zapper.
  20. Anti flu vaccine vid from DI
  21. Measuring Meditation

    Cool.Have you attended any VIpassana retreat?
  22. Met an Enlightened Guy

    Being homeless does not = being enlightened. Neither does strange behavior, wise conversations, walk in certain ways, sitting cross-legged, etc. In each person, there is a seed of Enlightenment and they all can teach us something. For instance, how to make enough money so you don't become homeless and indebted to other people trying to give you means to survive.
  23. Anti flu vaccine vid from DI

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