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Everything posted by Smile

  1. Micro-Vibing the Sacrum

    There is another thing you can try, Keith (And I know you want to try it... ) Buy a soloflex Whole Body Vibration Attachment and and attach it under a small wooden coffee table (with the legs sawed 3/4 off) Stand on it or sit, while it vibrates. You can even lay down. Won't regret it...
  2. Who knows? Interesting that the topic is actually on TV News.
  3. What's the 'point' of Nothingness?

    Nice energy, Stig, thank you for sharing.
  4. Excellent TV News Report On Chemtrails <b><font size="-1">
  5. Let the right one in

    I forgot to post... I saw it and it is definitely one of the best movies I've seen in many years. Thank you for recommending it.
  6. vipassana

    Ramon, it's the efforts of many people around you meditating that will help you to dive in the depths of Vipassana. The collective energy makes it easy to step on the path... and it's not an easy one.
  7. Unethical advertisments on the Bums

    You can block Google ads by specific keywords, I think... As for trademark ads, you can't place Goggle ads for trademarked items if you don't own the trademark. It's automated within the system, so your ads by default will not be displayed. Some of Scientology ideas are not that bad... they put a lot of positive effort into reveling the dangers Psycho Drugs prescribed by psychiatrists Here is a pretty good documentary they made: Their organization is pretty f.ucked up, no doubt. You can take anything positive what you can and leave the rest.
  8. vipassana

    Learning Vipassana without going to a 10-day retreat is like learning to drive a car without actually driving. It's very intense but you will be able to meditate for a long time at the end of the retreat, that's for sure. Highly recommend.
  9. afraid?!

    For me, being alone in the forest at night, with all kinds of animals living around, is one of the best/special memories I have.
  10. Well, it's a know fact that the Earth and other planets are growing.
  11. Measuring Meditation

    Bill's understanding of emptiness is the same as master Nan's. Where are you getting yours from?
  13. Resveritrol

    It works but make sure the brand you buy is worth it.
  14. scary stuff

    9/11 FEMA videographer at Ground Zero goes public
  15. Feds to kill any type of blogging?

    Brother, the false claims is the smoke screen. The reason is to stop an open critic of the government and the special interest groups. If it passes, all 9/11 truthers will immediately be shot down. Same goes for exposing medical fraud, government misconduct, GM food etc.
  16. Advice Needed

    You can also talk to Wendy on She teaches women this stuff.
  17. Feds to kill any type of blogging?

    If you think it will never happen, think Patriot Act I, II, phone wiretapping, waterboarding, indefinite detentions, etc...
  18. 100% absorbable

    Try blend broccoli and spinach with fruits and raw honey to make some delicious shakes. No need for supplements.
  20. To continue the conversation on the healthful foods or not so.... We all know how utterly corrupt the FDA is, but sometimes the full significance of this fact doesn't resonate. This video is a major wake up call. Short version: The FDA gave Monsanto and it friends a free pass on genetically modified organisms. They've helped suppress the science that shows food produced this way is dangerous. Here are the foods that are genetically modified: milk, corn, soybeans, canola oil and cottonseed oil. One simple way to protect yourself is to stop eating these foods unless they come from a certified organic source. For more information on how to protect yourself from the corporate/government criminals that are selling garbage and poison and calling it food, go here: This is truly scary shit. 94d-KVorSHM 710tmYMxsyY ggtAzd8HMj0 Eyzu5NEWCTE ElKHbNAETME j4UmYU7cCkE
  21. Risks of Genetically Modified Foods

    It's not a joke, it's a fact. Watch this video about the studies: Eyzu5NEWCTE
  22. Burning Palm System

    Thank you for explaining your system, SA. From the video on Youtube, you definitely have something there. Very nice energy.
  23. Burning Palm System

    SP, I don't know about Sufu Max's Burning palm but I've seen his demos. You energy is interesting hence the offer to make a demo video. There are several training systems that will produce Burning palm effect, and there is no need to put them down as inferior. My teacher in Russia was a healer and he can do burning palm by a slight tap with no side effects. It's an outcome of the energy practices he was doing, no more to it. No hitting or herbs involved.